A Mixed Character is You! (Being Part Eleven of X and Y) (2025)

Age: 22
Background: Researcher (900CP)
Race: Goblin
Location: Stormwind

Explosive Tinkering: You gain a gut feeling on how to work with and improve explosives.

Mechanical Tinkering (750CP): Your gut feeling extends to machines, and you get a sense of how to build and improve machines. For pure cosmetic effect, you may also turn machines into clockwork contraptions.

Biochemical Tinkering (450CP): Your gut feeling gets fairly advanced, and you gain an intuition on how to develop and manipulate organic compounds. Acids that dissolve flesh, poison gas that immobilizes enemies, even transmuting weaker enemies to gold – you can do it all.

Gold (400CP): You receive a small fortune of gold at the beginning of your journey.

Gloves of Haste (200CP): Modestly increase the speed of your hands.

Belt of Giants (100CP): Noticeably increases your strength when worn.

Health Potions x10 (0CP): Completely cures moderate wounds and turns severe wounds into moderate wounds.

Oh you should have seen this coming.
Build: Heavy
Body Type: Charmer

No acne. Ever. (THANK CHRIST)
Hair is clean, has volume, doesn't get oily or greasy quickly.
No wrinkles or scars (950CP)
Perfectly smooth, flawless skin (900CP)

No extraneous body fat, any remaining fat is evenly distributed.
Choice of leg to torso ratio, ratio must be humanly reasonable.

20/20 Vision. (850CP)
20/15 Vision. (800CP)
Power and range for all three senses is doubled. (750CP)
Hear/see outside of the normal spectrum, e.g. IR, HF, heat. (700CP)

Run a mile without breathing heavily. (650CP)
Run a 5k and walk away like it was nothing. (600CP)
Run a marathon, sleep 10 hours, run another one. (550CP)
Run all day without tiring, won't feel sore in the morning. (500CP)

Jump over a hurdle while retaining a dead sprint. (450CP)
Basic parkour, keep speed while moving over obstacles. (400CP)

Run at a constant 6 miles per hour. (350CP)
Run at a constant 15 miles per hour. (300CP)
Usain Bolt. (250CP)
Usain Bolt on a motorcycle. (200CP)

Endowed x3
Evercleansed (100CP)
Metavore (0CP)

Electricity (90CP)
Plumbing (80CP)
Heat/A.C. System (70CP)
Forcewall (50CP)

Terminal (40CP)
Robots (20CP)
Workshop (10CP)

Food Supply (0CP)

Age: 19
Background: Mad Scientist (900 CP)
Location: Castle Wulfenbach

FREEDOM AT LAST (800CP): You are a thinking being! With FREE WILL! And that kind of thing! Due to your traumatic past, the nature of your construction, or just some weird quirk, you're totally immune to Slaver Wasps. Your will is also strong in general; you won't be pulled into the orbit of strong Sparks just by will alone, and you're resistant to most forms of mind control. You've got your freedom now; you'll never give it up.

Scientist: Robotics: You have a DOCTORATE! And skill in ACTUAL SCIENCE! That doesn't need you to go crazy to work! Admittedly, it won't break the fabric of space and time, but meh. Tradeoffs everywhere you go. You're highly trained in one field, and can easily apply its principles to your work. After all, building a crazed abomination upon the natural order usually requires at least a smidgen of understanding of which bones are supposed to go where (even if you end up changing them around a little). At the very least, you're also in the genius range of natural intelligence.

Machiavellian Planning (500CP): Everyone here seems to have twisted plots and plans stretching generations in the future, with onion-like layers of contingencies, lies, and truths. Fortunately, your mind is twisted enough to keep up, and to scheme and conspire for your own benefit. You have an excellent memory and strong people skills, good at convincing others to be your patsy and seeing through layers of deception. Comes with a healthy free dose of paranoia!

Controlled Sparking (300CP): While you are still MAD, there's at least a little bit of method to it. When you go to the Madness Place, or are otherwise out of control, you have no chance of actually killing your allies (well, without reviving them). You're still insane, it's just a productive form of insanity. You might not finish the airship you intended, but you'll still end up with a vehicle of some form, rather than waking up and realizing you've built a death ray that you've been using to hold a pickle-seller for ransom. Even if you're drugged or controlled by an outside power, you can't be forced to hurt your companions and allies.

Strong Spark (0CP): Rather than having a weak Spark (Like the PEASANT who took the "Spark" Perk, which this is incompatible with), you have an extremely powerful one. You don't limit your scientific explorations to a single topic, but are a master of everything that meets your eyes (well, at least once you're in the Madness Place). You go further and farther than almost anyone, and when you get working, you quickly stop caring about things like "fundamental laws" and "nature of the universe" and... well, pretty much anything. Warping the fabric of reality is a pretty common thing. Unfortunately, it's also significantly harder to get OUT of the Madness Place, and you get sidetracked pretty easily as well. Last week you were trying to get a stain out of your carpet, and woke up with an army of death-ray-wielding mice obedient to your commands. MWAHAHAHAHA.

Minion: A twisted, subhuman being being impressed into slavery to help you in your experiments, clean the lab, and gather subjects, forced to work for you without recompense or hope of escape. Or, instead of a grad student, you could have a construct, a humanoid clank, or some other helpful worker. They become a Companion when you leave here, or if you want, you can instead have a previous Companion fill this role, gaining knowledge of lab procedures, science, MAD science, and any other benefits of your chosen minion.

Age: 21
Location: New California Republic
Origin: Vault Dweller (1000CP)

Tagged Skills
Science: Various high technical skills, including computers, biology, physics, and biology. Start with a nifty labcoat and gloves.

Speech: Communicating in an effective manner, persuading others, and lying. Start with a nice suit.

Barter: Trading and trade-related tasks, including valuation of goods. Start with 500 caps.

Educated: Learning comes to you naturally. Your ability to learn and master both new and existing skills increases significantly. You're not an instant expert, but you'll go from beginner to able in the blink of an eye. This also improves your memory as a side-effect.

Lead Belly (900CP): Some people can eat just about anything. You happen to be one of them. Your stomach can process pretty much anything that can be considered remotely edible. You're also resistant to the effects of food-borne illness and contaminated or irradiated food and water.

Cult of Personality (600CP): You've mastered the art of winning friends and influencing people. It's far easier for you to convince, bargain with, and lie to others. Even people who'd normally kill you on sight can be persuaded to give you a chance if you start talking before they start shooting.

Certified Tech (300CP): You are one of the brightest minds of the 23rd Century! You now understand Pre-War science, and can even reverse-engineer existing technology to learn how it works and how to recreate it. Plus, if you can learn the basics of truly alien science, this perk helps you master it the same way.

Food Purifier: Standard Vault-Tec portable food-purification system, used to decontaminate food and drink. Removes parasites, microbes, most radiation, and some poisons.

Pip-Boy 2000: The premier post-apocalyptic PDA. Basically indestructible. Features include massive storage space, slots for data tubes, holodisks, video recorder, advanced biometrics for a readout of the user's status, inventory analysis and tracking system, sophisticated sonar and GPS automap, and stylish green monochrome interface. No internet.

Pip-Boy 3000 (200CP): A glove-mounted PDA with a biometric lock. Special features include radio, wireless, Geiger Counter, advanced inventory management system, military grade combat analysis program. Plus, you can switch between four super-stylish monochrome displays. Still no internet, though.

Energy Weapon: Laser Rifle (100CP): Your choice of laser rifle, laser RCW (SMG), or plasma pistol. Each comes with enough cells to fully charge it five times.

Bag of Caps x2 (0CP): 2,500 genuine Nuka-Cola Bottlecaps, the currency of the Wasteland. Accepted almost anywhere, this is enough for several week's food and lodging.

Wild Wasteland
Fast Metabolism

Age: 26
Location: Washington D.C.
Identity: Tech Expert (1100CP)

Soundtrack of the Galaxy: What's a good act of heroism or villainy without some kind of music to back you up? This will ensure that you have a fine selection of music that you feel defines the moment, whatever it may be. Superb orchestra, rock music, even a hefty dash of songs from the 1980s if that's your thing. I'll even throw in this handheld cassette player that can work in deep space to listen to it from if you feel like it. Plan and act your day with style. (And it's not ominous at all!)

They call me "Star-Lord": Using your real-name can be so boring at times... or lacks the awe and intimidation you need. Fortunately, with this you can designate a code name or alias that people will know you by, and a great majority of people will associate with you. This does not guarantee they will call you that name, but they know it's a name that belongs to you.

Professor of Asskicking: To even get into the SHIELD Academy, you have to have one Ph.D under your belt. But you've managed to secure three of them being the overachiever you are. You may select a total of three fields in science or technology to gain knowledge of.

Unusual Specialization: Robotics (1100CP): There are fields of knowledge and advancement that a person is renowned for, and it's usually for a reason. You are now one of those people, a leading expert in something that the world looks to when they have questions regarding it. Whether this is gamma radiation, or wormhole physics, or modular design, or any one field of knowledge you deem fit so long as it would fit in this world. You may take this perk multiple times if you wish.

I Am Iron Man (900CP): You're not the ACTUAL Iron Man, but you could make a fairly decent knock-off. Power armors, sonic cannons, holographic interface, laser weapons, repulsor technology, you have the knowledge to build these things and more. Furthermore, you can think of different upgrades and modifications to adapt to different situations much easier than normal when presented with a problem that has hampered your technological prowess.

Retro-Engineer (600CP): Your understanding of technology is so great that you've even learned to get into the basics of tinkering with alien technologies. As long as you take the time to study something and experiment properly, you'll eventually figure out a method for that tech you've found. Whether it's taking that weird glowing thing and powering your machines with it, or dismantling an alien robot and putting it into a gun, you'll figure out a use for something as long as you put in time. As a bonus, you're skilled enough in research and experimentation that you're far less likely to break what you're studying on accident.

Digital Ally (500CP): Ready and waiting! This A.I. is not truly sapient, but is still capable of performing extremely complex tasks like controlling a small army of robots or managing the infrastructure of a technologically advanced base... at the same time as overseeing a battlefield and relaying tactical data to you. You can design its personality and appearance to suit your needs, and even give it a classy accent!

Items (+300CP)
Tactical Suit: A standard bodysuit made of a polymer blend with ten layers of treated composite materials, allowing for state of the art protection. Default appearance of a SHIELD logo and emblem, but you may choose a different style upon acquiring this...

Taser Rod (750CP): A hand-held weapon meant to subdue targets without lethal force, this pair of small rods can be used to great effect through repeated strikes against a target. They also come with their own belt and harness.

Holotable: A device in the shape of a table used to create holographic models that allow the study, analysis, and reconstruction of a vast array of items, weapons, and events. Comes in any color of holograms you like and each hologram is capable of being interacted with. Naturally this performs better with additional data.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Membership: Consultant (700CP): By purchasing this, you get a legitimate position within the organization that is SHIELD, whether it is as a consultant or an agent or a scientist.

Nitramene: The formula for the chemical compound known as Nitramene, this compound has multiple purposes. A typical Nitramene bomb has a blast radius of around five hundred yards after which it creates a vacuum that causes an implosion as matter rushes in to fill the void that it has created, but a grenade of that size will do considerably less damage. On the other hand, Nitramene also emits low levels of Vita Radiation, which has a specific wavelength with stabilizing properties.

Ultron Sentry Blueprints (500CP): You may not be on strings, but these robots potentially could be! Capable of flight and being programmed to follow orders, these drones differ from HAMMER tech in that they use energy cannons from their arms and are capable of changing to act as propulsion for a larger vehicle. They're also more sleek and efficient, so a bit more bang for the buck there!

Extremis Formula (400CP): Another attempt at creating super soldiers, this formula creates a virus that can enhance a person to superhuman strength, reflexes and endurance. Additionally, normal Extremis users gain the ability to generate extreme amounts of heat through a complex metabolic process, generating heat from their bodies up to several thousand degrees Celsius on any part of their body they desire. When regenerating body parts, the wounds take on the appearance of burning ashes while growing back the lost body part, in a matter of minutes, and cooling into regular skin, flesh, and bone. Be wary however, as this makes you light up on thermal sensors, and should your body heat up too much, you may end up exploding. Keep this in mind.

ARC reactor (Upgraded) (0CP): The Arc Reactor is a unique form of energy source designed by Howard Stark and Anton Vanko after World War II, providing an abundant source of clean, efficient energy. This industrial-sized machine upon purchase will be attached to your warehouse, and be capable of providing clean energy to whatever you need while providing blueprints to make both replicas of this and hand-sized variants. Be wary however, as this design still runs off of Palladium cores. But I'm sure you could fix that... or for an additional 100CP, you could fix that now by making them 'Badassium' variants.

You Owe Rocket
Limited Access

Background: Scientist
Location: Iping, England
Age: 26

Occult Research: You've studied the occult mysteries of the world. Though mainstream society would call you a quack, you follow in the footsteps of such luminaries as Abraham Van Helsing. You have a working knowledge of the paranormal or just strange lore of this world, from the signs of a real vampire to the use of Tana leaves in reviving the dead. In future worlds, you'll find it much easier to research the local supernatural denizens, quickly separating facts and promising leads from nonsense and fairy tales.

Hypnotist (900CP): Hypnotism is an unappreciated art. Everyone knows how a trained hypnotist can put someone in a state of suggestibility, but you know how to induce deeper trances. With your help, someone can recover memories that have been mystically tampered with and even experience psychic visions of creatures who have had supernatural contact with their minds. What's more, you can regress your patient through their past lives to either gain information about the past or find a personality which is more amenable to the orders you plan to give.

Essence Distillation (700CP): Lesser minds scoff at the idea that science can affect the soul. You know better. You have learned how to brew a concoction that will draw forth all of the evil within a person, allowing it to overwhelm other personality traits and indulge in their darkest desires without restraint. You're most of the way toward creating a similar solution for goodness as well and proper research will allow you to do the same for other character traits, brewing liquid courage and objectivity in a bottle. While under the effects of one of these drugs, a person's appearance will change, often into a body that seems to radiate the enhanced quality.

IT'S ALIVE! (400CP): They called you mad. They laughed you out of the academy. They said you couldn't give a gorilla a human body by regularly replacing its brain with that of human cadavers, that electricity can't grant life to a soulless mass of flesh, that radioactive coelacanth blood can't reverse evolution. Well who's laughing now? You have a supreme understanding of the fringe monster making science of this world, allowing you to churn out abominations against nature. You have also mastered the technique of brain transplants, allowing you to give a human a new body or an animal the intelligence of a human.

Weight of Ages (300CP): Eternal life. Some say it would be a hell. You, however, have adapted to the march of time quite well. You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time. Your memories will never fade, adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating, and the howling of the creatures of the night will never fail to bring a smile to your lips. You could spend a millennium away from your love, only to embrace her as if no time at all had passed when you meet her again. Truly you have conquered death.

Library: You have a room set aside filled with books on the paranormal, the real ones that actually have useful information. This library has books covering supernatural beings from all over the world, as well as more modern scientific literature about the more outre discoveries man has made.

Lab (200CP): You have a lab, stocked with all necessary equipment for macabre biological experiments. The cabinets will conveniently restock with human body parts weekly and a switch on the wall will call down a lightning strike from the outside to provide a jolt of energy whenever your work requires it. You can add it to any of your other properties or have it come along as a warehouse attachment after 10 years.

Invisibility Serum (0CP): This vial contains a serum that can turn any biological organism invisible. It comes bundled with a set of notes explaining how to make more, as well as outlining a blood transfusion procedure that will return the subject to visibility.

Location: Sanctuary Hills
Age: 31
Background: The Institute
Race: Ghoul

Chemist: Groovy! Knowledge of chemistry has given you the ability to recite the entire periodic table, as well as knowledge of many exciting compounds such as dipotassium phosphate! Oh and you can also make less exciting things like stimpacks and psycho, but why would you do that?

Wasteland M.D. (1200CP): You're a doctor, not a dental nurse – you can fix most common wasteland ailments, barring death. Radiation, illness, addictions, big gaping bullet holes and broken bones can be healed with your gentle touch – well, and all those years of something that might be generously called medical school, as well as a few painkillers, some bandages, maybe other things like sterile medical equipment – but who's counting?

Mechanist (1050CP): You know what makes robots tick... or beep. Not only can you repair and create them from scratch, but you can also cobble them together, creating some form of robotic Frankenstein's Monster that's loyal to you and you alone while also incorporating the best parts of the robots it's made of.

SCIENCE! (750CP): The secrets of SCIENCE are laid bare before you! You now have the knowledge to build incredibly advanced machinery, given enough time and resources; teleportation devices, working cryogenics chambers, sentient AI, machines capable of cloning or creating living beings, even lasers that are blue instead of red! You can also make pre-war things like Fusion Cores or Laser Rifles easily enough.

Night Vision (650CP): You have the eyes of a cat - well, not literally, but you can at least see like one. Your night vision is greatly enhanced, to the point where you can see as well in the dark as you can normally. Your irises are now much brighter than before, which is a little off-putting.

Aquatic (450CP): After a particularly long swim in irradiated river water you've gained the ability to breathe underwater, as well as on land, through a pair of gills on your neck!

Starting Gear: You get faction appropriate clothing (normal clothes for drop-ins and railroad, a uniform for BoS, and a lab coat for the Institute), and your choice of a 10mm pistol, brass knuckles, a security baton, a machete, or a laser pistol (your choice of normal or Institute), along with 100 caps.

Radio Stations: On any radio that you own, you're capable of tuning into Diamond City Radio, a station run by Travis Miles, a nervous young man lacking confidence, or to "Raider Radio", which is run by Redeye, a boastful, compulsive liar. Diamond City Radio plays pre-War (1930s-1960s) music, with a few original songs from Magnolia, a singer from Goodneighbor, while Raider Radio only plays songs produced and played by Redeye on his guitar. They also commentate on your actions, as well as other important happenings in the rest of the world to a smaller extent.

Synth Armor (300CP): Armor developed by the Institute for use by their surface teams, Synth Armor a superior variant of combat armor that offers greater ballistic and energy resistance. This particular suit has been modified to cover the whole body; normal Synth Armor covers less area due to the inherent toughness of Synths requiring only their most vulnerable areas to be covered.

RobCo Holotapes (0CP): A series of Holotapes detailing the blueprints for numerous Robco projects, including Protectrons, Assaultrons, Securitrons, and the various models of Pip-Boys. There's even a group of Holotapes detailing Liberty Prime's systems and construction. These Holotapes seem to be more advanced than the standard kind, and therefore there are only a few rather than the hundreds this amount of information would normally take up.

Scenario Two: Automatron- A few weeks after your arrival in the Commonwealth a small caravan will be attacked and possibly massacred by robots. Whose robots, you may ask? Why, THE MECHANIST'S robots, that's who! Seemingly hell-bent on murder, the malicious Mechanist sends his many mechanical monsters marauding throughout the Commonwealth! And one way or another, it's up to YOU to put down these mad machines, and put a stop to the Mechanist's machinations once and for all! No matter how your fight goes down, you'll receive the blueprints for the Robot Workbench, an ingeniously designed piece of technology that greatly simplifies the process of creating robots-to the point where the average wastelander could put together a few basic robots, even without any background in science! You'll also have a Robot Workbench added onto your Warehouse, if you want.
+Ending Two: Subdue the Mechanist- Tracking the Mechanist down to his lair, you make the Mechanist surrender after soundly thrashing his robots. Humbled, he turns over his armor- the MECHANIST'S ARMOR, a highly protective-if somewhat corny looking-suit of armor that as well as his Schematics, functioning somewhat like a cross between the RobCo Holotapes and the Mechanist perk; not only incorporating RobCo designs, but also some of General Atomics' and the U.S. Government's designs, in addition to the Mechanist's own designs. If you're not technologically minded, however, coming up with your own designs or recreating the base robots from these will be very hard. You can also choose to take THE MECHANIST as a companion for free.

There's a settlement that needs your help (300)

Species: Kerbal
Background: Scientist (1300CP)

This Is, Actually, Rocket Science: You gain an instinctive grasp and understanding of Delta V and orbital mechanics.

Some Old Friends: Hey, what are you - wait a minute! How did you four get in here?! Oh well. Looks like you're going to get some help in this jump, whether you want it or not. Bill, Bob, Jebediah, and Valentina are all up and raring to go. As a bonus, all four come with the "I am a pilot, actually" perk for free.

Speak English, Dammit!: You gain a perfect understanding of Kerbals and the way they speak in their burbling, whack-ass mix of swedish meatball chef...something. Conversely, you can pick this to have them all speak English.

Kerbal Biology: You regard such things as "sleep," "water," "food," and "oxygen" as quaint, outdated suggestions. No, your skin doesn't turn green. Unless you're a Kerbal. Then your skin is definitely green. You also may develop a slight mania for outer space - don't be surprised if you find yourself stargazing. A lot.

Espirit De Kerbal: While you're going to have no end of volunteers of Kerbals to go into space (seriously, where are they all coming from?!), it's understandable that you're going to want a special group of Kerbals to count on in a pinch - an elite force you can trust to get the job done. Twenty Kerbals have stepped up to the plate to fill that role. This group of Kerbals doesn't seem to let mishaps keep them down; while crashes, explosions, and other shenanigans will, uh, result in Critical Kerbal Existence Failure, they'll pop back up in a week or so, right as rain and raring to go for another try. All 20 or so of these Kerbals will automatically gain whatever perk you purchase in this jump from the Pilot, Engineer, and Scientist perk tree – Drop-In, however, doesn't count for this.

Visit Exotic Alien Worlds, and Study Them: Astrophysics, geophysics, biology, mathematics, and other associated fields of knowledge are your bread and butter. The hard mathematical truths of the universe are well-known and familiar to you.

We Have Reserves!: Look, we understand. 20 Kerbals? You're going to need more, right? Well, lucky for you, you can get more! This won't be your elite corp of specially picked Kerbals, however - this group of twenty Kerbals doesn't get to share your perk choices. Oh, cheer up! You will get to choose a single 100 CP perk for this group to possess, though! Can be purchased multiple times. (MOAR KERBALS. Also, giving them "I Am A Pilot, Actually.")

Zero G Angel (1200CP): You possess an instinctive and intuitive grasp of the delicacies of maneuvering in Zero-G and Low-Grav situations. Even if you never set foot off Kerbin, this might still be topical - all of the planets in the Kerbin system are actually fairly small, and you'd be surprised at how much of a lightweight you've become.

This is eating into my space time (1100CP): Science is a means to an end - and that end is Space! To some Kerbals, time spent on science means that isn't time spent on Space! Or exploring! That means you want to get as much out of your time spent on science so you can spend more time on Space. In effect, this perk allows for vastly increased absorption and comprehension of information; rip through a hefty engineering tome in minutes, take in an entire computer screen worth of information at a glance. While this is no guarantee that you will understand what you read (or see), or remember it permanently, you'll never be swamped by a flow of information again.

Switch To Over View (1000CP): You're aware unerringly of the location of Kerbals in your piloting/engineering/science corp within the Solar System and on the planet, giving you a mental 3D map that lets you sketch out where they are. Post-Jump, this lets you keep track of individuals within your organization, be it business, explorer corp, or simple adventuring party, with the distance this perk can reach being limited to the diameter of your standard Terran Solar System, cometary halo included.

They're like Legos, right? (800CP): There's robust engineering, and then there's modularity. Pick one. Except for you - you seem to have the gift of designing methods that allow for seamless mixing and matching of modular technology that lack none of the incompatibility or fragility you'd expect from such a design paradigm. While this seems focused on Kerbin technology in specific, a little work should have you applying such a paradigm to all sorts of technologies...

Extraordinary Thought Requires Extraordinary Surroundings (500CP): Creativity and inspiration are found in grand vistas and thought-provoking sights. This is true for many people - for you, it's literal. The more esoteric and exotic your location, the more you'll find your creativity and research boosted, the wonders of your view giving you insight into the structure of the natural world. Impressive, wind-swept mountain ranges, alien landscapes, the orbit of uncharted worlds - all are more fuel for your mental fire.

Technology Packs
Mechjeb (475CP); This little PDA device that can be attached to any vehicle of your choice was apparently a Kerbal's attempt at artificial piloting intelligence, based off of Jebediah's infamous skill. Needless to say, the attempt didn't succeed, but the resulting tool is still horribly useful for determining such things as a craft's weight and Delta-V specifics (among other useful mathematical tidbits), which can be important for calculating if it can actually get into orbit or not (and staying up there when it does).

Orbital Technology Spare Plane Parts (450CP): OPT has come out with the next stage of Kerbal Aeronautics - various engineered modules, systems, parts, and pieces for making everything from SSTO to Jetfighters than can own the skies of Kerbal, and beyond. Warning - parts may cause you to make jet-engine dog-fighting noises the first time you see them.

Umbra Space Industries Technology Paradigm (400CP): USI's CEO and Primary Engineer is spoken about in hallowed whispers, his work visionary and beyond compare to any Kerbal. The madman not only came up with this artificial fuel he calls "Karbonite" that can be manufactured in-situ, but he single-handedly devised a new system of building stuff on other planets. While a fair number of Kerbals enjoy making remarks about how in their day, they camped out in the command capsules and liked it, everyone agrees that the new Kolonization system is peachy keen.

Thunder Aerospace Corporation's Life Support Systems (375CP): Undoubtedly brilliant, TAC's Head Scientist came up with an entire engineering paradigm focused around such buzz-words as "Renewable Resources," "Closed-Environment Recycling," and "Self-Contained Greenhouses." The perfect thing for effectively allowing for an indefinite source of food, air, water, and so on for a multi-year mission around the Kerbal planetary system... even if Kerbals don't really need all that. When this was pointed out, TAC's Head Scientist yelled something about "difficulty levels" and making things "just like real-life" before running out in a huff... Yeah, we don't get it either.

Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (350CP): Some mad-Kerbal actually came up with the revolutionary notion - rather than just living in rocketry modules on the various planets of the Kerbin system, he wanted actual, dedicated living quarters to cavort around in between going outside and jumping in low-gravity and seeing if Minmus is really made out of Mint Ice Cream. When you really want to build a home away from home, KPBS is the way to go.

Emblems: You'll not only find your creations and rocket-ships neatly emblazoned with a flag/symbol of your choice, but you'll also be able to fashion cloth emblems for Kerbals (and companions) to utilize to represent various mission types. However, you'll only be able to gift the patches so made to those whom directly participated in the mission itself. While they offer no bonuses, they do make a nice keepsake and reminder of the glories you and your Kerbals (and companions) achieved - whether it's landing on the Mun or going to the stars.

Mission Plaque (300CP): Steps should be measured, and marked, for knowing where you've been can sometimes be just as important as where you've gone. You can summon these useful mission plaques to place down upon celestial bodies and remote locations with a small descriptor telling everyone just what was accomplished, and why. You can also allow your companions and Kerbals to access this item, summoning it to denote a grand occasion. Kind of handy, when they're on Minmus and you're stuck on Kerbin.

Snack Machine (250CP): This robust and solid vending machine is a never-ending supply of snacks and carbonated drinks in excess, seemingly filling its interior with a plethora and variety of munching goodness that shifts over time so you never get bored of its variety. While sugary treats are all well and good, its true benefit is the morale boost it offers to places of business it's installed within. After all, who doesn't like chocolate to get you through a hard work day?

Coffee Machine (200CP): While not as good as the Coffee Mug, this vending machine still produces very good quality coffee - and only coffee. Espressos, Cafe Lattes, Americano - if it includes coffee, this machine offers it. Aside from the morale boost of having a steaming cup of high-quality coffee on-call, it also offers a natural energy boost from those who partake from this holy font. Which can be important on those critical 24/7 missions. Warning: The management is not responsible for Kerbals discovering the options for Irish Coffee, or Black Blood of the Earth.

Coffee Mug (100CP): This chipped and stained coffee mug has the emblem of the Kerbal Space Center on its ceramic face. Sipping from it produces a near endless stream of hot drinks of extremely excellent quality – coffee, hot chocolate, and so on. You can also vary the caffeine content of the liquid, from decaf (you heretic) to espresso (you fine person, you). Pouring the mug out will simply result in a typical mug's worth of liquid content, but you'll find it refilled the next time you pick it up. Also, you'll never lose it - it'll always be nearby when you want it. Good thing too, as people will likely be stealing it once they discover its marvelous qualities.

Astronaut Complex (0CP): A taco cart! That doesn't serve tacos! It's madness! But what it CAN do is, over a week's time and some Kerbal-power, offer enough material and equipment so that you can build your very own Astronaut Complex in other jumps. As from looking rather official and giving places for your Kerbals to sleep... despite not needing to sleep... uh, yeah... despite that, if you run up the Kerbal Space Center flag up the flagpole setup outside, you'll find that the complex effectively summons Kerbals! Heeding the call of space from across dimensions, you'll find Kerbals washing up on that metaphorical shore, ready and willing to take to the sky! Granted, they're bog-standard Kerbals and not your pick of the pick, but every little bit helps, right? You'll find a new one ready and waiting in your warehouse at the start of each jump from now on.

How the Hell Did He Get Up There?

Continuity: Legends
Location: Umbara
Affiliation: Galactic Republic: Jedi and the Republic government.
Species: Gen'Dai (1200CP)
Background: Engineer

Military Engineer: You know how to put things together and take them apart. You also have no trouble working under dangerous or stressful conditions. You can fix droids, starships, and other machines like an expert mechanic, even while being shot at if necessary. You can also build simple droids and vehicles like combat remotes and speeder bikes if you have the right parts.

Cyberneticist (1050CP): You're a master at making artificial limbs and organs. You can easily create replacement parts indistinguishable from their originals or save someone from the brink of death by transforming them into a monstrous cyborg similar to General Grievous. You also know how to augment people in ways that won't diminish any supernatural powers and abilities they may possess.

Mechanical Genius (750CP): You're the leading expert in designing droids and starships. Given the right resources you could create fully autonomous starfighters with built-in hyperdrives, battle droids with cheap, stronger and longer lasting shields, hover tanks as fast as speeders, androids indistinguishable from organics, and combat droids capable of killing Jedi.

Anomaly (150CP): You can use your true nature to your advantage. Force powers will no longer have any effect against you, Force Lightning will simply tickle and Farsight will be unable to locate you. This ability will also protect you against psionic attacks should you decide to move on and you'll even be able to cancel out nearby psionic powers if you focus on them.

Datapad: A personal computer tablet equipped with a journal, map, digital storage drive, holoprojector, calculator, and sketchpad. The datapad can wirelessly connect to any nearby computer network and runs on a rechargeable battery.

Separatist Droid Blueprints (50CP): A list of mechanical infantry units planned to be produced for the CIS. This list includes every droid they plan to field, from the common B1 and Vulture Droids to the ultra-rare MagnaGuards.

Battle Armor: Advanced heavy armor. People looking at you will clearly see that you are wearing armor. Protects your entire body, but difficult to see or move in.

10,000 Credits (0CP): Galactic standard currency. Tax free and legally owned by you.

The Jar Jar
It Was You!

Age: 38
Background: Tech-Priest (2200CP)
Location: Kai (Nope, switching to Mars. Get to do that.)

Technical Training: Skill in using and maintaining 40k tech, does not apply to Ancient or Alien technology.

Arch Magos Training (1950CP): Skill in using and repairing arcane technologies including Archeotech and Xenotech.

Cyberdidact (1650CP): The Priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus claim to commune with Machine Spirits, in truth this ability is unique to you. With a simple touch you may communicate with any technology containing a machine spirit as if it was a fully sapient being. In fact, should you keep in sustained contact you can choose to uplift the machine spirit inside, expanding its potential until it reaches true sapience. The personality of this newly created AI is based on its prior behavior, but it will be far more capable of resisting outside influence (unless you're the one doing the corrupting). Post-jump this will work on any electronics not already housing an AI.

Voice of Divinity (1050CP): Your ability to bend civilization to your will (or a higher will) have few equals. The intrigue of most noble courts are child's play to you. With some time and PR effort, establishing an army of fanatical followers is well within your capability.

Mechanicus Implants: Basic set of cybernetics used by all Techpriests, includes interfaces, power sources, and anchoring points for all kinds of devices.

Servo-Harness (900CP): A set of Mechanicus issue robo-tentacles, great for fine manipulation,multitasking, or extra weapons! As many as you want, provided they can find slots for all of them...

Servo-Arm (800CP): Special cyberlimb designed for heavy lifting, also good at hitting things.

STC Printer (0CP): A device roughly the size of an Office Copier, can take any schematic and convert it into the Standard Template Construct format used by Ad-Mech, or create copies of existing STCs for dissemination. Instructions will be converted to use Imperial manufacturing systems when possible. Forge Worlds tend to guard STCs jealously, so copying rarer schematics may piss off a few important people. (...I have an STC Printer. I have an STC Printer. I have an STC Printer.)

Dark Millenium x4
The Long Way Around

Location: Old City
Identity: Wrack (1500CP)

Dark Eldar Physiology: Gain a regular Eldar body with some interesting quirks. Psychic powers have atrophied over millennia but comes with night vision and a disposition towards evil. During the jump any sense of morality and goodness is dampened (but not gone). After the jump is up this becomes an inbuilt dimmer switch of evil. Will range from Saturday morning cartoon villain to Satan himself and everything in-between.

Power From Pain: Gain regeneration or a temporary power boost after being exposed to pain. It doesn't matter the source (not you) but different sources and methods work better. Death is till death as per the Jumpchain but this can bring you back from the brink. Power ups work by making you harder, better, faster, stronger but will only affect biological responses (no superpower buffs). Will gradually take more pain exposure to maintain at the level until it starts dropping (think a bathtub with a widening plug and the water is pain). However the catch is that if you ever run out your soul goes straight to Slaneesh, or in other words you lose the chain. Once this jump ends, this disadvantage is removed.

Doc Sawbones: You get all the basic skills of surgery and a basic grasp of the medical sciences. You can do some pretty impressive stuff with the right equipment but you still have a lot to learn.
Scalpel Surgeon (1350CP) – It's time for body modification everybody! You get the ability to graft, cut, and stitch living things onto other things. Bird eyes, done. Scorpion stinger, done. You're creating Frankenstein's Monster here, dude. Also comes with some ideas about how to make new parts fully compatible. Pain is your glue here though and it holds your operation together. Post jump you need to find a good alternative. Don't try it on yourself, though. It's pretty hard to focus.

Haemonculi (1050CP): I hope you like being a sadistic mad doctor. You have some crazy medical skills yo. If it's still breathing, and sometimes even if it isn't, then you can patch it up. Also remember those crazy body mod skills, yeah you got that but better. You can even do it on yourself like no problem, don't even worry about it. You can create things like pain engines and grotesques if you put your mind to it, the only limit is your imagination at this point. Also enjoy being rich as fuck dude. Must take The Thirst drawback for no extra CP. Gets discount on all items marked "Haemonculi."

Pre-Fall Science (450CP): You gain an understanding of the theory and practical applications of the Dark City's shiniest bits. Dark matter, anti-grav, cloning, the works man. If it needs psychic then you won't find it here dude. Also this shit is really complex, seriously bro, even for you it's tough but it will pay some massive dividends if you put the time in.

Incubus Companion (250CP): Gain a really loyal and incorruptible bodyguard to accompany your journey to the Dark City. He isn't too talkative but will come with you to later jumps. Don't let his taciturn demeanor fool you though. He is just as evil as the rest of the city. Can import a companion for the role for free.

Just Another Day in the Life (150CP): You get a pretty substantial boost to your willpower and strength of mind. Also has the effect of getting rid of squeamishness which is useful in and of itself.

Resistance (50CP): You are immune to most commonly used toxins and some quite obscure ones as well. Also provides a resistance to the side-effects of most hard drugs in this jump and the next. This will come in handy more times than not considering this place's penchant for poisoning rivals.

Drugs: Seprentin (0CP): Do everything ever perfectly. This one makes you better. At what you ask? Everything! This improves your abilities at all skill based tasks. If you're using things you learned then do it better with these drugs. Swing a sword better or build some improved robots.

Kabalite Armor; Lightweight, segmented armor covered in spikes and shit. Gives decent protection I guess.

Splinter Rifle: Gun that shoots poisoned crystals. Is actually a pretty good gun though. Got spikes on it though because reasons. You may not kill with it but it will sure as hell have people writhing on the ground ready for the kill.

The Thirst
Pissed Off

Location: Victoria, Canada
Age: 27
Origin: Mad Doctor (1150CP)

Crazed Physician: Amongst the many sciences and paths you know, aside from the usual ominous cackling, you... can actually patch people up easily. As a crazed physician, you can use the plainest tools on hand to mend any variety of wounds and injuries. As well, you know the human anatomy down to the last blood vessel, and can learn the anatomy of any other creature you dissect more easily. (Well now I am best medic. As well as having surgery.)

Lunatic Trickster: You will have peasantry frequently knocking on your door with their torches and pitchforks, adventurers dashing through your laboratories, and your creations frequently trying to escape. Now you can prevent all of this from happening with your knowledge of creating fiendish, murderous traps of all damage ranges & variants! Those not entirely dependent on the environment, such as pitfall traps, can be stored in small silver discs and used as weapons.

Deranged Alchemist (1000CP): You have mastered the medieval forerunner of chemistry, and know the transformation of matter via elaborate rituals and mysticism on top of your scientific approach. The greatest secrets of alchemy still elude you, such as the fabled Panacea, but that can be found in due time (Hint: Nobody's found it. At all.). However, you are capable of transmuting many materials (although it requires that said materials be the same base), and can create Homonculi by following Paracelsus' studies into alchemy.

Lightning is my art (700CP): You have twisted Tesla's theorems, plans, and experiments to whole new levels, creating tools and gadgetry capable of warping lightning and electricity to ends unseen by the man himself. You can give life to stitched-together golems and clockwork automatons with your tools, use electricity to manipulate, warp, or fracture objects to your individual needs, and even twist people into your warped, hunchbacked goons with your favorite flavor of electroshock therapy. Any technology made by you can run on any electrical source you have access to (and is, in fact, empowered for it), and has a gothic London theme to it on a completely unrelated note.

Transylvanian Horses: During a time of great peril, need, or trial, an ancient Transylvanian tune will echo behind you. You can adjust its ambient volume, and it can be turned on and off at will.

Variable Accent (650CP): Though you won't look like a local at first glance, at least you can sound like one. Puts people at ease, you know? Your voice can switch realistic accents on the fly, without anyone thinking it fake. Now whether it's an Australian accent to a Canadian or Russian? Well, people - do - notice extreme changes like that. All up to how you use it.

Period-Appropriate Clothing (600CP): Corsets and fine dresses or jackets and fine suits. You now have a wardrobe full of the Victorian Era's clothing, the finest tailored and made. Truly, the nobles of Great Britain would be driven to envy.

Research Notes (500CP): A tome of notes compiled by numerous doctors in biology, including one doctor Frankenstein. These notes contain much about the biological make-up of different creatures. But... wait, what's this? A hidden flap in the last half of the tome reveals a smaller book - filled to the brim with dark, scientific knowledge. With this knowledge, you are capable of creating life - creating monsters like Adam, creatures sewn from flesh and defying the laws of reality by their own existence.

The Lord's Castle (300CP): I mean, not really much of a castle, is it? All you have right now is a rune-covered brick. But... BUT. Set it down for a moment. Just, find a good foundation. The runes will suddenly glow, and soon you will have the bricks multiplying. Configuring into the shape of walls & arches, doors soon appearing out of dust & furnishings gradually materializing out of thin air as the original brick fulfills its duty. Soon you have a massive fortress - a castle rivaling Lord Dracula's. It takes a week for the castle to finish building from the original brick. You obtain one brick per jump (that cannot be used in the warehouse), and the castle will naturally use its environment when building itself - shoring itself into cliff sides, using natural tunnels and caves to create rooms and hallways, the works. But once it's placed, you cannot move it. Note: The castle will not fit in the warehouse.

Duchess Utarefson: "Oh do go on. Not like I haven't wasted thousands of years already, what's a minute?" Clad in leather armor that - while not skin-tight - forms to every contour, and with a royal purple cloak to protect from the sun, Duchess Elizabeth Utarefson has decided that after thousands of years as an immortal vampire... she is BORED with her current state of affairs. Congratulations, you have a vampire companion who has deigned to join you. Do watch the fangs, however.
Against the odds of the time she hails from, the Duchess proves quite the capable swordswoman, coming pre-packaged with an ornate, basket-hilted rapier which flows like liquid lightning in her grasp. Any other forms of sword-fighting she is capable of learning are incorporated into what she knows, combining into a fluid art of bladework.
Besides the swordsmanship, it should be remembered that she is... well... a vampire. At will she can transform into a swarm of bats, a cloud of toxic fog, or a light-violet colored wolf. As well, this includes superior strength, immense speed, and everything usually associated with vampires.
Say what you will about her decidedly... ahem, "risque" appearance, but she is actually quite the savvy businesswoman. If you need someone to teach you the ways of economics and greater business, you'll find no better teacher. Assuming you can get her to pay attention to her own lecture.

Professor Anneliese Grigobretz (200CP): "You see, if I don't keep a project going to entertain me, people wind up... 'contributing.'" A small, waif-y professor with deadly skill with a bonesaw, Grigobretz is a powerful contributor to the scientific community - a scientific genius & esteemed alchemist in her own right. All of this is within the context of the Victorian Era, however. Who knows what she might REALLY be capable of?
Quick-witted, quick-to-learn, and quick to understand. Grigobetz is capable of easily understanding, studying, and experimenting with any new form of "science" shown to her. As well, she can incorporate her teachings into other experiments and scientific creations.
Above all else, she knows how to create constructs - both mechanical and biological. Her greatest example of this, the creature named Isaac, was even capable of both being a biological generator of electricity, and weaponizing it. She can incorporate other biological forms - and sources of technology - into creating other creatures.
Surprisingly, she knows how to protect herself with nothing but a bonesaw and a double-barreled shotgun.

Isaac (100CP): "I want to live." Soon after Grigobetz gave him life, the castle he was born in came under attack and Isaac fled after the Professor herself evacuated. Ever since, he has wandered Earth and explored most of what he can - and developed a philosophy that all life is precious, and worth protecting when he can. Beyond that, he has no cause or goal to devote himself to.
A natural generator of electricity, to the point that he can channel it through his fists. He also proves a natural insulator from electricity, and if embracing a target that person is completely protected from electrical attacks.
He's strong - stronger than a troll, as his muscles have been enhanced by alchemical and electrical means. At the same time, he is surprisingly delicate - capable of dexterous manipulation beyond what his large, brutish appearance indicates.
Beyond those and his belief in the preciousness of life, Isaac is a flat slate. A ball of clay. How will you shape his beliefs, and what future will you promise him?

Katerina duPois (0CP): "I don't know what keeps me here... but I finally get to have fun without it causing a scandal!" Katerina duPois was once a rich representative of the noble houses in great France. Emphasis on once, as you can clearly see she is... dead. A spirit bound to the world that has found her way to you, her ghostly existence has given her newfound powers. Now these powers are in your favor - although do be warned. She does suffer from a few cases of the usual noblewoman mentality.
She has two transformations: a regular, well-dressed woman, and that of a snake-haired medusoid devil. The womanly form is capable of giving off a variety of auras that aid allies - either through mending wounds or incapacitating & slowing enemies.
Her other form, the medusoid devil, is capable of dealing devastating damage to any mortal or constructed foe it comes across. While in this form, Katerina is capable of dealing melee damage while being still intangible herself, and the devil's shape is strong, stronger than any man.
She knows the ways of noble court, the intrigue and deception inherent in that system. She can guide you in courtly manners, methods of espionage and any other sort of social weaponry.

Hunted: Roll on a 1d8-1 on the list of notable villains below. You will not only be hunted by them, but you must foil their plans before they come to fruition. Failure to do so will result in being sent home. The drawback can be taken free times for a maximum of 600 CP.
Mr. Hyde: The monstrous alter-ego of Dr. Jekyll is collecting the materials required for him to properly enslave one Queen Victoria as his bride. And in particular, something about you seems crucial to this plan.

Species: Human
Identity: Rick
Age: 80

Focus on Science: You are capable of redirecting your energies to useful endeavors. You are the master of your rage, excitement and libido and can use them to fuel and expedite your plans, especially those of a scientific nature.

Robotics (1500CP): You have spectacular ability in the fields of engineering and most notably robotics and find that making a robot to pass the butter at the breakfast table is a viable alternative to getting up.

Mad Geneticist (1300CP): Sometimes science is more art than science and you find that this is doubly true when it comes to genetics. When you have a vague idea of the attributes you want to impart from a species you find them remarkably easy to splice into a different species. It won't even backfire that often. Probably. Be careful.

Genius (1000CP): You may not be the Rickest of Ricks but you are the smartest person of your own universe. Your capacity for invention is mind-boggling and even highly advanced alien civilizations barely hold a candle to you.

You Can Squanch Wherever You Like (900CP): You find that people either accept or ignore your bizarre behavior, otherworldly possessions and overtly alien appearance.

Personal Space (850CP): Let's get some stepped up personal space up in this place. People know when to stay out of your personal space, keep away from your personal space, get outta your personal space and stay away from your personal space when you wish them to.

Get Schwifty (750CP): You can come up with a spur of the moment pop song as long as there's somebody there to give you a beat. These songs will be more successful than they have any right to be.

What's Up My Glip Glops?! (650CP): Offensive terms that you create spread extremely quickly and are generally as offensive as you wish them to be. You also find that people always understand your intent and will take an affectionate slur with good humor.

Portal Gun: You have come into the possession of a gun allowing for free traveling throughout the multiverse and knowledge of how to use it. Shooting it at a surface allows you to create a portal both to other places in the universe you are in and to places in parallel universes. For 600 CP the gun will continue to work in other multiverses although mapping out other local multiverses is time consuming, dangerous and (depending on local metaphysics) sometimes not possible.

Interdimensional Cable: A receiver that you can attach to any monitor that allows you to watch the television from parallel universes. TV from other dimensions has a somewhat looser feel to it.

Laser Gun Armory (600CP): A cabinet full of advanced laser weapons. Perfect for dispatching robots, bureaucrats, and people you don't respect.

Concentrated Dark Matter (500CP): The recipe to concentrated dark matter, the most powerful fuel in the universe. You can create it out of reasonably common components.

Ice Cream Machine (400CP): An ice cream machine that produces a truly vast amount of flavors of the highest quality ice cream in the multiverse. It also comes with a button labelled worms that does exactly what you'd expect. Worm ice cream is extremely popular with spiders.

Particle Beam Wristwatch (300CP): A wristwatch with a particle beam capable of disintegrating people. Comes with a snake-holster that never seems to run out of snakes for the classic "beam that turns people into snakes" bit.

Meeseeks Box (200CP): A box that summons/creates blue humanoid creatures named Mr. Meeseeks. Meeseeks will try their hardest to complete whatever objective you have in mind for them. It's best to make sure this objective is reasonably easy to achieve or they may get... upset.

Fiendish Friend (0CP): A scarily loyal pink/red skinned individual who will fit perfectly as a manager or cog in any hellish hierarchy legitimate business. You may create a new companion fitting your description or import an existing companion into this role. They come with The Devil You Know, copious amounts of Business Savvy and a malevolent glint in their eye.

Show Me What You Got

Age: 800
Species: Huragok (3900CP)
Rank: Drop-In
Location: High Charity

Thoroughly faithful: To all who would look at you, you appear the very image of a humble worshipper upon the blessed path of the Covenant. You have worked long and hard to cultivate this image- you do not dare to question the great journey… before those who would care, anyway. This Perk helps you blend in ideologically, not only before the Covenant but before all who would question your faith and loyalty- none would find you wanting, scion.

If they came to hear me beg (3800CP): They will be disappointed, for you are a perfect example of unashamed pride in your nature. Throughout your time amongst the Covenant, many will test that will and pride. Many will attempt to make you bend to their doctrines and will, lest they have others know you as Heretic. Others would bend. You will never. They may brand you, torture you, preach at you, but though you may appear to have given them everything they want, you will retain your nature. You will stay you, despite nearly all attempts to make it otherwise through psychological tricks and warfare.

Sermons of a prophet (3600CP): The San'Shyuum are known for their ability to turn speaking into an art. They let words flow as water in a stream- pristine, beautiful. In a universe where you will face foes with thousands behind them, you cannot hope to see victory alone. And now, you will not have to. Words will flow from your mouth in much the same manner as they flow from the prophets, and you will be able to gather crowds around you as readily as you can gather movements. With this, your fellow warriors in the covenant can be made to consider things they otherwise never would, be they holy… Or heretical.

Heretic, hero (3300CP): In the covenant, nothing is held higher than faith. Brothers would turn upon brothers sooner than they will allow them to stain their family's name with the black mark of Heresy. It is in the name of faith that thousands would sacrifice their lives without a second thought, and kill without hesitation. You, however, know this to be a lie. In this, you are unique- and agonizingly alone, for it shall take more than a decade after you are gone for the true nature of the "Great Journey" to be revealed for all to see. Until then, the millennia-old tradition of the Covenant shall endure, and one …man… cannot hope to sunder it. Unless they can? With this, you shall be able to, slowly but surely, unravel the web of lies in the mind of any one individual and bring them to the truth. This only works so certainly when working on one individual- it requires individualized attention, after all, to navigate the many false threads in the mind. On a mass scale, it works differently- should you become a well-known figure, and become accused of Heresy or similar crimes, public opinion shall make your sentencing a vain effort. The masses know you are no heretic, after all, and would sooner follow you than liars.

Reclaimer (2900CP): The holy relics that the divine forerunners left behind do not yield easily. They seem to lack any and all respect for the noble scions of the covenant. Only when many prying, inquisitive eyes have been laid upon them do they finally yield portions of their holy wisdom. Not for you, jumper. For the great god machines recognize you as a "Reclaimer"- and not only yield to your touch, but invite you further, to share in their knowledge and delve into their structures. Post-jump, all structures left behind by ancient, long-dead alien races shall recognize you as heir in much the same manner.

Divine Origins: The Huragok are, themselves, living relics of the Forerunners. The biological supercomputers that were meant to maintain all their facilities. As the Forerunners themselves are gods, and their creations relics, you are one of the closest things the Covenant has to an angel. That is pretty much what the Covenant believes you to be, and for it, they will protect you like none other. For any organization that you join and become a part of, you will be seen as of some sentimental value due to your origins - an entirely atheistic society could see you as an important icon of tradition or history.

Mutation Control (2800CP): As a Huragok, you will make many successors. For most of your kind, they will mutate randomly, some lighter and others heavier, some eager and some obstinate. It is a given that these mutations will be entirely random, and that your "children" will be entirely alien to you. Until now. For now you have gained the ability to control random deviance in your biologically constructed spawn, and to allow them to branch out only along the well-lit, tried and true paths that you desire. Or you can eliminate it altogether, and have them think, feel, and act as you would in any given situation.

Intelligence incorporation (2600CP): In the battle of Earth (after your departure) A Huragok known as Lighter than Some would incorporate the Human overseer AI known as Vergil- its thoughts, information and feelings would merge with those of the Huragok, allowing them to truly become one. You now have this ability, and can incorporate Computer-bound intelligences into yourself, merging with their thoughts, feelings, and emotions to become a new entity. If that isn't appealing due to your desire to maintain your individuality, you can simply rip the data out of their data banks.

Flexible engineering (2300CP): One of the mainstays of the Jiralhanae army, the lightly armored, quickly moving "chopper" was invented based off of a plow that one of your kind had constructed based off a human design. Your designs, too, are similarly flexible- with any design or machine, you may find a way to modify it within a few short hours to make it an extremely lethal weapon- to the point where people will find it hard to believe that the shield of spinning blades you made was, in fact, descended from a lawnmower. Or perhaps you would prefer to beat your swords into plowshares, as the humans say? You may also be able to repurpose any weapon or vehicle of war into a pacifistic purpose, to such an end that no one will dream that the hovering tractor was initially a Covenant wraith.

Total Understanding (1900CP): Such is your comprehension of machines - you can totally decipher the purpose of nearly any machine beneath a forerunner level of technology within a few minutes of finding it, and can dramatically enhance the vast majority in another few. If you should need to create some token machine in a cinch, you will always be able to think of an appropriate design within a few minutes with the equipment you have that will be guaranteed to work at least once - though there is no guarantee that it will work well, or for long. This, too, has its limits - you won't be designing a Halo Array this way. If you wish to design greater machines, the types for which the Forerunners created their great, planet sized forges, you will need time - but not nearly as much as others. For if you were to attempt to come up with a design for a Halo sized machine, the design for each and every bulkhead aboard the massive craft should take but a few days. And if you should attempt to decipher the exact nature of those machines that were beyond your creators, it too may be done - though it will take time. For certain devices such as the blue box known as the "TARDIS," it may take you inordinate amounts of time. But for you it shall be far quicker than it is for others, as your enhanced mind can learn in mere months what it would take them lifetimes to accomplish, and if you have access to the appropriate equipment, some of the most complex machines are easily made, as there is little that your forerunner mind cannot accomplish.

Courtesy of the Marty Army (1800CP): Any epic requires a rhythm, and every ballad begets a beat. For you, the music of the heavens plays a wondrous tune that shall give you more than your share of enchanting, enthralling, and overpowering melodies. They shall play with whatever tones and instruments are required of them – an overpowering orchestra and chant for the midst of a grand battle, low synths, drums and guitar for a sneaking escape through a sullen, rainy path, a melancholic violin and piano for an idle, lonely moment, or a hissing, threatening, tense crescendo for a buildup to a truly fearful moment. They shall seem to be supernaturally aware of your actions, as well as the nature and progression of the battle around you, and shall weave perfectly with all of them, never missing a beat. Though the pieces shall change dramatically depending on your circumstance, they will remain tonally consistent throughout any given jump, and will keep similar motifs throughout your adventure. Augmenting your enjoyment, but never truly causing you to lose focus. You may choose whether others hear them or not.

Letter of requisition: The covenant does not have a capitalist system of economics. In fact, it does not have much of any system of economics! Pleasure items do not, largely, exist, necessities are distributed by the government, and military equipment is distributed as needed. For the most part, if you want equipment, you need to be a person of note or be someone that know several people of note. Not in your case, however. For these letters of requisition, signed by a minor member of the San'Shyuum, will allow you to request any amount of equipment you may need to get by comfortably or to attain the equipment needed for one lavish project.

Luminary (1500CP): This is a relic most holy indeed- a map to other Forerunner relics throughout your region of the Galaxy. As you consult this relic, it will tell you of the relics nearest you and their nature. These forerunner installations may have extremely capable guardians, be they the automatons of your gods themselves or simply humans, unaware of the divine power beneath their filthy feet. Post-jump, this device shall unfailingly send you to the relics, weapons, and sites of those races that can be considered ancient and unknowably powerful.

Forerunner Trove (1100CP): The actual physical device you receive is unassuming- a physically small data drive. Though it will take decades to pry it open and truly access its secrets, and longer yet to make any sense of them, this time will be well-spent indeed. Inside this are the ancient secrets of the Forerunner empire- the means to create their most powerful weapons and mightiest fortresses. Perhaps you should desire to create a mighty fortress ship, that could take gigatons of explosive damage without its shields breaking? Or perhaps, you would wish to create the shield worlds- the incredible hollow worlds that are the only structures known to be able to withstand the halo array. Perhaps you should seek to recreate the Domain- the galaxy-spanning network of knowledge that all who are of sufficient mental strength can tap into, that they drink from the font that is the collective wisdom of the galaxy. Or perhaps you desire an even darker purpose- the creation of your own halo array, that you may scour untold galaxies clean of life. All of these shall be child's play for you, once you have spent the needed time. And make no mistake- you must spend untold time to truly pry open this shell, and understand its ancient knowledge. It will not be a task that is possible to complete in one universe, but when you stand as master of the heavens, there will be no question as to the worth of this data.

Explosive Harness: Sadly, this is how every one of your kind is "equipped" nowadays. For all the fuss about you being "holy relics," your "benefactors" in the San'Shyuum have decided your docile, peace-loving nature is threatening - and that you are far too dangerous to be allowed to live as you are. Thus you, as all the other Huragok under the command of the Covenant, are equipped with an explosive harness, to be detonated should your capture by the enemy becomes a real threat. You, however, are lucky - you have the code to disable your harness, and can manipulate it easily into fitting on anyone else, and detonate it with a thought. Let's see how they like it, the warmongers...

Sentinel bodyguard (1000CP): Ah, to be thankful for something! In the ancient days, back before your kind was considered gods, and when they were still considered tools, back before your maker's maker lived, back in the days of the forerunners, you were considered essential. Cared for, and worthy of protection. While floating through a forerunner ruin with a team of Covenant soldiers, you drew the attention of a forerunner sentinel, which noted that you were without escort- the soldiers, as far as it was concerned, did not exist. So, this lone forerunner sentinel decided to accompany you on your travels. This display of favor has appeared to make the Covenant far more fanatical about you- perhaps they think you are a saint. If only you could explain the truth to them! Regardless, it is far from sentient, and thus is not considered a companion for the purposes of Jumpchain. But it will give you an added measure of security, should an overzealous Sangheili decide that you are to accompany him into battle.

Human data (800CP): Humanity- what a curious and odd little species! You can't quite fathom why the rest of the Covenant wants them dead, and you'd really prefer they didn't die, all things considered. They're pretty unique, after all- most of their technology was invented, rather than derived from forerunner constructs as they were with the Covenant. This has lead them to be embarrassingly ahead of the Covenant in some regards, such as a greater fundamental understanding of how their own technology works. Much of their knowledge is beyond the rest of the Covenant- but it is not beyond you. For now you have access to a collective record of all human knowledge, and know the ways that it can be used to improve Covenant tech. This can lead to such breakthroughs as in-atmosphere slipspace jumps, among others! Oh, you just can't wait to get to work! But wouldn't this just lead to more dead humans? Hmmm. Now this is a dilemma.

Laboratory (500CP): Most Huragok have to work in terrible conditions. Either it's constantly on the loud engine, or it's right beneath the most crowded area in the ship. And let's not forget that your supervisors see you as equipment, not needing such luxuries as personal space, or leisure activities. But not you, for you have the perfect place to work. Completely silent, comes with all the equipment and specimens you need, and, of course, it's attached to your warehouse. Comes equipped with a powerful Forerunner supercomputer, to test your designs in a simulation that is guaranteed to be accurate, and a few spare, non-sentient Huragok imitators that will carry out your orders as well as droids.

Letters of necessity (100CP): It can be so tough to get by in the Covenant for one of your kind. It's not easy being the one explaining to the Shipmaster that no, not even you can fix the slipspace drive with a bunch of exposed wire and magnetic coils, you need more equipment. No, you cannot create plasma rifles out of thermal housing and plasma batteries, you need a good deal more items than that. Thankfully, one of the San'Shyuum has taken pity upon you, and has decided to bestow you with thesea set of Requisition orders that, when placed, will be fulfilled with the highest priority, no matter how exotic- Being a holy relic has its perks. Post-jump, they will work in much the same manner, so long as you submit them to an official authority, they will get you the item if it is within their power to do so, even if it is critical to their designs and one of a kind.

Teleportation pad (0CP): This forerunner relic appears in a new annex to your warehouse, and it shall be a most useful in coordinating your strategies, commander. It allows others to teleport instantly to your position, so long as you are not inside an enemy structure, in their dozens at once. This shall be extremely useful for coordinating an ambush, or helping to coordinate a siege or defense. Alternatively, if you find yourself under heavy fire, you can use a small handheld device to teleport back to it, though it shall be on lockdown for 24 hours thanks to this.

Feel my Grunty Rage!
ONI Priority Target
Cole Proto-Oh, come on!
We will grind them into dust
Not Reclamation. Reclaimer.
Let the Great Journey Begin
Somewhat socially inept.
Surrounded by idiots.
Limited Access
Ready Access
Limited warranty
That Bitch
You Bitch

Age: 28
Identity: Scientist (1500CP): You were one of the few interns to make it through the science program at ISIS alive and have established yourself as an asset. You're "supervised" by Doctor Krieger and your duties include weapon alteration and maintenance.

Phrasing: You gain the ability to easily bait people into making sexual innuendos.

Weapon Modifications: You design and modify weapons with flair, creativity and skill.

Engineer (1400CP): You are a capable engineer, even able to improvise a serviceable spaceship with enough scrap and time.

Mad Biologist (1200CP): You gain great knowledge of biology, cloning and the general creation of godless hybrids of man and beast.

Robotics (900CP): Brilliant at making robots, capable of making (erratic) mind control chips. Combining with Mad Biologist allows you to make cyborgs.

Kick-Ass Accountant (800CP): You are excellent at paperwork and are an extremely talented accountant. A credit to any business.

Tactics (400CP): Through actual training or war-games, you have great tactical insight in both large battles and while planning special operations.

Cyborg Friend (200CP): A friendly and loyal cyborg of your choice of gender. A devoted, deadly, and durable friend or lover. Vibrating and removable parts. Eyes glow red. An existing companion may be imported.

Butler (0CP): An old man who acts as your butler. Seems to get paid but you're not sure how. Handy with a frying pan. Companion.

That's How You Get Ants
Bionic Nemesis

Age: 21
Background: Scientist (1500CP)
Starting Location: Northern Europe

Crafting: You can take common resources and turn them into simple objects and devices. With just some rope and a bit of wood you could create a plethora of traps.

Engineering: The science of working with machines and other electronic or mechanical devices. You know how to modify and repair a number of different modern items and vehicles such as robots, hovercars, mechs, and energy weapons.

Empathy (1450CP): You know how to read and manipulate the emotions of others.

Cooking (1400CP): The knowledge of how to safely prepare food and how to make it taste good.

Computer Hacking (1200CP): Top-tier knowledge of computer systems. You can break past security programs, steal digitized information and take over automated machines with ease.

Enhanced Reflexes (1000CP): You can react so fast that time will seem to slow down a bit, giving you a few extra seconds to think of your next move.

Indomitable Will (700CP): No matter what happens, no matter what misfortunes you suffer, you'll always be able to find a way to carry on and complete your goals. You can endure excessive amounts of psychological stress, shrug off depression, and overcome negative emotions like anger or sadness.

Signature Outfit: A simple set of clothing made from common materials. No matter how often this outfit gets destroyed, you'll always be able to repair or replace it yourself. It consists of basic yet comfortable attire - like a hat, robe, and sandals - made out of resources that will be easy to find in any world.

Potion Kit: A collection of vials, bottles, and ingredients for either alchemy or chemistry.

Ultrabots: Four technologically advanced and extremely dangerous robots designed specifically to kill Samurai Jack. They're powered by Aku's dark magic, giving them an unlimited energy source, and each one comes with a single built-in weapon that it can use with deadly proficiency. [Flamethrower, Chain-claw, Wire, Shuriken, Gatling gun, Buzzsaw, Invisibility, or Katana.] Can be purchased multiple times. Do not count as companions.

Workshop: A small base filled with all the equipment you'll need to work. This lab can be used for your choice of magic or scientific research.

Mechanical Arm (550CP): A huge robotic arm you can wear to enhance your strength. The arm triples your natural physical abilities, but still gives you enough control that you don't accidentally crush anything. Be careful using this in combat as the battery only lasts a few minutes.

Invisibility Suit (400CP): A skintight outfit that can allow you to become completely invisible. Note, the suit does not mask any sounds you make, and it can only keep you hidden for a few minutes before running out of power.

Robot Database (0CP): Where in the world did you get this?! The blueprints for every robotic minion in Aku's army is stored on this device, from the simple Beetle Drone to the advanced and dangerous Ultrabot. It seems like you wouldn't have much difficulty building these things on any sufficiently industrialized world, but certain unique upgrades (Specifically the AI chip used on X9 and the essence of Aku infused into the Ultrabots) are not mentioned anywhere on the device.
Beetle Drones – Beetle-like robots that serve as standard infantry units. Move quickly by crawling but stand on two legs to fight, they can also be upgraded with wings to allow flight capabilities. Armed with four powerful scythes attached to their bodies.
Mantoids – Giant robots that resemble praying mantises. Possess strong scythe-like forearms used to cut through enemies along with machine guns (1 in each forearm and 1 inside its head) and rockets for mid-range combat. In the event of imminent destruction they are equipped with escape rockets inside their heads.
Tick Drones – One of three robots designed to be used in outer space. They're capable of attaching to ships and drilling through their hulls. Even if the rest of their body is destroyed, the heads can continue drilling with no loss in effectiveness.
Mosquito Drones – The second type of robot designed for outer space. These machines can force their proboscis through ship hulls to drain their fuel levels.
Hornet Drones – The final type of robot designed for outer space. Hornets are pure combat robots; housed inside their abdomens are guided missiles used to destroy targets. The hornet drones also have the ability to merge into a large cannon capable of firing an energy beam that can destroy or damage an unshielded spacecraft.
Ninjas – Masters of stealth and assassination, these robots are highly intelligent and deadly. They're master swordsmen, infiltrators, and hand-to-hand fighters. They can also hide themselves in shadow so well it would take machinery or near-superhuman senses to detect them.
X-Models – Heavily armed assassin and urban combat robots. These humanoid machines are capable of using ranged weapons and can be repurposed for a variety of tasks but they lack any advanced intelligence or learning capabilities.
Ultrabots – Tough, heavily armed, ruthless, these are the most powerful robots ever created. Each one is capable of killing countless people on its own but a group of them together can reduce an entire town to ruins. These robots possess limited AI and can be equipped with a variety of powerful weapons.

The Dome of Doom

Age: 23
Location: Central City
Factions: None
Background: Scientist

Movers & Shakers: You're not a part of any faction, but that doesn't stop you from knowing about things. With some digging and with reasonable accuracy you can tell whom the power brokers are in your local area; from the petty fence to a League of Assassins recruiter. How you deal with this information is your own choice.

New Kid on the Block: You're not a part of any group but team you. Normally, this would make things difficult to make friends. However by exchanging a little helpful information to another person or group of people, you'll become fast friends. Should you choose to betray this friendship, which should only be expected as there's no honor among thieves.

Adorkable: Everyone knows the brain is the sexiest organ, and you prove that your brain makes you sexier. When you're using your intelligence you appear to others to be more attractive. That being said the more intelligence you are, the more intelligence you can show off and more attractive you become. Throwing on a pair of glasses helps you appear attractive faster.

Magna Cum Laude (1200CP): What good is a scientist without degrees in Science? Or what good is any smart person if he or she can't prove how smart they are? You have TWO doctorates degrees in a science of your choice. To top it off you graduated at top your field of study. Can be chosen multiple times at a discount, each purchase adds TWO more degrees of your choice.

Genius (1050CP): While you're not Einstein or Dr. Wells level of smart, you're not dull either. You have a mind that qualifies you for being a certifiable genius. You have a thirst for knowledge that rivals Ms. Smoak's own. You hoard and display intimate knowledge in many subjects, such as history, politics, economics, geography, physics, engineering, biology, and chemistry.

Hacker Extraordinaire (900CP): The Information Age is in need of folks of your talent. You're able to hack into just about any computer system connected to the Internet. You're not too shabby at counter hacking and keeping your data trails hidden either. Your love for the computer also applies to the physical side of the machine, allowing you to make sure your computer is running with the best hardware & software there is. Even if it's not yet on the market.

Gadgeteer (600CP): The world is a dangerous place, with supervillains and rogue metahumans. This is why you have science to help things out. You're able to make stuff that runs on comic book science. Be it shrinking technology, or a cold gun that fires just a few degrees above Absolute Zero. As long you have the resources available and a working concept in your head the sky is the limit. Doesn't mean you'll get it right the first time around.

Genius Business Savvy (300CP): You're a shark in the board room and everyone knows it. You have the skills, portfolio, and the connections to operate a Fortune 500 company. With a bit of effort, you can turn any company into a titan of industry rivaling the likes of, Kord Industrials and Queen Enterprises. You know exactly when to buy and when to sell, with such accuracy that in lesser circles you might been accused of insider trading. However your reputation with the business community is impeccable.

Elemental Gun (0CP): A series of weapons that were designed by no other than Cisco Ramon for the purpose of stopping the Flash in case he used his powers for negative purposes. While Captain Cold, Golden Glider, and Heatwave have their own personal ones, you have an unmodified copy of one their guns appeared in your warehouse. Choose Cold, Heat, or Gold Gun. Buying a gun comes with cool goggles to protect against any glare, and a fancy parka that'll keep you comfy no matter the weather. The Cold Gun fires white "fire" that can freeze a person solid and can be used to do things that is impossible like freeze security lasers and break them without tripping the alarm. Heat Gun is able to burn a person crispy pretty fast and able to burn almost anything for it's as hot as the Cold Gun is cold. Lastly the Gold Gun fires a beam that converts anything it touches into solid gold. While Cisco claims things like "Absolute Zero" and "Plank Temperatures" he's exaggerating by a lot. That being said they're capable of doing stuff that shouldn't be possible, but nothing world shattering.

Robotic Bees: Originally developed to be used for agriculture, the creator of these miniature robots quickly adapted them to military use. These little robobees each have a camera feed that links the control computer and high qualities of natural apitoxin, the natural venom which bees possess. You start with half a dozen of these little guys, and the blueprints how they were made.

Horribly Picked Codename
Monkey Business

Location: Castle Dedede
Background: Haltmann Works Co. Employee (1100CP)

Copy Powers
Doctor (900CP): Just as the name implies, this ability makes you quite the able doctor! Diagnose your enemies with a case of pain by throwing harmful pills, spraying chemicals, or using various medical implements to attack. You've also got impressive scientific knowledge, able to cook up various chemical reactions on the spot, producing gouts of fire, clouds of freezing mist, electrifying plasma charges, or healing potions using a mobile labkit. Comes with a stylish doctor's headband, complete with mirror.

Vacuum Immunity (800CP): For some reason, everyone in Dream Land is completely unperturbed by the vacuum of space, able to move around completely fine in it as if there were gravity or by swimming through the vacuum. While you would still get these benefits while in dream land without this perk, if you take this perk (or get it for free) you gain similar abilities in other settings.

Technician: You're a competent mechanist and have a way with technology. You can hop into the pilot seat of just about any vehicle and pick up the controls very quickly, learning how to pilot a vehicle competently in minutes when others would take months. You're also handy when it comes to repairs or maintenance and pick up related skills just as fast as your pilot skills.

Problem Solver (650CP): You're smart and a quick thinker, able to wrap your head around all sorts of puzzles that would stump lesser minds. You are easily able to grasp complex concepts, your troubleshooting skills are excellent, and you find it much easier to innovate than your peers.

Mechanization (350CP): The trademarked technology of the Haltmann Works Company, you have the knowledge and authorization required to conduct mechanization operations on a small scale. You know by heart the blueprints to a machine capable of covering a landscape in metal and converting nearby biological lifeforms into cyborg soldiers (loyalty not guaranteed). This machine is also capable of utilizing nearby natural resources to build structures automatically, erecting factories, harbors, laboratories, or even entire cities at your direction. The ultimate in infrastructure, this Mechanization machine will turn what should be a years-long project into an overnight endeavor! (Haltmann Works Company is not responsible for displaced plant life, animal life, or indigenous populations. They should have gotten out of the way before we mechanized the area, the savages.)

Sweets Stockpile (300CP): A simple woven basket that contains a single ice cream cone, slice of cake, serving of flan, or other such sweet confectionary. If it's emptied, the basket will have a new dessert in it at dawn. The dessert never goes bad so long as it stays in the basket. If taken out of the basket, thedessert will disappear after 20 minutes unless it is eaten.

Robobot Armor (0CP): The Robobot armor is a technological marvel- a heavy-duty combat mech, the Robobot armor uses technology that even the Haltmann Works Company itself has yet to fully explore. Equipped with two powerful arms, jet boosters, shoulder-mounted giant screwdrivers, a giant wrench clamp to turn bolts, and a rudimentary AI capable of performing basic tasks independently, the Robobot is an impressive vehicle all on its own- But that's not even mentioning its most useful power. When piloted by a user with a Copy Ability, the Robobot Armor will copy the attributes of its pilot, allowing the user to exercise their strengths with the might of a mech suit!

No Noddies Were Harmed
Black Hole Belly

Age: 30
Location: Route 66
Species: Moon Ape (2400CP)
Alignment: Neutral
Role: Support

Tracer Booty: This world, is, at it's core, a world of superheroes. And superheroes tend to have very... bodacious appearances. This now includes you as well. Whether it's being a giant slab of muscle or having curves in all the right places, you definitely don't look average -- and I mean that in the best way possible.

No Harm, No Foul! (2300CP): Wait, wait, it's not like you really had skin in this game, right? You're good at convincing others that you're not aligned to any real 'side', if that's an applicable concept to the conflict you're in. You'll have to mean it for it to work the best, though, as if you say you're not playing favorites but leave obvious hints you are...well, you'd be a fool for that kind of defense to fly.

We're Gonna Do Great!: You are annoyingly upbeat, you know that? Even in serious or sad times, you're able to maintain a casual and uplifting spirit. What's more, this seems infectious, as others seem to find it impossible to stay upset for long when around you.

Hello Hello: You're an annoying friendly person to the point you seem to be able to befriend anyone given enough time around them. Your cheerfulness seems to degrade any harsh feeling they have for you until even the violent psychopath you've been hanging around considers you at least somewhat of a friend.

Build Em' Up, Break Em' Down! (1900CP): You're an extremely talented engineer. Specifically in the area of building defensive weapons and equipment. Turrets and armor are your forte, but you're an expert on building anything that can help in holding a position or protect your allies. These items are mostly mechanical in nature, as your talent lies in sturdy weapons instead of the more cutting edge technology most use. Hey, if it works. Oh, one last thing: you know of a method to temporarily overcharge your creations by pouring molten slag into them. MEEEEERRY MOLTEN CORE!

The Light of Order (1600CP): The Vishkar corporation is a corrupt organization controlled by those with no empathy for the common people. They commit murder and corporate espionage while enslaving the poor under the guise of helping them and spreading order. But you must admit, their technology is rather impressive. Focusing primarily on hard-light technologies, they have used this miraculous invention to create entire cities, which their architects can reshape at-will. Knowledge of how to create and use this technology is now yours, though the Vishkar corporation will likely not take kindly to this if they learn of it. Not only can you create hard-light technology, but also their other devices, including energy weapons, teleporters, and weapons that utilize soundwaves to heal or damage others.

Guardian Angel (1300CP): Doctor Angela Ziegler, also known as Mercy, was renowned as an unparalleled medical genius even in her teens, being recruited to the medical division of Overwatch before she was even 18 and becoming the head of a hospital even before that. Her medical skills have literally brought the dead back to life and her technology is so advanced that it seems like magic. There is no one in the world able to even compare to her in her area of expertise. No one, that is, save for you. Your base medical knowledge is encyclopedic, your hands are almost mechanically accurate when performing surgery. Your technology is advanced to almost impossible standards, including things such as a staff that can engage a healing stream to rapidly regen people from a distance. Your knowledge may even allow you to slow the rate of aging...

Hacker Extraordinaire (900CP): You're an extremely skilled hacker, one of the best in the world, able to easily bypass most security systems and break into even secure government databases. You may think this is of limited usefulness, but keep in mind that nearly everything, even a lot of people, are tightly integrated with technology these days, meaning few things are safe from you.

Suit: An iconic outfit of some kind that's just intrinsically you in some fashion. Doesn't have any particular advantages beyond being well-made, comfortable, and relatively durable. It's even washing-machine safe.\

Moon Base (600CP): What's this? It seems there was not just one lunar colony established years ago, but two. Somehow, you've gained ownership of the secondary colony housed on the opposite side of the moon. The size of a small town, this large base has a suite of high-tech, though somewhat aged by modern standards of the setting, equipment. Staffed by a small group of intelligent gorillas that have near absolute loyalty to you, this base is a valuable asset, but has little in the way of defenses. Come with a small one-man shuttle for traveling between the moon and earth. In future jumps, it appears on the closest moon to your starting point.

Omnium (0CP): Oh, how interesting. You seem to have come into the possession of your own personal Omnium. These self-improving automated robotic factories are the source of the omnic population of the world and were very nearly the instrument of humanity's ruin during the first Crisis. You may have the factory create omnics for you as is its purpose, though you will need to supply the materials necessary for doing so. You may also fully customize the appearance, personality, intelligence level, and capabilities of your creations – though if the specifications are too far removed from basic omnics, you will need to supply the necessary designs for them.

Aardvark Pays Off
Chronal Disassociation
Wrath of the Gods
I'm Number One!
Justice will be done!

Age: 25
Location: Central
Background: University (1400CP)

Advanced Formulae: Alchemy comes to you as breathing does. Your understanding allows for the creation of more complex creations. Combine with Simplified Formulae for multipurpose combat alchemy.

Simplified Formulae: You understand the connections between parts, and can make a much larger circle very simple compared to most. Combine with Advanced Formulae for multipurpose combat alchemy.

Truth (200CP): You've committed the ultimate taboo! You attempted Human Transmutation, Alchemy's one and only unforgivable sin! (Oh Puh-leeze, everyone knows someone who committed the "ultimate taboo.")
Apprentice and University: Your dominant hand was lost, making drawing formulae, writing, and most jobs extremely difficult without automail.
All: You've gained two fantastic feats. You've gained the power to perform alchemy without a transmutation circle, and your knowledge of the science is expanded to the point where you effectively know both Simple and Advanced Formulae.

Alternate Clothing (150CP): Several different outfits from varying regions, includes both civilian and military clothing.

Steel Gauntlets: A set of steel gauntlets. Heavy, articulated joints, leather at all the seams, and very strong.

Bio-Alchemical Theory Books (0CP): Crosses between medicine, alchemy, and biology. Chimeras are extremely complex beings, requiring knowledge of all of these.

Hostile Rival

Age: 31
Identity: Doctor (900CP)

Basic Robotics: With your understanding of robotics, you can easily produce minor worker robots. You could produce Metools, Joes, and the like in a cave with a box of scraps. These do not yet have sapience, but who knows what may happen with time? And besides, they don't need sapience to have combat applications. After all, you do not need to be aware of your own existence to shoot someone.

Enhanced I.C. Chips (800CP): You know how to create stronger I.C. chips. These chips form the core of a robot's personality, its memories, and the like. Stronger chips are less fragile and less susceptible to reprogramming. Any sapient machines you make will retain their own personalities, even through virus attacks, and so long as their chip remains intact, they can outlive their bodies.

Weaponisation (600CP): Your understanding of machines is such that, given a fairly ordinary lumber-cutting robot, you could easily rebuild or reprogram minor worker robots into trained fighters. A lumber-cutting robot becomes a dangerous axeman, and the equivalent of the average Joe (for robots) turns into a deadly sniper. In general, you're capable of making machines more powerful while retooling them to suit your purpose. That pipe dream of turning a workforce into an army isn't too far fetched now.

Robot Master Builder (300CP): Exactly what it says - you understand the techniques to create the advanced body of a Robot Master, as well as the programming to create a fully self-aware artificial intelligence and personality for it. Though the Robot Masters you create now might only be able to match those of the first generation of Light Numbers, this won't be the case for long. With time, these Robot Masters could easily be as powerful as a certain machine by the name of Forte. Even then, making even better Robot Masters might not be out of the question.

OST: You now have an 8-bit or 16-bit theme song that plays whenever you are challenged to combat. This song is well-composed and reflects your battling style. It'll never fail to get you in the mood for a battle, and can be turned off.

Light Capsule: Have you ever wanted to leave something somewhere and have no one touch it? This time capsule contains a hologram that can pass a message on, teach techniques, or simply have a nice, friendly chat. It's also nigh-invulnerable, and has a tendency to be found by the person you want it to be found by. If you wanted to send a message or pass on an item to somebody a hundred years in the future, this'll be invaluable.

Hover Capsule (100CP): This floating capsule is slow, but relatively protective - it'd take a lot of plasma fire, special weapon hits, and bullets to take this thing down, and you've got quite a bit of firepower in this thing. Energy balls, plasma, and even lightning bolts remain at your disposal with this amazing capsule.

Assistant (0CP): This robot is fully self-aware and exceptionally skilled at household tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and separating trash from recycling. He or she is modelled after a child, and has a very sweet personality. You two will hit it off almost immediately, and due to this bot's sophisticated and smart A.I., it'll provide good insight, help with experiments, and be invaluable in the lab. Counts as a companion, though. Even so, this assistant is still a good sounding board and does the menial day-to-day tasks.

Location: Venus
Age: 17
Identity: Corpus

Money, Dear Boy: Opportunity doesn't come on demand, you know. For there to be profit, there must be willingness. For there to be willingness, there must be the comfort of being able to spend. Therefore, when you're near a person, you can determine how much they're worth and how much they could reasonably spend on a product, whether in one lump sum or for payment-over-time plans. Maybe it's how they look at the product, or maybe it's the way they dress. But you know... and once you know, you can make them comfortable about things. Comfortable to spend. Everyone is an opportunity, after all. Everyone can make you a winner.

Way of the Gaga: Wait, how is that person able to see with that super tiny visor? Or even fit through the door wearing that giant harness? How can they even bend over with that equipment? All of these are things I'm sure you wonder when it comes to the intricacies of futuristic fashion, but they make it work. Now, so can you. So long as your aesthetic choices for your equipment and armor are not purposefully designed to hinder you, it's eerily simple to move around and do what you normally do despite how awkward it may seem. So what if that large collar on the neck seems problematic? You're in the future, baby!

Coding Your Army (3200CP): That's a lot of robots you have, my friend. I mean a LOT of robots. Cheap labor is all fun, but it's not cheap if they're just going to be a bunch of morons. Fortunately, your dedication to profit has granted you clarity into the workings of the machine, praise be your ledger. Your machine code is more tight and efficient than others, while maintaining a flexibility that lets the machines adapt tactics if they encounter something new. Now let them fly off and make some money.

Balanced Ledgers (3100CP): It's a big corporation, my friend. Whether your section spans a planet or a system, there are many numbers to keep track of; expenses, material allocations, interest rates, yearly plans. Profit. These are all important numbers, and it is these numbers you can now easily keep track of as easily as breathing... if your corporate modifications haven't removed that need, yet. The point is, you can keep track and do financial calculations in your head quite easily now, letting you tally up the numbers to let you make informed decisions. After all, you don't want that NASTY RED coming up on you, do you?

Energetic Systems (2900CP): When you think of 'corporate methods', what comes to mind? ...Besides 'greedy'. The word you're looking for is 'efficient', which the Corpus have done in abundance for their weapons and systems. Now you too can enjoy their ruthless, cold efficiency in your technology, given the means to reduce energy waste by a significant amount while increasing conductivity to make for some very efficient systems. After all, sometimes less is more, right? Or more is more. Depending what you do with it.

Shielding One's Opinions (2700CP): With all this talk of profit and money, surely you can spend a little extra to ensure your minions or your products last a little longer, right? After all, spend money to make money. How fortunate for you that your money went to a successful venture, increasing the strength of your energy shields while even letting you make specific units that grant OTHERS energy shields within a certain proximity! It might make them a target if someone catches on, but that's what your ruthless corporate tactics are for, aren't they?

Heart of the Machine (2400CP): Robots. In so many ways, they can be considered an inferior to the power and glory that are humans. In many more ways, they can be considered humanity's superior. They who never tire, never hunger, and never fear. They have incredible power, and that power is now yours. When creating robots, you will find units you create work better together, synergize with each other, even have a decent power increase... and that's just the production models. Unique models will enjoy a significantly higher power increase, with a durability and intellect that will make them mighty assistants indeed. In the Name of Profit.
'Heart of the Machine' allows unique robots to gain an even better power increase, and should you choose they will come with a personality that is loyal to you right off the bat. Provided you don't mistreat them, this personality's ability to adapt will make them powerful enforcers. The knowledge of the Orokin has granted insight, and now you know how to design intricate machines powered by unusual and esoteric energies. The energies used will have an effect on the machine, potentially imbuing it with a small effect or two depending on what you used.

Prophet of Profit (2200CP): Profit is more than just a number or a currency. It is a primal force of the world. A force that should be gained, for he who has Profit has Power. Your lust for economic power and positioning has granted you a mighty way with words indeed, filling those who hear your sales pitch with a sense of awe and wonder. You're not offering mere products. You're offering them a place in the world. You offer salvation and prosperity through your profit. If they give unto you, then someday you can give unto them... and they will be much more eager to give unto you. Profit can help all who partake in it. Isn't that wonderful?
'Prophet of Profit' gives an increase of quality to the products you sell specifically, further reinforcing and enhancing the weight of your words to your customers. This will increase influence to those you sell to, making it easier for you to control them through products. Your dedication to controlling others through this method has given you a breakthrough with studying Orokin Technology, allowing for the reconstruction of Neural Sentries capable of enslaving the minds of most. These Corrupted entities will have their equipment take on an appearance of your choice, augmenting their capabilities significantly while serving your every whim so long as the control node remains fused to their face.

Light of the Orokin (1800CP): Few have ever reached the innovation and technological prowess of the Orokin Empire... their gold and ivory exteriors hiding minds as sharp as steel. Likewise, the golden trim of their technology hid an advancement that continues to elude the majority of the System to this day. It eludes you no longer, the secrets of Orokin technology present in your mind. You'll be capable of augmenting technology significantly, increasing its capabilities at the same time and granting a durability that will last millennia. Perhaps in time, the secrets of the Warframe creation process will be yours to covet and yours alone, basked in the light of science and superior intellect.
Light of the Orokin also serves to enhance technology perks.

Cloning Blues (1200CP): A machine cannot run forever, you know. Sometimes it breaks down, sometimes you lose parts. You need maintenance on a machine, and a war machine is no different. What do you do when your troopers start falling? Others have to recruit. You? You simply make more. The secrets to cloning technology are yours, as is the secret to genetic manipulation. You will need to supply the material yourself... but being able to splice in genetic memory so your clones come straight out the tank with knowledge or other things should be a useful boon, no?
'Cloning Blues' make the clones more stable, making genetic memory additions more effective while allowing further malleability for additional modifications to them AND yourself, a good example being Tyl Regor's ability to make Manics... beings who can turn invisible and are physically stronger and faster than the average person. You may also 'store' this genetic memory, essentially being able to revive those you deem important enough to dispose repeatedly. In addition, ancient Orokin knowledge has given you the knowhow to make the Dax; engineered supersoldiers of great speed and feats, capable of fighting a Warframe without the Void powers that would normally be needed for such a task.

Seat of Thine Throne (1000CP): They say the engines of war are ever churning, and that conquest never ceases. But alas, every army needs a place to rest and every machine needs a shop to be maintained in. Even the Tenno are aware of this, needing special locations to rest and recoup their strength in their quest for Balance in the Origin System. If only there was a skilled architect that could help... oh wait, that's you if you pick this up. You gain the knowledge to design and construct buildings to not only serve as effective fortresses, but can also withstand the natural elements of the location you build it in. Right next to a volcano? You know what to do to make sure the base stands while everyone inside is a comfortable temperature. Found an amazing mineral vein on a frozen hellhole of a world? Your mining base will not only be effective in collecting every last scrap of valuable ore but also suffer little to no problems at all with the cold.
'Seat of Thine Throne' allows for much greater efficiency when it comes to installing technology in new bases; three rooms worth of tech can be installed in one room with no loss of efficiency and still plenty of space to work with. You can also expect your power requirements to drop down significantly.

Warframe Bobble-heads: Nothing wrong with a bit of decoration! This little box will supply just that, allowing you to gain a collection of pose-able bobble-heads for every Warframe character you can think of. ...Don't give me that look, they're cute. Come on, just look at one.

Ornate Robes: To act important, you must look important. There is only so far mannerisms and speeches will get you without the proper appearance to pass yourself off, no? Worry not, for the civilizations of this time are still knowledgeable in the ways of honor and a proper appearance... even if they should all express it differently. You could choose to obtain golden flowing robes, gilded in the Orokin aesthetic, or you could obtain the Grineer fabrics that represent the Kuva; black robes and red braids embedded into its design that stress the purity of blood and what it can bring. Of course should you choose, you could instead obtain the robes of the Corpus with its mechanical headpieces and scrolling letters from the display screens built into the clothing itself to show that profit is power. But if those don't appeal, there is the way of the Lotus... flowing purple fabric with a snug bodysuit, head covered by a flowery helmet to show only the mouth. Multiple purchases can allow you to buy multiple robes, or different robes to merge their aesthetics into one glorious mix of your choosing.

Skin of Allegiance: So many different forms of architecture, so many different styles that each of these groups indulge in. It really makes one wonder if they're not self-conscious to some extent, or if fashion is one of the many battles that are fought here... Fashionframe? No, of course not. But one cannot deny the effects an aesthetic can have on the morale of others, or the impressions they can leave. This is why by purchasing this, you can obtain an aesthetic for your Warehouse and the equipment inside of it... along with the means to understand how to forge weapons or armor with this aesthetic. You may purchase this option multiple times to gain multiple aesthetic choices:
Vandal: Money. That's what makes the world go 'round, and when you have money, you usually want to flaunt it. How fortunate for you that we can accompany such taste. Featuring a metallic teal and dark-green paint scheme (that can come with optional Lotus symbols), the Vandal aesthetic presents itself with a sophistication that will leave visitors wondering what the true definition of 'wealth' is. Should you not appreciate that, this option also comes with the original Corpus aesthetic... proliferation of right angles, lamination, and small and fiddly components that boast a combination of colors ranging from metal grey to energy-blue, all things that boast 'marketable' to onlookers.
Orokin: Do you see that, my friend? That is no ordinary light... it is the light of a Golden Age, brought forth by a being who is above such petty things as 'mediocrity' or 'fighting'. You are of a higher status, and it would not befit you to not have your surroundings reflect this status. Featuring an almost mystical combination of gold and ivory surfaces, white crystal trees, and running energy conduits of blue... there are none that can deny that you represent something greater. The graceful symbols and patterns that show up regularly certainly help this impression, at least.

Weapon Acquisition: Woah there! Don't go running just yet, you don't want to rush into the world bare-handed do you? ...Well, it's your choice and I won't stop you if you want to run off, but in the event you're hoping for something that can deliver a bit of hurt on those who would face you, why not stop by here and pick something up? Yes, for a purchase here you can collect a weapon right off the bat, no forging required! Even better, it'll restore itself after a week if you somehow break it. Upon your first purchase, free or otherwise, within a weapon category, repeat purchases will be 50CP:
Corpus Weapon: Energy. The future requires energy, for pitiful chemical rounds are the sign of those chained to the past, unable to move forward. The weapons of the Corpus embody this view, mainly utilizing plasma and laser weapons to do their work. Curiously, many of these weapons seem to double as power tools, or maybe they were modified from power tools... I wonder if a certain engineer is in their R&D? Regardless, if you want the enemy to go down in a flash of light the Corpus armory will grant your wish. Options for Corpus Weapons can be found here: Corpus

Base of Operations (900CP): Maybe you're looking for your own personal touch to the whole 'personal lair' bit. Maybe you just want to feel like a gloriously wealthy god-king who rules from the stars, as graceful as they are divine. Or just maybe you want to make sure there's sections that make each of your companions feel like they're at home. Either way, look no further. With this option, your Warehouse is converted into one of several different aesthetic choices and layouts. You can mix and match various aesthetics, apply different color palettes to each 'section' of your warehouse, or even use your own stocked up material to 'craft' new floors or walls. After all, why settle for less than the best? You may purchase this option multiple times to obtain each option:
Corporate Board: To make a Profit, you must represent Profit. After all, nobody ever heard of a multi-billionaire with a shitty office space, right? To exemplify Profit and get the money flowing, this modification converts the Warehouse to resemble the insides of a Corpus Space Station. Featuring the angular and laminated design style unique to the Corpus, plenty of lightning, and the walls altered to let business numbers scroll down, it truly puts money on the mind. Of course, every CEO has a meeting place to discuss how to make more money... and the accompanying room attachment does not disappoint, an elegant board room with decadently comfortable chairs and an opulent table that encourages innovation in the fields of technology and marketing, while making financial calculations much easier to perform and business deals made in the room more likely to succeed if they are fair. Truly, this is the sacred altar at which Profit is earned.

Drone Blueprint (Full version) (700CP): Numbers. Proxies. Minions. It doesn't matter what you call them, what matters is that you have them. At least, you have the means to make them. A purchase of this grants you two specific blueprints; the MOA and the Osprey. The MOA unit is a two-legged robot that runs around and shoots people, and it more or less looks like a turret with chicken legs. The Osprey unit instead is a twin-thruster flying unit with no legs, just weapons in place of those legs. They're not much on their own, but that's why building these robots are cheap... so you can swarm the enemy. Be warned that modifications will make them more expensive. But if that's not enough, you may spend an additional undiscounted 100CP to also gain blueprints to the Bursa unit, a robot with a large metal plate in front and a device that can disrupt technology around it. These guys' job is to disrupt the enemy as much as possible, so their robotic buddies can clean up.

Crates of Resource Replenishment (500CP): This is more or less exactly what it says on the tin, an ever-replenishing supply of resources and materials that may be used in the construction of weapons or armors... or even the epoynous Warframes. Why are the crates expensive? Well that's because they also contain the VERY rare resources, such as those that normally wouldn't survive long... so for those who fear about Argon Crystals, Oxium, or Nitian Extracts, or just about any other resource you could think of in this setting, why not ease your mind and loosen your wallet with this purchase?

Credits (450CP): Dosh! Rupees. Francs. Pounds. Moolah. CASH. Call it whatever you want, but in the world of honor and war and scavenging, it should say something that money is still one of the top contenders of control for the Origin System. That's why upon purchase of this, I'm going to give you a little starting package. One million credits. Sounds like an awful lot, right? Unfortunately, I promise you that without good investments or careful spending, you'll blow through it within a year. But it's a lot more than what you started with, and could easily give you a boost no matter how you use it.

Cephalon A.I. (Ordis) (300CP): Oh, hello! This is a curious little being that you've come across, but they'll be most certain to ensure they're worth your while. Utterly loyal and appearing in a geometric shape of your choice, this Cephalon can interface with technology you own and assist in the control and maintenance processes of any ship you plug it into. Now granted they MAY have a slight quirk or two... but that's not a problem, is it? You two could talk it out. For an additional 50CP, your Cephalon will be Ordis themselves, with all the good and the bad that comes of it.

Clone Tanks (0CP): War. War never changes. War is eternal, and War requires bodies. With this large cluster of bulbous cloning tanks, you now have those bodies. You have a choice on whether you wish to grow them slowly and get the most bang for your buck... or if you don't care about the defects, churning them out as disposable troops who will more than likely die within a week if they're lucky, succumbing to horrific genetic problems. You'll need to find a way to equip them and teach them how to fight, but the logistics are just a part of War, right?

Clem, Clem!
Ammunition Concerns
Resource Rarity
Orokin Oracle
Happy Feet
Nightmare Mode
Limited Access
Ready Access
Limited Warranty

Age: 48
Species: Romulan
Background: Officer (1500CP)
Location: Starfleet HQ, Los Angeles

Specialties and Skills

  • Science – Your job is simple: to understand the complex, countless mysteries that lie ahead.
    • Medicine – You have extensive training in the treatment and healing of the sick and injured.
    • Physics – You have an extreme understanding of the laws of nature surrounding time, space, and matter.
    • Deductive Reasoning – You are highly capable in matters of logical deduction, and can deduce the the causes of any number of strange events, given enough time.
  • Command (1400CP) – At the end of the day, someone needs to take charge on every starship - someone like you.
    • Piloting – You have extensive training in maneuvering and piloting starships outside of FTL.
    • Navigation – Now you have a near-prodigal ability to plot courses through uncharted space, nearly always finding the fastest routes.
    • Command – You have a great ability to coordinate and manage all those under your command.
  • Operations (1300CP) – You don the famous red shirt and do what's needed - you keep the ship running.
    • Combat – You have advanced training in hand-to-hand and phaser combat, as well as managing a starship's weapon systems.
    • Communications – You are highly proficient in managing communications, as well as the decoding of enemy transmissions.
    • Engineering – You keep the ship running. By your strength and knowledge, the core systems of a ship function.

I Dare You To Do Better – You'll meet many people who need your help and guidance. Some due to threats outside, some due to their own failures. Whatever the case, you're one of the best at helping them get out of their ruts and face the world, especially via oratory.

Potential Vision (1200CP) – Men can always have their worth determined by whether or not they have that little spark - the drive, the will to succeed. For some people, it can take years to determine if it's there. You, however, can tell if someone's got high potential in a matter of minutes.

Quick Learners (1000CP) – Sometimes, you won't have time to get people to their best. But you'll always need a capable crew, even if that means bringing out cadets. That's why you're so good at turning cadets into officers, and in general helping your subordinates through on-the-job training.

Highly Anticipative (700CP) – Many are those that will seek to catch you off-guard. Few are those that would succeed. You now have a nigh-supernatural ability to figure out when you're headed into a trap, and can deduce it from even the slightest trace or gut feeling.

Important Friends – Someone once said that it's not what you know, it's who you know. While you're no slouch when it comes to knowing things, you're even better at knowing people. You have an unusual ability to find and befriend those who seem destined for great things, and in getting them to pay you back down the line.

I like this ship! – Things change fast in this galaxy. You can go from being nowhere to being on top of the world in the blink of an eye, and while others might get whiplash, you are uniquely capable of adapting to changing circumstances, and taking it all in your stride.

Captain's log – Many people can't deal with whatever happens to be troubling them, and as such they simply bottle it up. You know, however, that can lead to disaster down the line, and as such have gained a remarkable aptitude for dealing with your emotions by putting them in audio log format.

Doctor's Orders (500CP) – Sometimes you're just going to have to work outside the spirit of the laws while you're here. Fortunately, most people trust anyone that knows more than them to be in the right, and as a science officer, with the trust of nearly all that you meet, people will let you get away with a lot more, provided there is some scientific reason.

Phaser – This silver pistol is the trademark weapon of Starfleet - capable of killing, but understanding the need to leave one's enemies alive - to show mercy. It had two settings, kill and stun. The stun setting may have little effect on some species, though.

Vulcanite Necklace – Unique to the planet Vulcan, the stone in this necklace emits a unique radioactive signature. While it will never be enough to harm the wearer, this radioactive signature can be tracked for hundreds of miles in quantities of only a few grams.

Sword – Pretty useful if you want to slice and dice your enemies. Starts out with just the hilt, but unfolds into a monomolecular katana that is about as long as your arm. Comes with a manual about its use. (It's also underpowered in d20. *Cuts solid slab of steel.*)

Phaser Rifle – An extremely useful, yet highly restricted starfleet weapon. This rifle is unfailingly accurate out to hundreds of meters, and has nearly a dozen settings from a mild annoyance to a lethal blast.

"Vaccines" (400CP) – It's a big galaxy out there, with nearly as many diseases as there are stars. You now have an immense set of vaccines, shots, and immunizations against them and most earth diseases. You also have a manual detailing their manufacture, use, and side-effects... which can get pretty nasty. Useful for favors.

Medical Scanner (200CP) – Sometimes you need intel, and you need it fast. That's what this gets you. A holographic display that can make an extremely detailed diagnosis of nearly any species' medical problems in but the blink of an eye.

Torpedoes (0CP) – The final word in mass destruction. These torpedoes can wreak havoc after traveling stealthily across star sectors, invisible to most sensors. They have a blast radius of 300,000 kilometers collectively. You get 72, and used ones replenish in the warehouse weekly.

Wrath of Khan
Object of Revenge

Age: 27
Identity: Sciences (1550CP) – Vital to the exploration of the galaxy, the Sciences division includes researchers and doctors, as well as navigators. You will have graduated from Starfleet Academy or Starfleet Medical Academy, finishing an eight-year program of study, and have been assigned to a Constitution-class Starship.
Species: Andorian (1500CP)
Training: Sciences (Physical Sciences) – Understanding the natural laws which govern the physical world. Includes training in biology, chemistry, geology and ecology.

Scientific Mind – Some people struggle with the Sciences, but you find them almost intuitive. Even if you have no formal training, you have a basic grasp of all the scientific branches, and if you are diligent, you can pick up more specialized knowledges, even of sciences alien to the Federation.

Highly Logical (1350CP) – Your mental control would put a Vulcan to shame. You are perfectly aware of both your needs and wants, and have mastered your emotions. While you still feel them, you can put them aside as needed to make the best decision possible, be it for your own sake or for the sake of others.

Technobabbler (1050CP) – If you were anyone else, people would think you were making it up as you went along. Your creativity is astounding, and your mind is now filled with brilliant ideas and solutions to problems. Moreover, you are now easily able to implement these ideas, even in apparent violation of natural law!

Logistician (950CP) – The first step to management is learning to understand what you have to work with. You're able to quickly assess a situation and determine what resources you have, be they goods, personnel, or information, how best to allocate them, and how to compensate for those you don't have.

Federation Credits (900CP) – Money may no longer exist in the 24th Century, but in the 23rd, free trade is alive and well. Each purchase provides 60,000 Federation Credits, which is about half a year's pay for a Chief Science Officer.

Holodeck (300CP) – A large chamber which uses a combination of photons and force field manipulation to perfectly simulate the environment of your choice. Food, odors, tactile sensations, and even large environments can be simulated. Comes with programming manuals and a lifetime guarantee on safety protocols.

TR-580 Tricorder (200CP) – The Tricorder is a portable device equipped with an array of sensors, databanks, and communications assemblies, providing for constant scientific measurements. Yours happens to be from the 24th Century, making it far more effective and accurate, and giving it a number of extra features.

Type II Phaser (100CP) – The personal weapon of choice in the 23rd Century, but yours seems to be far more advanced. Fires directed energy in sixteen intensity settings, ranging from a light stun to a beam that can vaporize rock, as well as a range of frequencies and areas of effect.

Rank Insignia (0CP) – This gold braid denotes you as a Starfleet lieutenant, and includes the position to go along with it.

That's My Q

Age: 28
Species: Klingon (1350CP)
Background: Health & Science (1250CP)
Medicine – Training and knowledge in First-aid, diseases, surgery, anatomy, health and nutrition. You're a fully qualified doctor of the 24th century.

Robotics – A combined study of mechanical engineering, and computer science. You learn how to make a wide array of machines, and you could even figure out Android or Borg technology if you studied it enough.

Physics (1200CP) – How the universe works. The law of gravity, the conservation of matter & energy, quantum physics, etc. Remember though, there are dozens of creatures in this universe that defy the laws of human physics, so you may want to try and rewrite a few of these books while you're here.

Physical Sciences (1150CP) – Understanding of the natural laws which govern the physical world. Biology, chemistry, geology and ecology. Again, you may want to rewrite a few of these books while you're here.

Engineering (1050CP) – You've been trained in the maintenance and repair of Starships. Not only do you have a significant amount of mechanical and computer knowledge, but you also know a great deal about physics.

Surgeon – You've been trained in the art of physiological modification. You'll be able to perform facial and bodily modification procedures that can greatly alter someone's appearance. At first you'll only be able to perform minor surgeries, like making a human look like a Vulcan, but with time and practice, you may be able create exotic and terrifying chimeras.

I am not God (900CP) – Acquiring knowledge is great, but what's the point of knowing everything if you can't share it? This perk will allow you to teach and communicate with any sentient being no matter how primitive they are. You can now understand obscure languages, integrate your knowledge into alien cultures, and help primitive societies understand science.

Augmented (600CP) – You were born with superior capabilities. You're 3x stronger, smarter and more agile than others of your kind, your senses are sharper than normal, you're immune to disease and sickness, and you can withstand energy weapons like phasers better than others. Your blood has also been enhanced with the ability to remove fatal diseases and toxins from other people via blood transfusions.

Honorary Xeno (500CP) – Aliens will naturally like and trust you. They'll always see you as an equal no matter what animosity may exist between your species and theirs.

Portable Replicator (0CP) – Much smaller and lighter than a regular replicator, but still just as capable. This device is able to fit inside of a backpack and can be powered of large amounts of solar energy and raw matter. It can create pretty much any known physical object, but it cannot replicate dangerous or complex things like antimatter or living organisms.

So disappointed in you

Age: 32
Role: Supporter
Background: Last Light Consortium
Species: Robot

Born for this – A Battleborn must be ready to fight at any time - and so to you comes the basic competency needed to fight against the Varelsi and their minions.

Double Helix – The abilities inherent to your species and weapons have a funny way of 'improving' over time, as you battle - but only temporarily. Once the battle is done, you revert to your base state - though no weaker than you were before you came here. This strange phenomenon is known as the Helix, and each mutation brings new spins on the same moves. A poison gauntlet or bomb might find itself able to stun after some time, and a minigun may add burning or freezing properties to its rounds. An ability to regenerate one's own vitality could spread its effects to those nearby, or a charging attack may become faster and move you further. Essentially, as long as you're still fighting a battle, your combat abilities from this world will improve themselves in minor ways as the battle drags on, to offset attrition, only to revert to base form once the battle has been over for a half-hour.

Alternative Treatment – For the duration of your stay here, you will have access to the same LLC Checkpoint system the Battleborn use on their missions. Essentially, when you are mortally wounded, the system will activate and transport you to one of the "checkpoints" on the planet you're on so you can recover - but at most, you'll get five of these evacs per mission, and they're shared with everyone else running alongside you. If something happens to all your teammates and they eat them all up and you get gunned down? Let's hope you have an alternative method of getting out alive. Nobody ever said the LLC worked cheap. Because they don't.

The Right Price – What's the point of protecting the last star in the universe if you can't make any money off of it? That just will not do! Luckily for you, it seems, you have a means of cutting the red tape (mostly through bribery) to get your products to market despite any potential... deal-breakers, and get a sense on just how much you'd need to use to accomplish this. You've got to spend money to make money - better, then, not to spend that money paying lawyers.

Minion Engineer (850CP) – Minion Robotics, the last and largest of the great weapon manufacturers, has a great many machines at their disposal. Sentry turrets, robotic drones, and even the spider-like tanks known as Huntsmen. With the proper time and resources, not only can you build and maintain these - but you also know just how to pitch them for sale. After all, what's the point of making something for free?

Magnum Opus (550CP) – The AI type known as the Magnus are the crowning achievement of the Last Light Consortium's research facilities. Not only can you forge the powerful AIs yourself, sculpting data into an entity capable of managing financial and manufacturing assets across multiple planets, but you also possess the means to debug said AI's in case of a... how shall I say, rebellion. Should you possess a means of linking AI's together seamlessly, you might even be able to create an equivalent to the Magna Carta - which would keep your new artificial intelligence friends sane, for one thing - but where are you going to get that?

Medic! Medic! – Everyone needs a little battlefield healing sometimes! Luckily, you can provide. Whether through some quirk in your body chemistry that fires a beam of regenerative energy, a technique that manipulates cellular division, or just good old-fashioned medicine, you're capable of healing your allies in the thick of it, slowly but surely. Can't regrow any lost limbs with this alone, but you can bring them back from a decent number of broken bones in about two minutes.

Shields Up! (450CP) – Bullets are bad for your friends. You like your friends, right? Then maybe you should protect them from bullets! This will help – you've got some means, technological or otherwise, of projecting shields of force over your allies. Now, these will only absorb a certain amount of damage for them before breaking, but they'll always be durable enough to keep the ally in question from going down in just one hit, and if undisturbed will last for 8 seconds, after which you can place a new one on them. This is obviously better against enemies that shoot or strike slowly than it is against, say, a gatling gun.

Buffs! Get Yer Buffs Here! (300CP) – Whether it's a special serum, a device to manipulate time slightly, or some other means, you can help your allies hit harder and faster when it counts! Once every minute or so, you can "overclock," so to speak, the weapons of up to eight people around you, improving their firing rate by half again and their damage slightly. The faster they shoot, the faster they win, and they have you to thank for it. Aren't you proud?

Someone's Gotta Do It (200CP) – Because boy is it a dirty job, and a scary one, and even a thankless one. Sometimes it feels like the suits on Bliss don't even care about Solus, so long as there's still life in the universe and it's under democratic rule. Sometimes it feels like they don't carry about you, either. But you know what? Screw getting all mopey about that! Even if you've got to fight all by yourself, naked, with just your bare hands, as long as you're focused on the battle at hand you can forget about despair or depression. You'll have time to cry when you're dead.

Faction Emblem – This small badge in the image of your Faction's symbol makes a nice accessory. For Drop-Ins, the badge is in the ominous shape of a Varelsi's white mask. I'm sure that's got nothing to do with anything.

Turret Posts (0CP) – Well, these are odd. Mostly, they look something like 5 empty panels. However, dump the currency equivalent of 300 Shards in, and you'll get a brand-new LLC turret! They're not that durable, but there's three types – Shock, Stinger, and Thumper! Shock turrets fire arcs of electricity at your enemies, stinger turrets blast lasers at them, and Thumper turrets fire exploding rockets! Any time one is destroyed, just drop the currency into the panel again, and you'll get a brand-new one of any of these three types! Still works when you take them with you, just don't ask where the money's going.

Origin: Scientist

Perks and Skills
Timm Design: Chiseled jaws, muscular physiques, and amazing curves... a lot of people here are ridiculously attractive! And if you're going to spend ten years here, you might as well look the part, right? Your body is now 'super' good looking, as if it was drawn by Bruce Timm himself.

Gimmick: Vigilantes dressed as bats, criminals dressed up like clowns... well, might as well join the fun, right? You're able to pull off pretty much any gimmick or theme that you choose to have, in such a way that it gives the effect that you want. If you're a crook and dress like a clown, people will be terrified because they know it's you; a hero dressed in scary black armor might have people cheer them on for the same reason.

Researcher – Part of being a skilled scientist is doing your homework, so to speak; luckily you're much more efficient at it than most. Finding the right information is never hard (though more obscure knowledge might require more digging), and you're an expert at clear and precise note taking. You learn new things much faster than the average person.

Specialist – You have considerable experience in one scientific field, such as cryogenics or botany, and could be considered an expert in that field. Your knowledge may even allow you to become a decent hero or villain, if you had the time and resources. Or, you know, just a regular scientist. More esoteric fields of study, such as time manipulation, cannot be chosen.

Accidental Breakthrough (1700CP) – Accidents are bound to happen in the lab - if not by your fault, then because of others. Luckily, for you these accidents don't tend to cause as much damage as they used to; in fact, often times they'll result in a new breakthrough in your research, or some other interesting discovery. An accident in your lab will never directly result in your death.

Brought To You By Jumper Enterprises (1600CP) – Being able to fund your research can be difficult, especially when all you have are theories. You have it pretty easy, though, as it seems that sponsorships and job offers just fall into your lap, ensuring that you'll have no shortage of money or supplies for your research. Of course, they won't necessarily support ALL of your projects, but there's no reason you can't "repurpose" what they've given you, right?

Brilliant Engineer (1400CP) – Theories are one thing, but actually applying your knowledge is another; luckily, you can be good at both. You're a very good engineer, and with enough time and resources you are capable of creating battle suits that greatly enhance the strength of the wearer, invisibility suits (driving the wearer crazy is optional), vehicles on par with the Batmobile and even lifelike automatons. Your creations could be a powerful tool for both good... and evil.

Crazed Chemistry (1200CP) – You've learned how to make some of the chemicals used by the villains of Gotham; namely Venom, the super-steroid used by Bane, the fear toxin used by Scarecrow, the Joker's laughing gas, and Poison Ivy's various toxins. In addition, your mastery of chemistry allows you to create chemicals and formulas with similar effects.

Hybridization (900CP) – You're a master biologist, but you know much more than that; you're capable of creating hybrids between two different creatures, and can even create mutagens that allow people to turn into half-human, half-animal hybrids. In the case of transformations, you can choose how animalistic the mutagen makes someone, both in terms of appearance and in how their mind is altered; the more animalistic, the more powerful. You're also capable of making such transformations permanent, if you wish.

Silicon Surgeon (600CP) – The age of analog is over; it's time to go digital! You're capable of constructing rudimentary AI, and with effort can construct machines that think and feel like a human does; what's more, you're also capable of creating machines and programs that interface with the brain, such as virtual realities. You're also skilled enough to ensure that these machines won't harm those who use them... or that they do. In time, you'll even be able to make machines that control the human mind instead of the other way around.

Lab Safety Equipment – Labcoat, gloves, glasses. While simple, these things seem to shield from accidents in the lab much better than normal safety gear; while they don't prevent accidents from happening, the accidents that do happen will damage you far less when you're wearing these things.

Laboratory (400CP) – A large research center with millions of dollars' worth of equipment, oriented towards any number of scientific pursuits. In addition to the equipment you also get a team of researchers, thinkers, and other scientifically minded folk that can you with your work for you to direct. While the building follows you, the staff do not; you instead get a random assortment of new people each Jump, although their skills will be on par with their predecessors.

Jumper Industries (150CP) – Your very own tech company, worth nearly a billion dollars; while not as big as Wayne industries, you're definitely one of their bigger competitors. Jumper Industries makes any number of products, and all factories and production facilities are located in Gotham City creating numerous jobs while creating enough product to sell on a global level. The company is 100% owned by you, which means there's no board of directors or shareholders you need to keep happy.

Programmable Metal (0CP) – A special metal that can be "programmed" with only a few slight touches, creating impressive geometric shapes, weapons, or nigh-unbreakable bindings and changing flexibility and rigidity in a moment's notice. In addition to a small supply of the metal that you have, you also have the knowhow to make more.

The Demon's Head
No Killing Rule
Make Em' Laugh
Rogue Gallery

Age: 31
Identity: Tech Expert

You're Welcome, By The Way – You might have noticed that as time went on, a lot of the people here have become... snarky, for a lack of better words. Snippy, bantering, sarcastic, call it whatever you want because they'll call it whatever they want as well. The point is they're not the only ones now. That is, they don't have a monopoly on sounding high and mighty. Mainly because you can keep up with them. Tony Stark's sharp tongue will have competition, the Avengers' humor will have another player, I think you're getting the drift. It doesn't always have to be active, but you can sound like such a magnificent bastard. Why wouldn't you want to do it all the time?

For the Camera – Smile and wave, just like they want you to. In this day and age it's not enough to simply know what you're talking about or to be rich, you also need to be presentable. Fortunate then, that you know just how to do that. Good public speaking skills, knowing just what to wear, even some quick impromptu hair styling to touch yourself up just right. People love putting a face to actions and events, so put the best one out there.

Money, Dear Boy (2300CP) – It's always fun to be able to make up new toys and equipment for you to show off with. After all, why make something if people won't eventually know that it was you who made it? Yet for all the acting of how your brilliance and inventions makes you better than most, it's not going to make you money. A good thing that you know how to do it, then. You can find buyers and niches in the marketplace, have the know-how to make a sales pitch, and even figure out how to water down your technology for... consumer use. If nobody's paying you, then you don't have the resources to impress them.

Enhancements (2100CP) – Sometimes, people need to be better. Maybe the situation is more than they can handle, maybe they're on Death's door and you need to cheat her out of her prize. The point is, they are inadequate right now and need to be better. You will make them better. Modular technology to create sophisticated power armor, powerful cybernetics to enhance their insides... the knowledge to create them is yours to do as you see fit. Your knowledge even encompasses the first steps needed to understand the various serums that are floating around the world, so that one day you can learn to replicate them... or alter them as needed.

Bring Out Veronica (1800CP) – There's always that escalating threat that seems to loom over your head. Always something trying to make sure that you can't rest, lest you be caught unprepared. It's a stressful line of thinking, but that stress will see you through. Looming threats will spark your ingenuity and manufacturing speed tremendously, allowing you to quickly take stock of the situation and use information surrounding said threats to create countermeasures and machines custom-tailored for the situation in a fraction of the time it would normally take. Knowledge of the monster tearing down cities could see you adapting and fielding a custom armor for taking it down, or learning very rapidly from your mistakes in one fight to adapt your technology for the next fight.

Pymtastic! (1400CP) – The life work of Hank Pym, and Cross Technologies has attempted to replicate it for some time. It has been cracked by another, however. It's been cracked by you. Subatomic particles of an extra dimensional nature, a single application of these particles are capable of shunting or adding mass and reducing or increasing scale of any form of matter. This means that they can compress physical forces around objects or organisms that they are applied to, as well as increasing density and strength of the subject, with additional particle applications only being needed if you want to change the object's size again. However be warned, humans without the proper protection can suffer mental instability at best or being crushed into a protein goo at worse, while shrinking an item or person too small will see them banished to the Quantum Realm. This means you need regulation technology similar to the Ant-Man suit to control the changes. On the plus side, your work with these particles allows you to upgrade technology by compartmentalizing and reducing the size of technology significantly while retaining its standard effectiveness.

Holotablets – Sometimes you just need to keep up-to-date on things, regardless of distance. Sometimes you just need to look cool as hell while doing it, too. These collapsible, ultra-lightweight and durable screens will let you do just that. Able to connect to any computer or sufficiently advanced device you possess, these tablets can give diagnostics and remote accessibility to some extent to let you keep tabs on the technology. Never worry about the state of things again!

D.W.A.R.F. (1300CP) – I'm sorry to say that this is not an actual dwarf. It would be funny, but we haven't seen dwarves so far. No, this is a set of quad-copter robot drones that are designed to cloak themselves and rush into a location to seek out, analyze, and scan various anomalies. Scan types range from matter density to radiation types to even texture and a form of smelling the air. They're perfect surveillance and scanning tools for all your needs!

Cybernetic Parts (1100CP) – Humankind has always been slow to change in the face of danger and uncertainty. That's why they're so dependent on the Avengers when danger comes around, after all. But you know that there will come a time where the Avengers cannot save humanity, and you must help them save themselves. That's why you have this slew of cybernetic equipment to study and work with in order to turn humans into transhumans. Prosthetic limbs that increase strength and speed, enhanced eyes that allow one to see on multiple spectrums, implants that allow interfaces to appear on one's body... and they come from a variety of sources, from CyberTek to HYDRA's own Winter Soldier program, even Nebula's own particular cybernetic array. Transcend human limitations.

Last Name Corporation (800CP) – Why is it that every big-wig company here uses the founder's last name for their brand? Must be an ego thing. Either way, with this you have your very own company as well! Coming with an R&D department, testing area, and even a financial/marketing department so that it can keep making decisions and seeking out profit even when you're not around, and they'll do even better if you happen to share any technological or scientific advances you've come up with! At least, as long as you're not blatantly doing anything illegal. As for what this company does... that's for you to decide. Maybe you'll try to get into the weapons manufacturing market, or maybe you want to compete with Stark Industries and be an alternative energy company with ties into advanced tech. Maybe you want to do something else and go into biomedical areas. The choice is yours.

Particle Storage Container – Bottling a particle, whoever thought of that? Well, Hank Pym did, because he had to get the particles around and safely handle it somehow. Now you have a supply of tiny glass bottles that happen to fit right in the palm of your hand, allowing you to store exotic particles in them for transport or safekeeping. Just don't throw it. I really don't recommend throwing it at people.

Ant-Man Suit – In order for Pym Particles to be used effectively on a person, there must be a special suit in order to protect them. This is due to the potential altering of brain chemicals that could happen on an unprotected person, and for that you will need this. Coming with a special helmet, it contains both a radio-link to communicate with someone and an EMP communication device to stimulate the olfactory nerve center and pheromones of insect-sized organisms. ...meaning you can talk to ants. The gloves/wrists and belt also contain what you need to monitor, regulate, and control the amount of particles used to control your shrinking and growing capability, as well as to make sure you don't accidentally shrink into the Quantum Realm. For an additional undiscounted 100CP you also gain some of the Yellowjacket Suit's components, allowing the suit to fly as well as containing energy pulse 'stingers' to further defend yourself. For the purposes of the Armor Customization Table, this counts as regular armor and not powered armor.

Symbiotic Home (500CP) – There are some homes which will do their most damned to ensure that there's no creepy crawlies within their walls. Not this home. No, this home despite being very upscale and luxurious has a veritable army of ants living within it, and not just regular ants. Fire ants, army ants, bullet ants, the works. Whether you wish for it to be placed somewhere or be a Warehouse attachment, this place has just about every kind of mundane ant possible in it, and they all serve the owner of the home. They do their best to keep the place clean and move items around to ensure you're comfortable and tended to... and trust me, they can do a lot when they work together. They're also very good at following orders and learning what you want them to do. The basement is where they all live, like a small mine filled with nothing but ants where you can talk with them and collect any ants you need. Not only can you introduce other forms of ants to them, but they'll also retain any modifications you make to them without counting as compantions. Just be careful to warn any guest that comes over.

Power Armor
Iron Monger (300CP) – Oh... oh dear. There's a War Machine, and then there's this powered armor. It doesn't have as much in the way of maneuverability or utility, and it doesn't even possess repulsor technology despite its Arc Reactor. What it does possess is the ability to ruin someone's day in a big way, bristling with much greater durability thanks to its Omnium chassis and greater strength up to at least fifty tons thanks to its size. It also possesses gatling guns, grenade launchers, flight thrusters, a missile system, and even a laser-guided warhead. If you want to wage a one-man war, this is the suit to do it in.
War Machine Mk. III (100CP) – A suit of powered armor similar to the eponymous Iron Man armor, this suit is made of a composite material of gold and titanium, granting it quite the durability while its Arc Reactor grants considerable strength to its user. This means they can tank things like being thrown against an airplane with superhuman strength or lift a car with ease. The difference however, is the considerable amount of weaponry on this suit. Multiple machineguns in the arms, a shoulder-mounted machine gun, and sonic weaponry along with the standard repulsor technology means there will be no shortage of methods to do damage.
Love Sandwich (50CP) – Ah... so you're one of those types. The kind that decide two good things would be even better if put together. Peanut butter and jelly, eggs and toast, marshmallows and hot chocolate, a woman and her twi-RIGHT THEN. The point is two good things should make one amazing thing. So using this option, you may take two regular armors or two powered armors, then merge them together for one glorious end-product. You may only do this option once, merging both of their budgets together. Do try to be wise about your choice, mm?
Spinning Rims (0CP) – A mere 1000AP isn't enough for you, not if you want to get that shiny look on top of that enhanced death laser. Of course anyone who has armor would want it to be the best, and to have the best you need to pay for it. Each 50CP you spend here will be converted to 50AP on a 1:1 ratio, with this option able to be purchased multiple times. This option only goes towards the budget of one armor, not all armors, so choose carefully on which one is your pride and joy.

Power Source
"Badassium" Reactor (850AP) – There is the ARC reactor, and then there is its better, more successful cousin who seems to have everything you don't. Unlike the original version which requires Palladium Cores, this one seems to utilize a different sort of element which contains far more power along with a higher output, which of course means more options or just a longer duration time before needing to do anything with the core. Of course if that isn't enough, for an additional 100AP you could always buy the upgrade which allows you to place miniature Reactors all along your armor for back-up power sources or to give you more 'oomph'. Just be careful, the legal team's still making a fuss about the name. (I can do the upgrade myself, thank ye.)

Multiple Layers (800AP) – But why settle with just one layer? Onions have layers, armors have layers. It's a no-brainer. So why not get some additional layers? Purchasing this will grant a small secondary layer of plates over your primary ones, that will take hits and shed themselves off so that the primary armor underneath is pristine and ready to keep protecting the vital component inside: You. Of course you can always take this multiple times, but... I don't really recommend too many times. Unless being a giant ball of armored layers is your idea of a fun time.
Computer-Assisted Dodging (700AP) – There's also another amazing defense out there for the nimble and the active; it's called 'not getting hit'. Not every battle has to deal with you being a wall, after all. This isn't DC Comics. Anyway, your armor systems contain a tactical computer which will scan and analyze the enemy's fighting pattern, then assist you with quick movements and suggestions to dodge out of the way for a quick counter-attack. You can turn this off at any time, but it won't put you in any obvious danger like making you dodge off a cliff or into a death hole.
Point Defense Weapon – Missiles, throw objects, grenades, they all share two basic facts: They can potentially hurt your armor, and they can be shot down. This upgrade places a remote cannon on your shoulder that can be deployed at any time, focusing on detecting any incoming projectile and targeting it in order to stop it in its tracks. A bit flashy, and it may not help if something is supernaturally fast in its default state, but the majority of modern methods of attack will be stopped or hampered by this automatic system.
Omnium Infusion – Okay look. If anyone asks where you got this, just claim that it fell off the back of Stark's truck or something. It's as good of an explanation as anyone's going to get that isn't just flat cheating. While Vibranium is versatile and is good at kinetic redirection, this material is meant to be closer to the metal known as Adamant-...wait that's right, we can't use that name. ANYWAY, Omnium is a steel alloy that's significantly stronger than titanium and can take a lot more punishment than a suit made of the infamous gold-titanium composite. Really, by this point the weakest component of the suit would be you.

Integrated Guns – When in doubt, settle with dakka. Each purchase of this option will install a small machine gun on your arms or somewhere else on your armor that's ready to pop out and start shooting as needed. It's basic, but it'll get the job done.
Augmented Servos (650AP) – Depending on who you ask, the answer to what makes the greatest weapon will be 'your fists'. They're good tools, so nothing wrong with that logic right? Each purchase of this option will augment the servos on your suit, allowing you to lift a few extra tons each time! Useful for all kinds of things, but especially useful in punching the hell out of someone.
Sonic Cannons – DROP THE BASS. This little weapon addition employs a pair of high-powered sonic cannons right on your arms, allowing you to try and subdue someone nonlethally so that you can bring them in for whatever you wish. That or you can crank it up and liquefy their brain from the frequency, whatever floats your boat. ...and yes, you can make it play music if you wanted. Not sure how seriously you can be taken by making it a music cannon, but no accounting for taste.
Repulsor Tech – The iconic armaments of the Iron Man armor series made by Tony Stark, these devices work by using magnets to generate and focus energy through an electrostatic lens to fire off a concussive blast via high-density beams. Fortunately as a result, you can dial these beams to either feel like a hard-hitting punch or turn it up enough to simply vaporize the enemy in front of you. It's a bit nasty, but it'll get the job done. As a plus, you can likely figure out how to fly with this!
Military Suite – Go big or go home. Using dainty strength or nonlethal blasts can only go so far when someone wants to kill you, so why not return the favor? Just shoot them! A purchase of this will grant a miniature missile system on your back, a minigun to be placed on your shoulder or arm, a grenade launcher, and even a small laser-guided warhead. Show them that you mean business.
Plasma Array (350AP) – Welcome to the future, friend. No longer do you deal with bullets or rockets or such primitive functions. No, you've learned since the Incident, and have upgraded. You instead have two plasma repeaters on your arms and one of your shoulders carries a larger plasma cannon that can fire off and detonate a truck like it was a Pinto. I mean, they're all like Pintos when you think about it, but your cannon can do that to vehicles for real!

Clamp-down System (300AP) – Sometimes you just need to plant yourself like a tree and tell the world "No, you move." This system will let you do just that, anchoring yourself down with plates installed on your feet that will make the ground break before the system does. Perfect for turning yourself into a stationary weapons platform or for gaining leverage for certain tasks.
A.I. Slot (250AP) – While not an actual A.I. system, this modification to your powered armor at least grants you the possibility. By using this remote chip you may select one A.I. in your possession to accompany you within the suit, giving you assistance and a second perspective when you need it. Just choose the right A.I., okay? It'll be crowded in there if you pick someone you dislike.
Smart Targeting System (200AP) – We're not saying that you don't have a good eye. Maybe you do. But this would be one less thing you have to worry about, wouldn't it? A purchase of this would mean you could detect threats, and have your armor give assistance in aiming the weapons to strike them down. Think of it like a minor aimbot to help you. It might be cheating, but all's fair in love and war.
Additional Thrusters (0AP) – Who doesn't like flying? It gives a full range of movement that those restricted to the ground cannot comprehend, and it lets you lord it over them as well. A purchase of this will grant you two small thrusters so that you can fly around just like Iron Man would, without the issue of being unable to fire weapons off at the same time. It'll also give you some little flaps on your armor to help with air brakes in the event that you need to stop quickly. If you have thrusters, this will just improve them! ...or give a second set. No one's judging. This can be purchased multiple times.

It's Strange
Huge Ego

Age: 12
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Background: Nerd
Location: Jump City

Engineering: You're a master mechanic and an expert at building robots and other technological devices. You also have a fair bit of knowledge about hacking into computers.

Bioengineering: You know how to create mutagens and modify biological creatures. You could use your knowledge to give people animal based super powers or enhance someone's natural physical abilities.

Telepathy (1250CP): You're able to mentally communicate with people over long distances, hear what someone is actively thinking and plant weak hypnotic suggestions into other people's minds.

Technopathy (1050CP): You can communicate with electronic technology and command it to do what you want. You can't force a machine to do anything outside of it's capabilities but you can figure out how to improve a machine by talking to it.

Genius (750CP): You're one of the brightest minds in the whole world, which is really impressive when the world is filled with super geniuses that can create nanites, cyborgs, energy weapons and FTL starships.

Costume: Regardless of what you decide to do this unique piece of attire will be essential for your career. Your costume tells people who you are and although it doesn't provide much protection it's still better than going around naked.

Theme Song: You get a personal soundtrack that will play whenever you enter combat or do anything else worthy of music.

Holographic Disguise Rings (700CP): A set of two inconspicuous looking rings that can project a lifelike humanoid disguise over the wearer.

Personal Communicators (650CP): Eight hand-sized electronic devices that allow users to connect through phone calls, texts and video chat. They operate on a private satellite network and can function almost anywhere on the planet without fail. Each communicator is equipped with a built-in tracking device and self-destruct system for emergencies, the software is barebones by default but with a bit of programming you could easily make your own smartphone. Aside from your starting inventory, you'll also receive a set of instructions and design notes that will tell you how to make more.

Admission Papers (600CP): A set of documents that can help get you into any secret school designed to teach superpowered individuals. They won't provide any funding though, you'll have to find that yourself.

Allowance (500CP): You receive a $100,000 worth of the local currency from a mysterious yet trustworthy benefactor every month.

Xenothium (400CP): A small container filled with a rare and highly unstable chemical compound that can serve as an extremely powerful energy source. It's not radioactive but it will explode very violently if not properly handled.

Not So Secret Base (0CP): A high-tech five story building located on a small isolated piece of land. Both the land and the building are recognized to be under your ownership and for some odd reason no one ever seems to care about anything strange that happens on your property. You could launch a rocket with only a brief bit of forewarning to city officials or have big obvious battles out in the open and get no attention whatsoever. Aside from the anomalous effects surrounding your property, the base comes with 10 bedrooms, (Each with their own personal bathroom.) a main operations/living room, a kitchen, a gym, an infirmary, a garage, and a basement.

Empathic Empowerment
Annoying Super-Team

Age: 21
Species: Kree: The Kree are a militaristic race that is attempting to expand their galactic empire through conquest. All Kree have been genetically engineered in some way, granting them, at the very least, slightly above peak human strength, durability, and intelligence. Of course, being a Kree can cause you more trouble than it's worth due to their campaign of subjugation. Kree have sky blue skin, and can have a wide variety of hair colors, including green, blue, and steel-grey.
Background: Scientist: You've graduated summa cum laude from one of the top universities in the world, and you can easily be considered one of the top minds on the planet. What you may lack in combat experience you can make up with technology and general know-how.
Location: New York City: The Big Apple, home to most of the superheroes (and supervillains) of the world, including the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, the X-Men and soon: the Avengers.

The Adjectival Jumper: The Mighty Thor, The Incredible Hulk, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Invincible-Armored Iron Man... it seems that pretty much every hero of note has some add on to their name that's associated with them. Now you do, too; you can pick an adjective or two that, for one reason or another, will become heavily associated with your name(s) wherever you go.

Scientist Supreme: You're smarter than most; your knowledge covers nearly every scientific field, and while you're not knowledgeable to the point where you'll be making major breakthroughs- you don't know anything that you couldn't learn already- you're more than capable of understanding those who do.

Form and Function: While some scientists have to choose one or the other, you can have both; it's not only easy for you to make your works look great, but you can do so in a way where you don't use more materials than you would normally.

Smartest Man in the Room (3000CP): You know your stuff, and others know that. When dealing with the inventions that you've built, others are far more likely to heed your warnings or take your instructions seriously, so long as they're not obviously detrimental to them, or if they feel certain in what they are doing. You can also try this with tech that you didn't make, though they may be more likely to doubt your warnings, not to mention the possibility of you being wrong.

Broadcast Booster (2900CP): You've discovered a way to make your signals much more effective and efficient, letting you transmit or receive signals and other methods of transmission, such as radio waves, on a global scale. Call your power armor to your exact location, get five bars wherever you go, or make the ultimate remote control.

Robotics (2750CP): Making robots and sentient AI is almost second nature to you, with the ease that you create them with. You also have knowledge of robotics in general, and can easily disable or hack one if you can access its software.

Alloy Smith (2600CP): Advanced knowledge of chemistry and metallurgy has allowed you to create alloys out of various materials, including metals and chemicals. These new alloys retain all of the properties- including those that are supernatural in nature- of the materials used to make them, allowing you to create truly powerful substances.

Armored Jumper (2400CP): You've got the know-how to create suits of power armor- more along the lines of Crimson Dynamo in terms of size, though with much higher quality. Actually powering the armor is a bit trickier, as you lack the ability to make Arc Reactors with this alone, but it's possible that you can make an equivalent- or even run the armor off of something else entirely. With "Sleek and Efficient", your armors can be closer to Tony Stark's in size

Sleek and Efficient (2200CP): Like a multi-tool, your creations are capable of containing many features in a small package. This isn't true miniaturization; you're not quite at the point where you could shove a moon-sized super laser into a wristwatch. Your wristwatch could, however, have a regular sized laser, as well as a decent computer and several other minor bits and bobs.

Pym's Protégé (1900CP): You can synthesize and utilize Pym Particles to achieve scientific wonders; increasing or decreasing objects and living creatures in size, density, and weight. The exact details of how Pym Particles work are a bit fuzzy, perhaps even to Pym himself, but they seem to have near limitless potential. Growth for living beings is capped at around the size of a large building, while shrinking can go down to subatomic levels- inorganic things could potentially grow or shrink even further, but at extreme size differences the amount of Pym Particles required to sustain that size may outpace the benefit. As an added bonus, you'll also learn about Hank's ant controlling technology.

Gamma Radiation Expert (1600CP): Like Bruce Banner, you've got considerable knowledge about Gamma radiation. Now, normally exposure to Gamma radiation would result in unpleasant side effects- cancer, death, tumors, halitosis- but you've discovered a way to expose others to Gamma radiation in a way that grants them superhuman abilities. This works best on unaltered humans- aliens and other creatures might be enhanced with some fine tuning, but individuals who already possess super human abilities can have an adverse reaction due to the Gamma radiation not only mutating their bodies, but their powers as well, leading to decreased intelligence, unpredictable or animalistic mutations, and possibly even death. The strength and types of mutations depend on how much Gamma radiation is used as well as other factors like hormone levels, age, and even the environment. While the mutations are random, some additional study can be done on those you have enhanced to pinpoint what conditions result in which mutations, allowing you to eventually choose exactly what mutations occur- though this will take decades of constant study. It is incredibly unlikely that you will create someone as strong as the Hulk.

Power Source: There are many ways to acquire or receive power in this world; Mutants are born with their powers, Mutates have been altered to gain their powers, while still others have learned the mystic arts to gain their powers. Some species have gained their abilities as a result of evolution, or genetic modification. In any case, you can choose the "source" of your abilities and powers. This is purely for flavor, and won't affect the strength of the abilities you purchase (barring outside influence.) In addition, you have several "secondary" powers that help you use what you purchase here, though this mostly amounts to protections (immunity to your own pyrokinetic flames and not being smeared across the road when you trip while running at supersonic speeds, for example. These protections also apply to powers that stack with what you've purchased here). As a bonus, you can toggle the powers you've purchased here on and off.

Aesthetics: You can change the aesthetics of the powers purchased here, so long as the changes are superficial in nature, every ten years. For example, your pyrokinetic flames can be black or green, instead of having the appearance of normal fire. You can also change your appearance in minor ways when using your powers, such as making your eyes glow. By paying 50 CP, you can also alter how your body appears in relation to the powers that you've purchased; pyrokinesis can engulf your body in flames, while increased strength and durability would allow you to have a rocky or metallic appearance, like the Thing or Colossus.

Supreme Mind (1300CP): Your mind is one of the greatest in the world; like a super computer in its ability to process and store information. This means you have perfect memory, down to the minutest details, as well as a greater ability to process information on the fly. Your enhanced mind gives near instantaneous calculative abilities, as well as greatly increased resistance to unwanted mental effects, such as mind control, insanity, and memory alteration. Furthermore, your mind has infinite "memory", as well as the ability to handle having infinite memory without being detrimental to your health. Finally, you can remove unwanted memories and information, in case you want to do some spring cleaning or remove potentially hazardous information.

Stark's Blueprints (1100CP): Perhaps thanks to a bit of corporate espionage, you now have blueprints for pretty much everything that Tony Stark has ever built (with the exception of things built off world or with the help of others, such as the Uru armor or the Magic Nullifier). Includes his suits, his Arc Reactor technology, and the Quinjets. 500 CP Remaining

Costume: You have a costume made of normal materials such as spandex, cloth, or leather. Won't do a thing to stop most attacks, but it's very good looking on you, is comfortable, and doesn't get dirty easily. They also play well with your powers; stretching or growing when you do, and avoiding damage when you set yourself alight. Finally, your costume retains modifications done to it.

Power Armor: A classic; your costume is now a big suit of armor, capable of shrugging off most forms of gunfire or being hit by a semi, lifting around five tons, flight, and some sort of energy attack. Also has a built in computer, capable of helping you aim, hacking, and sending messages to your secretary, as well as giving an internet connection when available and being able to house an AI if you have one. Finally, there's a built in Blu-Ray player, so you can watch cartoons on your way to important missions. More Crimson Dynamo sized than any of Tony's armors, though.
Unhackable (1000CP): Your suit's defenses against hacking and similar attacks are now perfect; no one's going to be messing around with your software but you.
Sleek: Your suit is a marvel of engineering, and retains its outlined abilities in a smaller, more human sized package at no loss of power.
Incredible Bulk (700CP): Scratch that, your suit is back to looking like a mech again. Fortunately, this time the gain in size means that your suit is much stronger than before; capable of tanking explosions, lifting 25 tons, faster flight, and more powerful energy attacks.
Stark Tech: Your armor is now equivalent to one of Tony Stark's suits, in terms of hardware. Featuring repulsors, greatly enhanced strength and durability, an Arc reactor, and capable of astonishing travel speeds, as well as greater software. If taken with "Incredible Bulk", your suit is roughly equivalent to the Hulkbuster.
GiAnt-Sized: Your costume has been modified to work with Pym Particles, shrinking or growing all components, along with yourself, when supplied with Pym Particles. Obviously, you'll need a supply of Pym Particles for this to work.

Degrees: You're smart, and now there's evidence corroborating that; you have a set of updating academic degrees for each subject that you're sufficiently knowledgeable in that everyone will accept, even if the subjects are non-existent wherever you are, or if you have no history where you are.

Super Soldier Serum (600CP): You have a batch of Super Soldier Serum, developed during the second World War, and used to grant Captain America his "peak human" abilities.

Lab Samples (Uru Metal) (300CP): You have a replenishing supply (50 pounds every 10 years) of either Uru, Adamantium (in a molten form), or Vibranium, and a small (less than a pound of material), non-replenishing supply of whichever materials you didn't choose to study or use as you will. You also get a free purchase of the material you chose for your costume and your weapon.

Jumper Industries (0CP): You have your own tech company/R&D team, with all the infrastructure and manpower required to successfully mass produce any (mundane) products of your design. Of course, this is just to start with; you can upgrade your main facility with your own things and teach your R&D team to bring things up to your level. Your employees don't follow you; instead, their skills and any knowledge you pass on to them is "passed on" to their "replacements" when you get to a new Jump, ensuring that production is ready to go as soon as you arrive.

The Long Haul
Status Quo
Red in the Ledger (100)
The Jumpersleep (200)
Superior Foes (200)
Sentinels Mark Jumper (300)
Ragnarok (300)
The Last Avenger (1000)

Age: 22
Background: Tleilaxu
Planet: Bene Tleilax

Appraising Potential (1550CP) – When genes have even more importance here than they do in Metal Gear it isn't surprising that some have developed the ability to study a person, without using invasive tools, in order to determine several factors: their ancestry, disposition to common genetic disorders, and other similar factors. If equipped with the right tools or an actual genetic sample, you could probably determine their grandparents' eye color and whether their grandchildren will have a disposition toward poetry or politics. It's all in the genes.

Ghola (1400CP) – A clone of a corpse, with potential access to the memories of whoever you might have been. Due to certain problems with the cloning process, your eyes will be replaced with metal eyes of identical functionality to that of a normal human; they will be restored to normal after the jump ends, but you will lack any preternatural abilities of visual perception here. As a ghola, you may be a clone of anyone, with up to 600 points of abilities (excepting face dancer and Bene Gesserit abilities) without any discounts applied - for example, were you a ghola of Piter de Vries, you could gain Mentat and Simulflow. A ghola of Duncan Idaho would have Ginaz Swordmaster but must purchase Military Training separately in order to use such ability. As a ghola, many will shun you if they know what you are, and triggering the knowledge of these former lives will be highly traumatic for you; you will gain an extreme phobia of whatever killed you previously. You are not required to increase your age for perks you buy with Ghola points.

Robust Engineering (300GP) – Ten thousand years of stagnation in technology is a very long time... and now you know how to apply the lessons of those millennia to the construction of anything you have. Mass production does not exist any longer and even relatively common items are made as if masterwork quality, because aside from obvious cheap items, they have been built to last longer than the person using them. Expect anything you construct by hand to be able to last centuries, as long as you take a little extra time while you make it. With the amount of time you're going to be around... you may need that sort of quality.

Holtzmann Science (0GP) – History disagrees who the Holtzman effect was discovered by. Norma Cenva, Tio Holtzman, Ibraham Vaughn Holtzman... the important thing is what the Holtzman effect can do. Compact antigravity generators. Personal shields. Instantaneous transport between two points. You know it all, to a level of detail that would make most scientists jealous; while you're not going to be putting a heighliner together alone in ten years, you could easily make a skiff. Somehow, any shields you make aren't affected by lasers the way they are here, but that is not an effect any scientists here can replicate, so best to keep that under your hat. Lasers will cause them to overload and fizzle, though.

Face Dancer (1250CP) – Face dancers are a rarely-seen presence in the Imperium, and are advertised as consorts for pleasure by the Tleilaxu; fortunately for you, you aren't one of those. You may change your appearance and gender to that of any human of teen or adult age, completely at will and remain fully functional up to and including emulating the clothing of your choice, and without being a eunich as in-universe face dancers are. It takes a few seconds and there is an unpleasant blurring effect over your form when it shifts.

Fleshcrafting (1000CP) – The Tleilaxu have thousands of years of knowledge in how to manipulate living forms, whether tinkering with genes outright or through breeding programs, and are able to apply that toward virtually any end with enough time and effort. Using only in-universe tools, you can expect to exercise a great deal of patience in your work, but the abominations that the Tleilaxu keep behind closed doors prove their method. If you were to use more... traditional methods of genetic engineering, coupled with the knowledge given here, you could produce truly remarkable things, whether changing a man into a monster or the pinnacle of human evolution. Even without that, the existence of ghouls (zombie-like killing machines that convert what they kill into more ghouls) and leeches (biological tanks) as well as biomechanical hardware are stark proof of the efficiency of the Tleilaxu gene-forging.

Mentat (500CP) – Master strategists, planners, and human computers, Mentats go through training that allows them to outperform any modern-day computer. History records Albert Einstein as the first recorded "natural mentat", but they are as far beyond him as he was beyond the average schoolboy. They can take the smallest scraps of data and put together a picture, and the more data they can use, the more accurate their calculations. House Ordos is infamous for being led by a quartet of Mentats called the Executrix in recent years, and this has made them a formidible economic force.

Weirding Module (250CP) – Now here is something odd, and no matter where you look you won't even normally find it in this universe. A strange-looking weapon that can be held in a single hand, the weirding module is a sonic weapon that works by translating certain sounds made by the user into attacks of varying potency. Unless intentionally destroyed, it will find its way back to the warehouse if lost, but there is no owner's manual - you will have to discover how to use it by trial and error.

Briefcase of Melange (0CP) – It is said that a briefcase full of melange is wealth enough to buy a planet. Short of a purchase of that magnitude, or outfitting an army in full, you will have virtually limitless wealth during this jump. This wealth cannot be taken with you, because when you leave you will in fact have a briefcase of melange in your warehouse which refills itself on a weekly basis. It cannot be converted to currency, though it should also be noted that it is absolutely delicious when added to coffee, and imbibing it in excess will still cause an expansion of consciousness. Fortunately, outside of this universe, it is not addictive.


Age: 50
Location: Purple Grove
Background: Drop-In

Knowledge of the First – Those rare few who, generations past, beheld a pristine world from afar as a blue-green jewel in the night. The First were explorers and colonists, from lost Urath - Earth - and did not then know of their destiny as Gods of the new world. You know of the truth of this world, the great genocide conducted against the natives, of the psycho-conditioning and controlled mutations that allowed men to become Gods and command the fate of all. With time and attention, you might be able to divine the true names of the Gods and claim to be one of the First yourself.

The Divine Machines (1350CP) – Many and varied are the wonders of the Gods. From the Vasty Hall of Death, Yama brings forth Thunder Chariot and Bright Spear, Trident of Destruction and Wand of Universal Fire. In Heaven, there is an elegant statue with eight arms that plays the lute when addressed, and endless machines that keep all in perfect stasis. The elementary forms of these great sciences and artefacts are laid bare to you, and you may service and understand the technology of this world. While great innovations and the wonders forged by Yama might escape you, you have a solid basis that escapes the vast majority of men and gods in the world - sufficient to greatly impress those who understand the value of such things. With this you also gain one artefact costing 200CP or less for free.

Chosen of Death (1050CP) – Great Yama, Death-god, has seen you clearly and bade you enter the Vasty Hall of Death, to serve as his partner in creation. Not merely revealing his secrets of science - you are his equal in the arts. Your creativity is that which may forge ten unique treasures each day, or mass produce legends. Design of all forms of weapons, armours, vehicles, and utilities comes to you with blinding light and strength of inspiration. With this position comes the virtual guarantee of rebirth in your next life, as a Demigod of the forge. You also gain a Discount on all artefacts and equipment.

Wealth (1000CP) – Not merely comfortable in your station, you are quite well arrayed with the finer things. Whether this is from your merchant holdings, your mostly symbolic but well rewarded stewardship of one of the important structures of Heaven, or just the bag of gold at your hip – you have enough capital to smooth over some eccentric purchases and a somewhat flamboyant lifestyle.

Bright Spear – One and one-half span of silver is this spear, attuned to your brainwaves and taking flight at your will. It strikes faster than any arrow, and vibrates through any shield - shaking clean of gore before its return to your hand. It may also move to intercept arrows and blows, as well as carry you aloft at speeds to outpace the finest horse.

The Electrosword (900CP) – Woe betide whoever cross swords with you and become the path for the lightning contained within this tarnished silver blade, which can extend from a hand-width shortsword into a finger-wide four metre scythe. Should you so desire, the fluid metal of the blade may flicker out as a long lash – harmless by itself, but carrying a deadly current.

Gehenna Gun (750CP) – A handgun of demoniac aspect, which clamps around your arm for stability and requires you to wear five palm-sized vibration-dampening units around their body. It operates by fibrillating its target to pieces, creating dangerous resonances across a broad spectrum – using its laser targeting to determine object composition and structural weaknesses. Whilst it does not fire swiftly, against most mortals, it reduces them to so much tender meat and softened bone – their connective tissues completely degraded. Against most tanks, it buckles and shears armour and electronics 'till it screeches to a broken halt. Against most Gods, it will disorient and nauseate instantly, and if they are not swift will kill them in seconds.

Red Robe of Death (500CP) – Who would make a spear that could slay him? Not Death. The subtlest of his great creations, the red robes are proof against Fire and Glow, Vibroblade and Attribute. It would be a legendary deed in itself to even mar their regenerative scalar-fibre bundles, and the integrated inertial bleed reduces even the mightiest blows to a gentle rustle of fabric.

Thunder Chariot (250CP) – A mighty steel aircraft, with the shape of a warhammer, propelled by two great jet engines that leave streaks of fire across the sky. Capable of hypersonic speed and with a flight ceiling as high as possible for an air-breathing craft, it has powerful weapons capable of reducing an army to scattered pieces. It carries twenty and is protected by superalloy plating and force-screen that can for a time resist the fury of the greatest Weapons of the Gods.

Wand of the Universal Fire (0CP) – The Universal Fire strikes and reduces to ashes. This is of two parts - the partial protective bodysuit with powerful optical enhancement, capable of counting the hairs on the back of a fly from ten miles away, that covers head and arm and bears the generator as a smooth hump at the top of the back, and the Wand itself. All constructed of a white-silver plastic that resists these greatest flames - for a time. With the Wand in hand, one may wield as a scalpel or fury - severing single hairs, rendering buildings or mountaintops as molten slag, or sending a pure beam up to scar the Moons, as the God of Fire, Agni did upon receiving this most worthy tool.


Background: Space Pirate (2000CP)

The Light of Aether (1400CP): There were others who traveled beyond the stars in those ancient days, Jumper. One such race still lives to this day, though in dwindling numbers against an abyssal foe. The Luminoth live on the light-filled planet of Aether, and harness both light and heat as an energy source, as well as a weapon that can light enemies aflame. You now possess a considerable understanding of their technology – utilizing light in a similar way, creating sound-based detection visors, and perhaps most interesting of all: creating functional portals that allow one to traverse dimensional space. Be warned that hostile or alien dimensions, such as the Dark Aether where the Ing reside, are inherently anathema to beings from this space...the location alone may slay you if you are unprepared or lack similar qualities to whatever natives you find. And indeed, who can say what you will discover in those spaces?
The Dark technology of the Ing eludes your understanding – such a thing is currently an anomaly, and only existent on Dark Aether itself. You will have to find another way if you want to harness the power of the dreaded Ing…

Hit & Run: The Federation never quite understands how weak and spread thin they really are, and you've learned to take full advantage of this. You now have years of experience in raid and hit-and-run tactics, able to quickly steal whatever loot or technology you seek with great haste before the bulk of the law can come to stop you. In addition, you receive a minor speed and dexterity boost when enacting an ambush or stealing from someone.

Cranial Improvements: You seem to have something many of your kin are horrendously lacking in: forward-thinking. You can now spot obvious flaws in security measures you or another individual has taken, and can exploit or fix them with ease. You also receive a sixth sense when a particular experiment or action of yours has a high chance of backfiring. That said, it doesn't discriminate 'dangerous' and 'terrible' in terms of ideas, so you best weigh your odds carefully instead of relying on this sense.

Hazardous Hands (1300CP): Well, they're more like crab claws, really. Regardless, you will find that your kind have a penchant for playing with fire, and perhaps you do as well. When handling any sort of volatile or dangerous materials, or things that would risk infecting or corrupting you in some fashion, you will find transporting and simply holding such things won't pose any real risk to you. You may want to find an actual containment method, though – you don't want to hold those all day, do you? As a bonus, you are now immune to any mundane disease or virus, though a product of supernatural power may overcome this. Where does the Poison, Phazon, fall under? Test it yourself, if you're so curious.

Vapor for Brains (1200CP): Common sense isn't so common in the galaxy, and you've picked up ways to exploit this. Whether it's a very unethical and very 'gifted' science team experimenting on your comrades or a Federation crony looking for a quick stash of credits, sentient species in the galaxy tend to believe very bad ideas will work out in the long run. So why not nudge them along? You are now incredibly skilled at convincing others that incredibly dangerous and stupid ideas are, in fact, good ideas. You won't necessarily convince someone to off themselves or eat a Power Beam at your discretion, but you will find it easy to make them overestimate their own abilities or run headlong into danger. Suckers.

Slice and Splice (1000CP): DNA is such a fascinating thing, isn't it? The road to genetic sciences has opened up to you, and you've become a master of manipulating genetics and mutation. Cloning, genetic modification, and splicing has become an art form to you – even it tends to be more 'art' than 'science', sometimes. Some trial and error is necessary, but the process itself is incredibly easy for you. You can't exactly make someone capable of something genetically impossible in a world without some otherworldly cell cultures or other understandings, but...well. If you get your hands on a Metroid, you may yet unleash a new form of biological terror on the galaxy.

Mechanical Monstrosity (800CP): Cybernetics is such a wonderful craft, isn't it? Bypass the limitations of the flesh and genetics by using superior machines. You are now skilled at making augmentations and entire robotic bodies or vehicles from scratch, along with how to program a basic combat or civilian AI into them – nothing with full sentience, but enough to clean your base without going rampant or questioning if it has a soul. In addition, you can skillfully graft or augment any biological being with such enhancements without worry of biological rejection – perhaps making their body all cybernetic except for the brain (which naturally has quite a few computation upgrades anyways), or replacing a lost limb. Anesthetic during surgery is optional – the screams mean it's working!

One Of Many (500CP): It can be difficult living in a galaxy hostile to the forces of progress and science, of which you and your kin are undoubtedly a part of. Sometimes, the fruits of your research are destroyed and your leaders are killed repeatedly by the vengeful Hunter. But you always have a backup handy. You can now recreate any sentient being you have a preserved DNA sample with a 90% or better success rate, complete with the memories or genetic ability of what you're cloning at the time the sample was collected. While magically-tied abilities may be lost in translation, you will find it easy to pick up work where you left off if the original is destroyed.

Science Tubing (200CP): Technology is surprisingly modular in your hands, able to combine and utilize different practices and using them together with ease, as well as creating devices that can accept new, on-the-fly modifications with ease, such as a 'slot' for accepting Phazon, a new energy source, and more. This does little for supernatural sources – there's only so much you can bend before something breaks – but as a bonus, technologies you combine, even when mutually incompatible, seem to function just fine...however, pushing the envelope or constantly combining conflicting sources will eventually burn through this safety net, and you will find yourself biting off more than you can chew. Or the device in question will explode. It's a bit of a coin toss, really

Noise in the Void (0CP): A true enigma is something that cannot be simply scanned or understood by common machines – and those who rely on these methods will be punished indeed. Long-range scanners or other technological methods of detection or study of you will produce negative results, as though you did not exist. Radar fails to find you, cameras cannot capture your image, scanners fail to provide intelligence on you. Even other, more esoteric methods of detection give fuzzier returns where you are concerned, though it does not make you invisible to those who see the future or use their own minds to follow you. Should you so wish, this effect can be activated or deactivated at will.

Power Armor
What's Old Is New Again (1400SP): If you already have a body-sized suit of armor or a previous model of power armor already, then you may import it for this simple price. All features will integrate seamlessly with each other, and be perfectly compatibility for the purpose of the armor operating as normal. (Ironmonger Suit will be improved!)

Universal Systems
Life Support: Power Armor lives up to its name: it protects and keeps its user alive, first and foremost. Even the most basic of suits will provide a self-sustaining life support system. It puts the user in a sealed environment that can survive in a vacuum (though not extreme temperatures like sealed magma chambers or a sub-zero arctic), along with a self-sustaining oxygen supply. In addition, the suit will automatically repair itself and damage to the user's vitals through the expenditure of Energy Tanks, which sustain the suit's protection and the life of its user. It can also combat toxins or poisons that manage to move past the Power Armor's protective seal, though it takes time to administer antibodies, and may leave the user vulnerable. You start with one life tank in your armor. For 100sp per tank, you can start with more.
Internal HUD: Whether through your retina or the visor of your helmet, you have a fully operational HUD system depicting the status of your life support, the status of your weapon (and ammo, should you rely on it), and a map system that automatically updates as you travel through a particular location. It needs to be modified manually to gain any new features beyond what you purchase here, but the programming code is flexible for the purpose of adding tactical, on-board systems.
Suit Up (1200SP): A problem that more primitive power armor systems have is that putting on a bulky suit of technology can be a little time-consuming, especially if you're not expecting to engage in combat anytime soon. This solves that issue – your armor is stored within a digital space until it comes time to equip it, where it will form around your body within a matter of seconds. Best done in a relaxed or non-hostile environment, for damage can disrupt the process. You can just as easily 'de-equip' the suit, where it will wait in a pod within your Warehouse for modifications, repairs, or when you need it again. You receive this feature for free, but for 200sp, you also receive blueprints and a box of enough working parts to apply this to other suits of power armor you may own, or any sort of technological equipment you add to your body. If you have a suit tailored to your biology, then this instead creates a 'civilian mode' that lets you read as flesh and bone (or whatever you're made of). Excellent for getting past metal detectors.

Armor Systems
Power Insulation System (1100SP): Despite the fact Power Armor can operate independently for hours at a time, it runs similar risks to shorting out or being overloaded like any sort of electronic device. This is especially problematic if it short circuits and can't be used right in the middle of a battle. That's what this is for. The suit will insulate any extra, outside energy from reaching its subsystems, and while it will still be damaged by loose electrical currents, it will not suffer from any structural or systemic malfunctions from the current or things that would cause such short outs. In addition, your subsystems are incredibly resilient against hacking or other damage, and will reboot in mere seconds if compromised in any way. This can still leave you vulnerable in a tight spot, but it will be for minutes or seconds instead of hours.
The Coffin System (1000SP): Power Armor is meant to be an extension of one's body, not a replacement. This is a somewhat painful alternative for those with missing limbs or otherwise inoperable bodies. When missing an essential body part for the armor, it instead hooks up to the nearest available nerve from the part, and will move entirely based on signals from said nerves. In short, the armor operates by input from your nervous system instead of your own muscle movements underneath it. This enables a slightly faster reaction time and also lets all limbs function even if your own body is a broken mess underneath. For an extra (undiscounted) 100sp, your power armor's movements can be entirely thought operated as it directly hooks up to your brain, though this also means removing it will be a bit more difficult in the heat of the moment – having a chord plugged directly into your skull will do that.
Hazard Shield (900SP): An extremely necessary part of Space Pirate Technology for surviving on their home world. This self-sustaining energy field manifests itself immediately on close contact with dangerous environmental hazards – radiation, toxic waste or poison, acid rain, Phazon – without any input from the user, isolating them completely and safely from risks associated from close contact with the armor. While this includes some weaponry, strong enough 'charges' from these hazardous wastes can still damage you and the armor, though as a small mercy, the shield will still block any poisonous or long-term effects...acid loses its potency in mere seconds, unwelcome radiation fails to effect your systems or body, and so forth.
Fusion (600SP): What is this? Such a thing doesn't exist in the galaxy just yet, born of a desperate measure to save the Hunter's life. Still, it's not out of the question for an aspiring Space Pirate to stumble on such a result themselves...this suit is made of part flesh and part technology, seamlessly integrated together. It may be Metroid DNA or that of a previously unknown creature. Regardless, the result you've created is that the DNA of a single creature (either a Metroid or something you had a sample of beforehand, chosen when you buy this) has been meshed with power suit technology. The benefits are twofold – any sort of biological natural ability the creature had is accessible through the suit. The second benefit is that technology you install onto the suit from this point on will immediately integrate with the suit's biology without fear of conflict...and you can likewise modify the suit genetically like any other organism, and the technology will adapt to it in turn. This won't always create a 1:1 effect and will need some research, along with trial and error...but you may have found the missing link between a perfect bioweapon and a perfect suit of armor. It's just a matter of fusion.

Weapon Systems
Arm Cannon System: All of these weapons are designed to work interchangeably with each other within a single arm cannon, which rests on one arm of your armor (that you may choose). The weapon systems below can all be toggled or combined at will, though newer and self-installed systems may need some work to integrate with it properly. Can be set to a 'stun' or 'kill' setting at will.
Power Beam: A basic weapon used across the galaxy, considered a mainstay of power armor weaponry. These yellow pellet-sized charges of energy have the benefit of having no need for ammunition, with the downside that it does very slight damaged to armored or tough foes. Still, this is the foundation for many of the weapon systems below, and its versatility – lacking an 'element' or exact energy signature – should not be underestimated. Semi-automatic.
Charge Beam (500SP): Of course, one of the fastest ways to make a weak weapon useful is to just use more of it. In this case, add more to it. By 'holding' a single shot of energy from one of your weapons, your suit will supercharge it into a larger blast that will do considerably more damage that whatever the original charge was. The downside is that this only works for energy-based weapons, acting mostly on the principle of 'add more energy'.
Light Beam (300SP): A trademark weapon of the Luminoth as their conflict with the Ing began to spiral out of control, this operates similarly to the plasma beam – a high temperature beam of light that is good at piercing defenses. However, it is also the natural enemy of things that rely on the 'dark' or 'absence of light' for their power or their physical forms...it could perhaps even count as a 'holy' weapon in some worlds, depending on what you fight. Unlike the version the Luminoth use, this beam does not have limited ammunition and can be used at will.
Dark Beam (100SP): The corrosive and malevolent energy of the Ing has been harnessed by you, and does not suffer from limited ammunition, to boot. This darkened and foul beam acts similar to an acid, attaching to and burning through the flesh and metal of an unfortunate target...and it only gets worse should it come into contact with vital organs. The other benefit is that this focused energy, following the Ing ability to traverse dimensions, is that spatially displaced or dimensionally intangible beings can very much be hurt by this weapon. Woe onto them.
Annihilator Beam (0SP): While the Ing and the Luminoth are opposed to each other by nature, their technology is frighteningly powerful when combined together. This is a testament to that. This weapon combines the best qualities of the Light and Dark Beam, in addition to having a rapid rate of fire and being able to 'home in' on targets without any input from the user, as if sensing what target is the most important to strike first. As a bonus, it has a much faster rate of fire, as well.

Visor Systems
Scan Visor: A very basic but helpful tool, almost considered mandatory on long journeys intoalien planets. This scans an individual object or person and gives you some basic, cursory details about the item in question. Even better, if the armor has access to a larger intelligence network or any sort of long-term data banks, it can draw fairly accurate conclusions and guesses about the scanned object by comparing it to observations the data provides – or even a complete dossier, if you can access one. How handy is that?

Movement Systems
Thruster System: A fairly basic and common addition to a suit of power armor is a pair of thrusters on the back. These aren't capable of sustained flight or long-term use, but can provide extra jumping power or momentum when you need to move in another direction VERY quickly. Thought-activated.

Spaceship: You receive a simple FTL craft designed for your personal use with an aesthetic either matching your faction, or the chosen look of your customized power armor (if you bought Make It Yours). It is large enough to carry and sustain you and your companions, but not much more than that, being a personal craft instead of a battleship. Comes with rudimentary defenses and working cryostasis systems for long and boring journeys. You may import a spaceship you already own.

Recharge Station: A simple device stored in either your Warehouse or your Spaceship, this recharge station immediately replenishes all of your Power Armor's Life Tanks, ammunition, and repairs any leftover damage on it. Can't be used for much else, but works with all Power Armor you and your companions purchase from this jump.

Tubes: It appears to be a series of metal tubes. Many of them. They're not geared towards a particular use or purpose, but they're large enough for a Morph Ball to roll through them with relative ease. If you hooked them up together, they'd make for easy object transportation...at least, what you could fit through them. There's probably a use for this... somewhere. One thing is for sure, these are some astoundingly effective tubes.

Fire and Screams
Remember Me?
A Ravenous Abyss
Collect Them All
Limited Access
Ready Access
Really Limited Access
Limited Warranty
That Bitch
You Bitch

Setting: War on Cybertron
Assignment: Scientist
Chassis: Medium – 8 meters/26 feet 2 inches.

ROBOTS IN DISGUISE! – You're a robot now; as such you don't need to breathe, eat, or sleep. You do require Energon to survive, without it you'll go into stasis lock. This stasis lock last forever unless your spark (life-force) is extinguished or you get enough Energon back in your systems. As a Transformer your strength depends on your chassis, Small Chassis can lift 25tons (22t), Medium Chassis can lift 50tons (45t), and Large Chassis can lift 100tons (90t). Beast Wars Era the strength levels are 10tons (9t) for Small Chassis, 20tons (18t) for Medium Chassis, and 30 tons (27t) for Large Chassis. Transformers brain circuits are not unlike a highly advanced super computer, giving the average transformer a level of intelligence similar to that of human geniuses. Your robot body is extremely tough to damage, military grade anti-materiel weapons and Energon weapons are only thing that are capable of damaging you. Even then the average transformer can take a beating and survive.

Altmode – All Transformers have an Altmode which is either an animal or machine. You can turn into any animals or machine that you fits your Chassis type. You can choose to change into any animal or vehicle form that you've seen in your previous adventures, or for the future you can scan it. For maximum size in your Alt form you take your robot form and add +2m (6ft 6in) to its maximum height or in case of planes, wingspan. Beast Wars Era Transformers can only choose animal or beast like forms, they've lost their ability to change into vehicles or other machines. (Gonna go with an Abrams here.)

Science! (Mechanics, Medicine, Physics) (900CP) - Your programming is focused on either Mechanics, Medical, or a field of Science (Pick One), this gives you equivalent of a Cybertronian PHD in that field of study. You receive discounts on the other specialties if you choose this again.

Overclock (800CP) - You've tampered with your brain circuits increasing the efficiency of data, doubling your intelligence to that of a normal cybertronian. By tampering with your brain circuitry even further you've unlocked the ability to overclock them, temporarily doubling your intelligence again and your perception of time slows down to a crawl for a few seconds requiring only a minute of light activity or less to recharge. Overtime you can upgrade your brain circuits to better process data, so that your previous overclocking at quadruple intelligence of a normal cybertronian becomes normal. When you overclock after this your intelligence is boosted to total of x8 to that of an average cybertronian.

Master Builder (600CP) – You've been programmed with mastery of Cybertronian science allowing you jury rig any tech you see, as well allowing you to quickly build even the most complex Cybertronian tech within a reasonable time period. Smaller devices are almost instant, larger devices take some time and more components. However with enough material you can build a temporary space bridge. Despite your mastery of Cybertonian science, creation of a Spark and therefore intelligent life, organic or inorganic is beyond you.

Aim Assist (400CP) – Transformers naturally have motion tracking and aim assisted programming. Yours however is better than the rest, allowing tracking multiple targets and keeping aim while on the run. You'll hit your targets more often.

Energon Melee Weapon – Every bot worth their Energon has a melee weapon, these weapons like everything else runs on Energon but are very efficient and practically never run out of Energon. (An axe!)

Energon Battle Pistol – This is a pistol. Reload required after 8 shots. Comes with 5x zoom.

Neutron Assault Rifle: This is a sonic fully automatic assault rifle. Reload required after 32 shots.

Photon Burst Rifle (300CP): This is a 3-round burst battle rifle. Reload required after 24 shots. Comes with 5x zoom.

Path Blaster (100CP): Upgraded version of Photon Burst Rifle, it's semi-automatic and fires molten metal.

Datatrax (0CP): These are the primary storage unit for data similar to a USB drive & hard drive to Transformers, but with much more advanced technology. Each Datarax has massive amount of storage is approximately a zettabyte in size.

Age: 24
Universe: Original Cartoon series
Allegiance: Cobra
Background: Scientist (1400CP)

Slithering escape – You are always prepared to escape and fortune will always favor such attempts. In the case of the rare chance escape is impossible, you will have several back up plans to break you out of any prison you are put in. Weather it is moles in the inside, or mercenaries having a prior contract with you in case of an emergency. You feel the urge to always yell at some point that next time will be different.

Camouflage/Master of Disguise (1350CP) – You can become completely concealed either by going invisible, or being hiding in shadow. This effect loses effectiveness if you try to move. Also direct sunlight will turn off this ability. You also will always have an assortment of generic plastic masks and clothes in your warehouse and can "ask" for a specific person. Once you put on this mask and clothes you look like living person. No one can tell the mask is fake until you take it off. You can also change your voice to sound like someone just by listening to them talk for a little while.

Independantly wealthy (1250CP) – Wether you come from old money or own a corporation or two, you are quite wealthy. Your wealth has its up and downs as its used to fuel whatever affliation you are a part of, put you are never without 500,000 you can use.

Cobra Hierarchy (1050CP) – You are one of the higher ups of cobra, somewhere below Cobra Commander and Destro and basically jockeying for position with Baroness, Zartan, and the Twins. You can order countless troops around though don't expect competency. Also you will be expected to lead operations on occasion and will be held accountable if you fail. Though for the most part just expect that to involve people insulting and sniping (in the verbal terms of the phase) at you.

Cobra-La background (750CP) – You were born of the nobility of Cobra-La, an ancient civilization that dominated the Earth and retreated to a protective dome during the Ice Age. You left the Dome around the same time Cobra Commander was sent out to try to destroy human civilization. If you take this option Cobra-La will be placed in the Gi Joe setting you went to, and will be an issue at some point. Though probably in a similar vien to the movie, but might be a reoccurring friend/foe. If you join Gi Joe or a drop in and take this option, you are a traitor to your people and can expect a Spore bath if they catch you. If you are a member of Cobra, Cobra Commander takes much the blame as he did in the movie, and you are not blamed for Cobra's failure. Though Globius might have a low opinion on you depending on how you acted.

Cobra-la biotechnology – You leave Cobra-La with a fairly indepth knowledge of Cobra-La's biotechnology. It's not all comprehensive but will get better in time. As such you can make biological items, weapons, and vehicles equivalent to or surpassing their hard tech counterparts. You can also identify biotech and will have a good idea of how it works and what it does. This would also apply to other Jumps with biotechnology and means you can master those sciences easier. Even truly alien ones. By the time you leave the Jump you can even upgrade humans into bio-soldiers in much the same manner as Cobra-La can, and make truly impressive (also weird and bizarre) biotech.

Robotics – You are a master of robotic engineering. You can make robots of about any shape and size, from the standard cobra B.A.T. to robot dogs companions for annoying kid sidekicks. You are also quick good at pointing out weaknesses of enemy units in the field. You could also make power armor and similar items with this perk.

Genetic engineering (700CP) – The science of twisting DNA is yours. Making protoplasmic bio-vipers to merging humans with animal DNA you could do it all...and you could also cure it.

Synthoid manufacture (600CP) – This is the weird science of making protoplasmic duplicates of human beings. Synthoids seem human enough enough to pass as their copied victims, but how exactly does it work? Well you now know the answer. You could take over entire operations with these beings..and you're just as good identifying and dealing with these beings when you discover them.

Psychological warfare (400CP) – Cobra loves mind control, whether its songs with subliminal messages to make Cobra money, to headbands to force the Joes to fight to the death, they love them all. And you are an expert in the field. With this skill you can always tell when mental manipulation is involved, how it is happening, and how to stop it. You could easily make devices and means of doing it yourself if you were so inclined. You would also know how to make devices that make psionics stronger, or weaken, block, and defeat it.

Super weapons (100CP) – Your expertise covers the every growing market of weapons of mass destruction. Giant beam weapons that can teloport people everywhere to controlling the weather, if its meant to bring a city to its knees, you know about it. All of these devices however will take a massive expenditure of manpower and resources. Among rare elements that are the cornerstone of the device. Good thing you always know where to get them, good luck with getting past those giant worms! G. I. Joe will never let you make one...unless they need it to stop cobra's latest super weapon themselves... You repertoire of doomsday devices increases with the technology you are familiar with, you learn how to apply specialties to new super weapons. Robotics could make giant robots that grow as they eat metal. To mutagenic spores that could mutate the planet.

It's our only hope (0CP) – The more rediclous and absurd a plan gets the more likely it is to work. Your plans can now work on the idea of cartoon and thematic logic than common sense. If you need to take on cobra's stolen aircraft carrier that neuterlizes all technology used against it. Using a fleet of helicopters to bring in a wind powered sailing ship to the open ocean and use that is suddenly a good idea that might just work. These ideas are going to be accepted by your allies as well. They might call you crazy, but will go though with it.

Children's episode
Pride Go'eth before a fall
A pacifist in this outfit?

Location: Mars (Argent Tower)
Origin: UAC Researcher

Mythos Lore – You have been given knowledge of the truth of what the UAC stands for. The truth and power of what lies beyond that portal. The conquered world of Argent D'Nur and how it fell before the might of Hell. The many varieties of demon that serve in the forces of Hell, a vast army that conquers all. And with this knowledge comes renewed purpose, for you know now of humanity's destiny and how to attain it, or if you so choose, how to avert it. You now know the truth of FEAR: False Emotions Appearing Real.

Iron Mind (1700CP) – Because being influenced by outside parties is NOT how you like to run things. Never will the forces of hell, or any other, influence your mind without you knowing. Though this rock-solid mental defense can be broken with incredible effort, it CANNOT be broken without you knowing, giving you time to react.

Cult Occult (1500CP) – It's rather easy to unify your subordinates when you have something to rally them around. For you? Wrapping people around your finger, getting them to truly believe your cause, whether or not you believe it yourself? It comes as easy as breathing, and only rarely will you suffer a nonbeliever, even more rarely a traitor. All others will gladly die for your cause. In time.

Rise of Lazarus (1200CP) – The UAC's most closely guarded secret, the Lazarus Facility is a laboratory where demons are taken apart, put back together, and sometimes even created from "forcibly volunteered" employees. With access to these labs comes a great amount of knowledge regarding demon biology, both medical and arcane. You are capable of running your own demonic experiments, and are also taught the science behind the Lazarus Wave, a corrupted type of Argent Energy that turns humans into demons. Of course, as is, you have no control over these demons, and the original human is more killed and reanimated than transformed, but doing so furthers the UAC's cause, so don't delay!
You have mastered the art of not only creating and improving demons, but controlling them as well. The demons you create through the Lazarus wave (or otherwise) can be improved to be even stronger than their base counterparts, and any demons born of the Lazarus Wave will immediately become subservient to you and follow your orders. Any Lazarus Wave system you use will have a 100% success rate of conversion, as well.

The Doom Wiki – You've been hired as an employee of the UAC, and you definitely know your stuff. The futuristic technology of this world is at your disposal, and though Argent technology may be beyond your grasp, little else is beyond your capacity to modify or repair.

Gunsmith (1100CP) – When you derive your profit by extracting energy from a portal to hell, demonic incursions are the flavor of the week. As such, the UAC has a large army of security personnel, working around the clock to stop demons from killing too many employees. And you? You're one of the guys who makes the weapons they use to kill demons. From the lowly pistol to the mighty rocket launcher, you build stuff that blows up bad guys. Argent weaponry may be a bit beyond you, but all else? Heavy Ordinance is your jam.

Argent Power (900CP) – Now you've hit the big leagues. Argent Energy revolutionized many aspects of technology, and now you can incorporate it into your own designs to provide extra power, whether it be a gun or a cell phone. Energy weapons, using plasma instead of bullets, fully articulating powered robots, and more! With Argent Energy, what was once impossible becomes doable!

Argent Cybernetics (600CP) – The pinnacle of modern technology, Argent Energy powered Cybernetics can enhance anyone, from a normal human to demons themselves, making them faster, stronger, smarter, and deadlier. Now you too can harness these technological marvels for your own purposes, whether you're upgrading yourself or enhancing others.
You have come far in your studies, and achieved the pinnacle of cybernetic technology. If you so choose, you can have your brain transplanted into a superstrong robotic body, replacing parts of your brain with cybernetics to make you even faster and smarter than before. All cybernetics you create are more effective and energy efficient than before, and you can transplant others into custom made cybernetic bodies as well, if you so choose.

Prophecy of the Seraphim (300CP) – Your coming was foretold, wanderer. For whatever reason it may be, the Seraphim of Heaven have seen fit to grant you a blessing, enhancing your capstone perks significantly. Although the UAC and the forces of Hell are now aware of your status, they may not know it's actually YOU that's the one in the prophecy. But depending on your actions, they'll know soon enough. The prophecy states that you will stand to become either the savior or ruiner of Hell, so the choice falls to you.

BFG-9000 (0CP) – The brainchild of the ARC Facility, the BFG uses supercharged Argent Plasma to make anything in the general direction of the business end explode in a blast of lightning and gore. Fun!

Ultra Nightmare
Intel Integrated HD Graphics 3000

Age: 25
Background: Vinci

The March Of Technology – With how technology has begun to invade every part of Vinci life, from mining to trade to military operations, it's only logical that pretty much every Vinci has some skill in working with it. You are no different, and have learned how to more effectively maintain technology even without access to dedicated workshops. Fixing your broken-down steam tank in a ditch somewhere might not be as easy as having a foundry to restore your damaged parts, but you'll probably be able to get it working again.

Steam Cannons And Rockets (1450CP) – Vinci technology might not be very subtle, but it's very, very effective. Often, when a Vinci needs to deal with some obstacle in their way, the solution involves either mining, or gunpowder. Possibly both. Regardless, you've got a sixth sense for how to use any explosives, bombs, and methods you might possess. Finding that one spot where an Ultra Juggernaut is vulnerable to a cannon shell is as easy for you as picking the right placement of dynamite to break through a rock layer or landslide. You'll even know how to protect your ears from the noise, if you don't want to listen to the sounds of progress.

Tick-Tock (1250CP) – The many universities of the Vinci are ever pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge, and you stand at the forefront of their advancements. You are knowledgeable in the latest breakthroughs in automata motivation and aeronautic theories, clockwork machinery and engineering, and many other things besides. Backed by the powers of steam, electricity and your own intellect, you'll have everything you need to bring the Vinci into the future.

Master Of War (950CP) – Anyone can yell at a few troops and get them to shoot in vaguely the right direction. It takes a true leader to take a bunch of rabble, and turn them into the most disciplined, well equipped force in Vinci lands. Your gifts for warfare extend to every facet of the battlefield, but you are especially adept at wielding fear, both to your enemies and your own forces. Instilling a powerful sense of discipline and duty in your own forces under threat of punishment or prison is as easy as breathing, and developing new weapons of war to break the spirit of your foes takes only a little longer. You'll know how to build an industry based on ruthless efficiency, and if you choose it you'll easily bring all the artillery, chemical weapons, and men a battle needs... and your reputation might terrify your foes even worse.

Transcendant Form (650CP) – Normally, you would enter this world as a human being. This perk instead grants you a more powerful, inhuman alt-form based on one of the three factions. You must choose a single form to take, or purchase this perk multiple times for multiple options. All forms share certain benefits: they make you significantly larger, increase your physical strength and stamina, and remove your need to eat, drink, breathe or sleep. Finally, you new body will give you access to some form of ranged attack such as a built-in rocket launcher, the ability to breathe blazing-hot, magically charged sand, or energy beams you can form from your limbs. You may design your own appearance (within limits), provided it stays within the described theme. You can give yourself a form with flight, but at a substantial cost to your combat abilities. For your specific form, you have three options: First, you may become a clockwork A.I. within a large machine form, not unlike the clockwork scavengers of Monte Laguna. This form will improve your talent with all Vinci technology and abilities. Your second choice is to become an Alin genie, similar to Dahkla or Sawu. This form will grant you a natural talent with all Alin magics and abilities. Finally, you may choose to take the form of a magitek-powered statue similar to Cuotl Gods like Czin or Shok. This form will increase your talents with all Cuotl magitek and abilities.

Leading from on high (600CP) – A personal vehicle or mount can do wonders for one's battlefield mobility. You gain your choice of a personalized Vinci vehicle, a trained magical beast from the depths of the Alin deserts, or a floating altar-like construct such as those used by Cuotl priests. You may choose your own design (within limits), provided it stays within the described theme. It comes complete with a fairly powerful attack (guns, fire breath, and so on), and you may include flight at no extra cost, assuming you're okay with being two hundred feet high on something that doesn't quite agree with conventional physics.

Palace (100CP) – This magnificent structure provides lavish living areas, a fantastic view of the surrounding area, and everything an aspiring lord might require to live a life of luxury. It initially appears as would be appropriate for its starting location, but it also seems to subtly shift according to your wishes. You might start with the steel-and-wooden decor of the Vinci, only for the palace to eventually begin to include the sandstone arches and crystals of the Alin or the carved rock of Cuotl architecture when you no longer appreciate the old aesthetics. The palace is placed at the Crossroads (and provides that purchase for free), allowing it to serve as your center of operations for this location if you so choose. It also comes with the Foundry, Treasury and Reactor as free additions, which may be placed on the Crossroads and integrated into the Palace for a second access point outside your Warehouse.

Crossroads – You're the owner of a place of interest, and while it has little military value it still has considerable use in terms of tradition and influence. You might be the recognized lord of an old and obsolete but culturally significant fortress similar to Condottieri Castle, the caretaker of an important oasis along a desert trade route, the controlling interest in a mining or trading company, or otherwise be the one who makes the rules in a similar nexus of regional activity. Regardless of the exact nature of your property, if you play your cards right you'll find you can easily use the status of your position to gain an advantage in politics, trade, and other such connections with the rest of the world. The Crossroads doesn't follow you from jump to jump, but you'll own a different property in each world you visit beyond Aio.

Foundry – This smelting installation is installed into to the Warehouse, and can be used to store and process any Timonium (and similar metals) you possess in various ways. Smelters, smithing equipment and industrial machinery of all shapes and sizes can be found here, and it's remarkably easy to adjust or upgrade to account for your changing needs. In addition, it provides a constant trickle of molten Timonium or other metals you possess (according to your wishes), with the amount provided inversely proportional to how expensive or rare the metal is.

Treasury – This seemingly endless vault is linked to your Warehouse, and allows you to directly access any financial assets you possess regardless of their type. Secret caches buried halfway across the continent, numbered accounts in the Central Bank of Miana, and piles upon piles of precious metals from your factories will readily appear here if you but think about them as you walk through the ornate vault door. Likewise, once you leave you can have anything stored here moved to such places for safekeeping, and they will be converted to the appropriate currency without issue. Finally, the treasury will provide a limited income on its own, slowly filling itself with riches such as gold or precious gems (according to your wishes) without any effort on your part.

Reactor – This structure is linked to your Warehouse, and can be used to transfer energy across vast distances. The reactor allows you to wirelessly connect any of your energy sources and energy-using equipment, with at most a few small modifications necessary to convert the type of power to one appropriate for the item in question. The reactor can handle a nearly unlimited number of power sources and drains, but it provides only a small supply of energy on its own.

Clockwork Army (0CP) – Though individually weak, the Clockwork Men and Clockwork Spiders that make up this squad have some pretty useful advantages when working in a group. The more clockwork units that fight closely together, the greater the strength of every individual unit. In addition, the use of interchangeable parts means that these forces can replace damaged parts with more intact ones scavenged from their fallen brethren even in the middle of a battle. Consequently, while they are not too resilient these units pack a mean punch, and they will remain combat-capable far longer than opponents might expect. They are mostly suited for ground combat, but the Clockwork Spiders can use small rockets and an electrical web launcher to fight and trap air forces.

Served In Two Wars

Age: 27
Background: Researcher (1400CP)
Faction: Kel-Morian Combine.
Location: Moria

Marine, the most basic of all terran units, and the backbone of terran military might. This companion is a skilled commander, military strategist, and a crack shot with every weapon. Squad size 8

Marauder (1350CP), heavy unit that launches a variety of grenades, they are an expert in explosives and controlled, or not so controlled demolition. Squad size 4

Firebat (1300CP), heavy unit that uses flamethrowers and missiles, expert battlefield analysis with an artistic side. Caution, artistic side usually involves fire. Squad size 4

Reaper (1250CP), demolition and scouting unit that comes with a jetpack. Actually an expert in training, or more accurately chemically reconditioning reapers, they are very skilled at directing drugged up lunatics, and forming them into a skilled fighting force. Squad size 6

Medic (1200CP), skilled and quick medical care, even a bit of machine repair, also a very skilled pilot, and very knowledgeable about biology. Squad size 6

Ghost (1150CP), light stealth unit with psychic powers, has expert use of their psychic powers to do things you might not have thought possible. Though they have a hard time reading minds, and are no more powerful than you with the psychic power option, they are also a skilled teacher, and great at training psychic potential. Squad size 4

Spectre (1100CP), light stealth unit with psychic powers, is more powerful than the Ghost, but has less skill, slight rage issues but a great friend that is always there for you. They know how to enhance your power if you chose the psychic power option and can teach you to use that power. Squad size 4

Connections – You easily see the connections between subjects, no matter how far apart, and rapidly realize how whatever you are working on fits in with other things you already know.

Digital Work (1000CP) – You gain a large boost to your ability to use computers and advanced devices, making it so that you work much faster than normal with no more mistakes than you would normally, you can also quickly learn and utilize any digital interface. You also gain 250 more actions per minute when playing any strategy game.

Immunity (850CP) – Something about you just doesn't let the Zerg infect you, chemicals, parasites, viruses, psychic influence, the Zerg can't use any of them on you. Mind affecting drugs and organisms just hold no sway with you, you can even keep your cool when others would be shitfaced, stoned, zombified, or otherwise impaired. As an added bonus the damaging effects of poison and drugs are cut in half, and ordinary illnesses don't affect you either.

Tech Expert (550CP) – You have a full understanding of terran technology, and a proper foundation for understanding alien technology and biology, while you will never truly come to an understanding of zerg biology or protoss technology, the insight you have into them can be used to enhance other technology greatly.

Agreeable (350CP) – People tend to agree with you a bit more, and tend to find your presence more agreeable. While it won't help if someone hates you already or if they already hold a position opposed to you, but people aren't inclined to dislike your presence. In fact if you turn up somewhere you shouldn't, people won't mind as much, and you might even slip through things as though you are just supposed to be there. You also obtain the ability to summon a clipboard, cup of coffee, and a pair obscuring shades seemingly at will, or universe equivalents of these items.

Machinery (50CP) – It doesn't matter much what it is or does, if you know what it does, you know how to get it to do its job. Also helps to repair systems if you have some idea of how they work.

Credits (0CP) – $25,000 credits with each purchase, a sizable sum of money to help you get started.

The Great War
Dominion Crimina
Stim Addiction

Race: Dwarf
Age: 18
Background: Inventor
Starting Location: Dernholm

Wired Watchmaker – Long hours hunched over the machinery and books that define your profession have left you with a keen eye for detail. Your eyesight is excellent even in the occasionally poorly-lit workshops you frequent, and your mind has sharpened to the point you'll easily remember the details of any schematic you're trying to assemble. You can still wear that monocle of course, but this time, you'll wear it for style!

Scrounging (1000CP) – It's a sad fact that finding the right materials and components for your research and manufacturing can be a difficult task. Collecting the necessary tools to create Molotov Cocktails and Healing Salves might be fairly easy, but for more complex devices it can take days to find the things you need. Lesser inventors might need to keep track of every source of tools, from the General Store to the local junk merchant to areas for finding medicinal herbs... but not you! Your keen sense for finding the materials you need means you'll always have a vague idea of just where to go to buy that Minute Steamworks, Tesla Coil, or Spirit Of Camphor, and you're quite likely to walk into the store right when they're on discount. Amazing!

Schizo-tech Expert (800CP) – Technology advances in leaps and bounds, which may leave the enterprising inventor with some compatibility issues. After all, upgrading the old model of steam-powered Automaton with an electromagnetic hydraulics system may give it the dexterity to paint works of art as much as cleave your foes in half, but that's hardly a success if the optical systems receive interference and rend your servitor blind! You've become exceedingly adept at integrating multiple kinds of technology, especially when the various parts would normally be incompatible. Using different energy sources, blending outdated design principles with the latest advancements of the future and more are all within your grasp. Incredible!

Magebane (500CP) At once an unfortunate consequence of technological advancement and the mark of one who's reached the pinnacle of his own craft, it is well known that a respected inventor can warp the magical energies of those around him through his very presence. Through meticulous study of this effect, you have learned how to create and direct a fantastic resonance wave that draws on nearby technological devices to enforce the might of reality upon those you target. With every scientific law or technology you've mastered, the effect grows stronger until a master inventor can send the Ether churning with little more than a flick of his wristwatch. Understanding the technologies devised in Arcanum will be most effective for this ability, but other forms of technological ingenuity will also provide a benefit. Causing the spells and enchantments of even the greatest magicians to fizzle and unravel has never been this easy!

Magitek Adaptation (100CP) – It is not possible to combine magic and technology, everyone knows this... but once upon a time, everyone knew magic was the only path to power, and they, too, were proven wrong. After learning that ages ago, in the old society of Vendigroth, their inventors and engineers found a way to manipulate even magic with their devices... you have taken the first steps on a path that no other inventor in Arcanum has found since. Magic defies all laws of physics, but it does obey laws of its own, and with rigorous study you will be able to discover how to tap into these alterations of the natural world. Initially, you'll be hard-pressed to build devices that use the simplest of spells from Arcanum's magical disciplines, but as you experiment and your experience grows, you'll be able to wield more and more of the spells of this world. Eventually, you'll even be able to use technology to wield magics from the worlds beyond Arcanum. Impossible, but true!

Designs – This small portfolio contains any three schematics of your choice, out of any you might find in Arcanum. You may choose both standard technologies such as the Feather Weight Axe and Elephant Rifle, as well as prototype inventions that aren't found in the curriculum of the technological disciplines, such as those for the Miracle Cure, Electro Armor or Tranquilizer Gun.

Grenades – This fireproofed box is filled with explosive ordnance, from the humble flash and smoke grenades to the terrifying explosive and knockout gas grenades. Each grenade is carefully labeled and includes a user's manual, although it does not come with any advice for throwing them beyond simply keeping a safe distance. You might want to practice your throwing skills with something a little less... volatile. The box replenishes used grenades in about a week.

Medical Arachnid (0CP) This amazing machine is a large spider-like robot the size of a large dog that's powered by a small steam engine. It's capable of basic friend and foe identification, and will provide medical treatment to you and anyone you designate as an ally. It can't heal poisons or diseases, but any physical injury will rapidly vanish in it's diligent care. If threatened, it will use the large blades at the ends of its limbs to rend your foes to shreds. Re-appears in the Warehouse in about a week if destroyed.

A Treatise on the Metaphysical Duality of Arcanum

Age: 32
Origin: Scientist (1500CP)

Degree – A degree in a hard science, none of that underwater basket weaving crap. You've become a doctor in at least one field.

Manufacture (1350CP) – You've got the mechanical aptitude to figure out how to construct most every kind of manmade device. Whether it's reassembling a gun, or designing a production and assembly line, you can make most anything within the limits of early 21st century tech with ease.

Anti-Mass Physics (1050CP) – Knowledge of exotic matter and its properties, as well as its interactions with normal matter. This knowledge gets you into the technological base for the devices found here, such as teleporters, dark matter weapons, and gravity manipulation among other things.

Vortessence (250CP) – The interactions between dimensions have opened your mind to the secrets of the Vortigaunt. While initially you may only use electrokinesis, you may also initiate others into the secrets of Vortessence. The more users of Vortessence are present, the more powerful the effects. Healing, temporal manipulation and resistance, and even a low grade hivemind are just the tip of the iceburg for the wielders of the Vortessence.

Crowbar – Because they always bring the new equipment still in its crate, and never open it for you.

Xen Crystal Collection (100CP) – A large number of crystals of varying purity of anti-mass, typically between 1-20% purity, with a number of near pure samples as well. Useful for a great deal of alien or gravitational technologies.

Barnacle Grapple (0CP) – This creature was modified to your biochemistry. The barnacle grapple is capable of using its "tongue" to act as a grapple, and will chew anything that reaches its mouth to shreds

I've got Crabs
War Crime
Swiss Cheese of the Damned

Age: 93
Identity: Professor

Genetically Engineered – You are genetically engineered giving you a fit and attractive body. You still age and you still get fat.

Mathematics – You are an incredibly talented mathematician, capable of blazingly quick mental maths as well as more complicated theoretical work.

Good News, Everyone! (1000CP) – You find that, bizarrely, people will generally stay calm and agreeable regardless of how outlandish and alarming the things you say are.

Rocket Science (800CP) – You understand the intricacies and mechanics of spaceship travel. You know precisely how to make a Dark Matter Accelerator to create a vessel capable of moving the universe around it.

Inventor (500CP) – You are a brilliant (if eccentric) Inventor. You can (within reason) create nearly anything you can imagine if you put in the time. You have a cabinet full of doomsday devices and would be more than capable of slapping together Reverse Scuba Suits for fish or Death Clocks.

Ancient Bank Account (50CP) – You have the card and password to an account in your name from the late 20th century. Interest has caused the balance to go from 93 cents to $4.3 billion.

Lifetime Supply of Slurm (0CP) –An addictive soft drink. Several crates of Slurm cans. The crates refill daily


Age: 25
Kiith: S'jet

Scientific Aptitude – A fully inducted S'jet is taught from an early age in the various sciences that the Kushan have mastered in the best schools on Kharak. By the time they enter the workforce they have a fair understanding of the various fields along with a mastery of one or two specific ones. You share in this level of education and not only do you have a wide breadth of knowledge but also have the equivalent of a Master's degree in a science of your choosing.

Logistician (1800CP) – The Coalition has undertaken many great works over the past century in order to survive on Kharak, and the logistical acumen of Kiith S'jet played no small role in organising the materials for production. The expedition itself is going to take no small effort to plan and execute. With a little time and effort you are capable of organising supplies and equipment to get your fleet through the harshest conditions, and know how best to stretch them if supplies are cut.

Fortune Favours the Bold (1600CP) – Sometimes new discoveries require years of meticulous study, but sometimes they call for risky action. The S'jet are not strangers to high risk activities in the name of scientific advancement, yet somehow always seem to pull through. You are incredibly lucky when it comes to going off the beaten path. During a reactor containment failure you might fall in front of a pile of concrete to absorb the worst of the radiation, or if pursued by the enemy your allies will rush to your aid. This isn't fool proof, but if there is a way for you to survive a situation that is otherwise fatal, fate will conspire to make it happen.

Inspired Advancement (1300CP) – If there is one thing about the Kushan that's notable it is the very fast turnaround they have for developing new weapons and platforms. Often times they aren't pretty, and existing platforms are reused in a haphazard way, but they invariably work and quickly close the gap between the Kushan and their enemies. Witnessing a weapon firing a few times is enough to get you considering its operation, and within a matter of months you're able to put together a proof on concept. This process goes even faster with a dedicated support team and battle recordings, allowing you and your team to put together a working design in a matter of hours.

Taiidan Satellite and Uplink (700CP) – Dropped in orbit by the Taiidan for unknown reasons before she plummeted to the desert, this surveillance satellite also comes equipped with a powerful energy weapon and impressive propulsion systems that allow it to manoeuvre and fire accurately at any ground target, leaving them devastated. It has a wide beam and a narrow beam fring mode for large, lightly armoured formations and heavily armoured targets respectively. The uplink can be installed into your Baserunner and the satellite will follow you, jump to jump, appearing in a polar orbit over your drop-in location.

Direct Machine Terminal Interface (550CP) – This interface is a superior method for coordinating massive production networks via a single controlling source with minimal latency, reducing manufacture times for all classes of vehicles.

Graphene Alloy Fabricator (400CP) – This device, capable of assembling atomic carbon structures in vast quantities, can substantially reduce production times across all heavily armoured vehicles.
Tithe of the Wanderers (200CP) – A brutally effective explosive compound that is very easy to reproduce and integrate into missile warheads and bombs.

Quantum-Entangled I/O Array (0CP) – An advance interface that accommodates massive amounts of data transfer. This artifacts uses quantum effects in a method that exceeds the speed of light, reducing the load on the carriers support network, allowing more support craft like baserunners to be fielded.

Environment suit – The harsh Karaki desert reaches inhospitable temperatures. Once in the Dreamlands, it's impossible to survive long without an environment suit.

Supplies Intercepted
Operation Skaal Brii

Age: 5000
Location: Bunker
Origin: Machine
Sub-Origin: Terminal (1500CP)

Illogical Defence (1100CP) – You exist to be the secret knife of YoRHa, the weapon that is used against itself in order to keep the organisation bound together and free of dissent. What use is such a weapon if it lost control and was turned against YoRHa as a whole? Thankfully you are proof against such infections. No virus will invade your systems, no hostile could hack into your data nor control your mind. You cannot be affected by any sort of infection or attempt to control your mind or body, save for brute force things such as actually picking up and throwing you.

Mechanica – If you decided to become a Terminal, then you lack a body entirely. You're a being of pure data, existing within the Machine Network as one of its controllers. So long as you have a network or database to be in, you can continue to live. You've got an incredible level of natural control over the digital world, certainly far beyond any of the petty little hackers in YoRHa. You might not be a literal God within the online environment but it'll take a terrifically advanced opponent to come near your influence.

A to B to C – It's important that you and your siblings remain in agreement. The three Terminals rule over the Machine Network, controlling it, directing its' evolution and ensuring the perpetuation of the endless war. Even a brief disagreement between Terminals could throw the entire network into chaos. A prolonged one? It could open yourself up to actual danger from the pawns in this war. While you'll still have disagreements with the other two from time to time, you can now be secure in the knowledge it won't leave a gap in your defences for long. So long as you would eventually be able to reach a compromise or solution, all parties in an argument with you included will do so instantly. It will be as if you had all talked it over for hours yet only take an instant for all of you to reach the same conclusion as each other. You'll gain no more influence than normal in these quickened discussions however.

Surpassing the Creator (1000CP) – The aliens made you with a purpose. They defined you with rules. Behaviours. Limits. Your siblings bent those rules and exterminated their creators. You broke them entirely. The only limits and rules you follow are those you choose to. You're no longer bound by any sort of programmed rules or biological instincts or even supernatural restrictions on your behaviour or free will. You are aware of them and to those unaware of your freedom, you may even appear to still be restrained by them, but you can choose to act as you will entirely unrestricted by them. A god of the machine can't be bound by mortal rules.

What the Maker has Wrought (800CP) – Machines and Androids both were formed by the hands of the Terminals. Originally as weapons against the defender of this world, eventually as the two sides to a manufactured war to bring purpose to your existence. When it comes to artificial creations, such as machines or androids or even weapons, you're nearly unmatched in your ingenuity. Not only are you a master at creating them already, improving your creations and researching new advancements in these fields is a breeze. Your skills are even such that you no longer need to sacrifice function for form. As long as you're not too over the top, your creations will never suffer a loss in capability even if they look awkward. Those illogically leggy, bottom heavy Androids will be every bit the capable warrior as less absurd looking robots.

Deus Machina (500CP) – As an Artificial Intelligence, you are limited to the digital world. You could possess the body of a machine for certain but such a thing is...limiting at the best of times. Wouldn't it be grand if you weren't so harshly limited? If you could physically act without relying on the admittedly weak bodies of your machine pets? Now you can, in a limited way. The real world is no longer so different from the digital one to you. The blocks and code of the computerized realm exist in reality as well, so long as you look at things a certain way. The powers you have as a Terminal, as well as any other similar data related powers, now work outside of the computer though at a weakened level. Whatever your powers may be online, they will be significantly weakened in reality if channelled through this ability. As a Terminal, you might be nigh unstoppable online but in reality, your powers would be closer to that one might expect of a fantasy wizard. Teleportation, cloning yourself a dozen times over, manipulating matter in a short area around yourself, transmuting objects or even overriding the minds of others potentially. You are no longer such a god as you were in the digital world but your powers remain terrible indeed.

Bag of Chips – All machines in this world have a number of computer chips within them. Called Plug In Chips, they allow the being in question to turn on, maintain operation and control what senses they have. For free for any origin save Strange Being, you gain the basic set of Plug In Chips that allow you to function and interact with the world. YoRHa agents will gain a few extra chips that allow them to have a basic HUD, similar to a videogame, containing features such as a health measurement system, a map and so on. Plug In Chips can upgrade the functions of a robot's body, making them faster or improving their mental faculties or even giving them incredible new abilities but all robots can only handle so much increased power due to these Chips, though that storage can be upgraded. You'll need to find or buy more Chips to gain such effects however.

Picture Book – Many robots lack the ability to speak, at least in understandable ways. They found other ways to communicate though, through actions or pictures. Picture books in particular became quite popular in some areas. The one you hold now is special. It does depict images and stories but not some prewritten tale. The book picks up on the memories and stories of those who are slain by the book's owner, revealing their life stories and memories in the form of a story book tale. The book may bring understanding of your fallen foes but be wary, as you may find yourself feeling regret once you know the truth. Or maybe just vindication, depending on the story.

The Recycling Towers (300CP) – The Recycling Towers are a set of ten large, floating metal structures. Each one is quite massive, containing many floors and enough room for tens of large robot soldiers to be in. While they would certainly do well as heavily armoured, flying troop transports, their real use is in the gathering and reconstruction of matter. Each tower can suck up physical objects or materials from beneath it, gathering them and then reconstructing the matter to a more preferable form inside the Tower. The towers creation abilities are not absolute but it is still able to create almost any of the machine life forms in this world, which can be quite complicated, and it may be possible to program more complex instructions into the fortresses.

The Ark (0CP) – A great white vessel, built to soar into the stars. The Ark is the final creation of the Machine Network, a vessel capable of travelling interstellar distances in search of a new home for those transported. It does not take on physical passengers however, instead holding effectively unlimited storage space for digital matter. The Ark was capable of holding the entirety of the Machine Network's minds at once. The data held within the Ark is impervious to interference from the outside as long as those within do not reach out, protected by the holy white walls of the great ship. The Ark also possess some limited ability to create new machines, originally intended to eventually remake physical forms for its bodiless passengers. Even if you aren't a machine, you'll be able to transfer your consciousness into this Ark and the minds of any other willing participant as well.

Automated Misery
What Was Sacrificed
Flesh Against Steel
Nothing Is As It Seems

Age: 25
Species: Centauri
Allegiance: Darkness
Profession: Explorer
Location: Homeworld

Coming Up Again It's Not So Terrific – You choose how you digest food, allowing you to eat as much as you want without gaining weight or to subsist off food your species couldn't normally process.

But In Purple, I'm Stunning! (2550CP) – Looks are important, especially so for a Centauri. Any outfit you wear will be regarded as stylish and fashionable and probably cute. This effect is amplified if the outfit is purple.

Great Maker! (2450CP) – You have a way with words, many of them very descriptive, many of them vulgar. This gift allows you to create sympathy out of all of the little misfortunes the universe throws your way. Even your worst enemies won't be able to help feeling sorry for you.

We Centauri Live Our Lives For Appearances, Position, Status, Title (2300CP) – What is a Centauri without position? When part of a society that has nobility, you will hold a position as at least a minor noble and people will recognize you as such.

In The Great Old Days Of The Republic (2100CP) – Once the Centauri Republic held most of known space; perhaps, with the right leadership, it can again. Organizations you lead grow in size, strength, and influence more easily and rapidly than normal.

A Dream Of Death (1800CP) – The Centauri dream of their own death, knowing when and how. This destiny can be changed, however. Whenever you are fated to die, you will receive a dream (sleeping or not) that shows you many of the details surrounding it so that it may be averted, if you make the right choices.

Sky Full Of Stars – Your navigation skill is rivaled by few. You always know what path you came in on and it's nearly impossible to get you lost.

That Is Why We Signed The Treaty In The First Place (1750CP) – The thing about exploring is a lot of times somebody already lays claim to ground you wish to walk (or the tomb you wish to pillage). You find securing rights of passage and permission to study in places whose owner is not actively hostile easy, as is securing a fair or better arrangements as to how to divide the spoils.

The Fun Of Being An Archaeologist (1650CP) – Who would have thought travel and study would require so much paperwork? Now it doesn't. You find that paperwork, in general, tends to take care of itself, leaving you to focus on more interesting matters or at least ones more demanding of your personal attention.

No Lock I Can't Get Through (1500CP) – Many of the intact treasures of the galaxy are such due to the trouble gone to to protect them, but every lock has a key and every booby trap a workaround. You can break, bypass, or disarm all but the most advanced locks, traps, and safeguards not under active supervision.

So Many Dead Worlds (1300CP) – The galaxy is littered with them and no small number are worth a closer look. You have a very strong intuition on how and where to find lost ruins with advanced civilizations, forgotten treasures, and forbidden knowledge and can trust your gut to get to the right planet (or right few square km in planet bound settings) though exact locations may require scouting.

Off Beacon (1100CP) – Few survive going off the beacon in hyperspace, but you'll manage. Where there is a way back, through, around, or in between, you'll find it. Attempts to thwart your progress with dimensional displacement, magical mazes, uncharted shifting realms of chaotic unreality will inevitably fail.

A Hundred Patents I Could Exploit (800CP) – One way to cash in is to find something you can patent which means you have to understand it. Now any object you examine for a few hours will provide enough understanding of the technology to detail what every piece of it is, how it works, and the science behind it, though not necessarily the science that created it.

One With The Darkness (300CP) – The Vorlons were not the only ones to modify young races to their cause. You have been outfitted with techno-mage implants and instructed in their use. Create items out of the atoms of the air, coat yourself in personal shields and armor, teleport, create collapsing pocket universes, the power of the techno-mage is vast.

Credit Chit – The debit card of the 23rd century, starts with fund on it for a month's worth of modest living. Each additional purchase costs 50.

Comm Link – Long range communication device, attaches neatly to the back of your hand or in more conventional form. Genetically coded for your use only.

Identicard – This is the preferred legal documentation of the galaxy. With this you will appear as a legal resident and citizen of your chosen race here.

Clothes – You receive a set of clothes appropriate to your race and calling in your size, such as a uniform for a soldier. Each additional purchase costs 50.

Purple Files (0CP) – Everyone has secrets, but not from you. A self-updating document that contains all of the secrets of any one faction. A new faction may be added each jump.

Favorite Thing in the Universe
Minbari Alcohol Tolerance
Smell like pak'ma'ra
There are more of you!
Death Blossom
Between the Darkness and Light

Origin: Scientist (1250CP)
Age: 30

Back Off Man, I'm A Scientist – You're a scientist, not only that but a certified scientist with a degree and everything. Mostly focusing on radiation and it's effects on living creatures but you god a good grasp on the other necessities like math & such.

Ducktape + Lightbulb = Railgun (1150CP) – No matter what you have you can almost always put some sort of weapon or tool from either the things you have on you or that are in the area. a few thermal packs and some tubes could make you a flamethrower.

We Can Rebuild Him (950CP) – With all these dead monstrosities around you'd think someone would use them for something. Well that someone is you. With the right equipment you can use the corpses of dead creatures to create cyborg-like monsters. you can even create giant robots capable of fighting against all these creatures. You never know, a giant turtle with laser-beams could come in handy sometimes. As a side bonus you can store these Things in a new section of your warehouse and call them out with a press of a button. You can customize how they appear but they are beamed down from the sky by default.

Leviathan Tech (650CP) – Though the actual name of the species is unknown you have acquired and understand a lot of their technology. Creating a machine that alters the environment automatically for any species to survive and altering the genetic code of animals is child's play with this shit. As a bonus you also get a sample of every prehistoric animal that ever existed on earth.

Research Grant (600CP) – $1,000,000 in cold hard cash. It should fund your adventures through this world for a while atleast.

Baby Godzilla Egg - Build Your Own (100CP) – Well lucky you, you've somehow acquired one of the eggs laid by the original Godzilla. It'll imprint on you once it's born but, these things are only about the size of a human at first though it will grow quickly to be hundreds of feet tall. This one can somehow Shrink it's size down to a similar size to babies of it's kind. Dunno how but it's mutation bullshit. For twice the cost you may make it able to breed. Also may benefit from companion options. Alternatively you may instead opt to build your own unique monster from 800cp using the Monster Powers Section.

Monster Perks
Cybernetic (800CP) – Maybe instead of being a giant monster you want to have a humongous mech or a cyborg monster. That's alright you can do that, all other monster powers are integrated as cybernetic weapons or a mix of cyber & organic parts. This also has the added bonus of equipping you with some rocket launchers & mini-guns.

Atomic Breath (500CP) – Just like the G-Man. it can be either a beam or a flame-like breath attack. might give off trace amounts of radiation.

Shell (300CP) – Your skin, scales, or whatever you have is now extremely resistant. Normal military weaponry like rockets & tank shells will have little to no effect on your toughened hide.

Lasers (0CP) – You can shoot lasers or maybe form a blade from it, you might even just generate some sort of energy. Whatever the case you could probably destroy a tall building in a single hit with it.

French Spies
It's Kind Of Offensive

Age: 24
Starting Location: Null Void
Species: Galvan (900CP)
Background: Plumber (700CP)

Plumber Training – You're a veritable encyclopedia of galactic law and know how to operate Plumber equipment whether it's a gun, tank, or spacecraft. You're only as good as a standard Plumber (so not very), but as they say, practice makes perfect.

R&D – You have the technical knowledge to build and even improve on Plumber equipment. You shouldn't have much of a problem reverse-engineering other alien tech with enough time either.

Animojo (400CP) – When it comes to genetics you're one of the best in the universe. Not only can you manipulate the DNA of living things to change them to suit your purpose, but you can even bring long dead species back to life. On top of all this, you also possess the knowledge to build the equipment you need from components you could find at your local electronic and home repair stores.

Studious (300CP) – While this perk doesn't make you any smarter per se, it does allow you to absorb information easier and study for much longer periods of time without growing tired.

Alien Harem (0CP) – There's just something about you that seems to attract the romantic attention of aliens, magical beings, mutants, and people with weird stuff going on in general whom you might find attractive. This will usually manifest as a low level crush unless you do something to draw their attention further or are really their type, but if you aren't careful there is a small chance you might just start a galactic war. Luckily with some careful social maneuvering it shouldn't take much work to turn a romantic attraction into a platonic one as long as they aren't crazy for you.

Space Suit (Free): A well armored suit that can allow you to survive in a variety of environments no matter your species.

Laser Rifle (Free): Your standard "not actually a laser" space gun.

Plumber Badge (Free): A standard issue Plumber Badge. It not only show that you're a Plumber, but it also has a built in universal translator, communicator, Extranet connection, locator device to track other Plumber Badges, and an override function that can be used to unlock Plumber and poorly encrypted electronics. Do be aware that impersonating a Plumber is a felony, so if you aren't one you should probably keep your badge hidden.

Jumper 10,000
The Most Dangerous Game
Null Void

Age: 26
Origin: Big Business (1200CP)
Race: Humans
Location: Manhattan Island, New York

Well Read (1150CP) – You have an extensive knowledge of literature and philosophy, especially the works of Shakespeare. Sartre, Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky are all as easy to recall as what you had for lunch today. Why is this a perk? Just trust me.

Tech-Adapting – By spending a few moments examining a machine, you can figure out how it's most basic functions work. Driving vehicles you've never encountered and operating strange computers is never outside your ability. Longer times spent studying a device increases your understanding, obviously.

Pragmatism – You have an accurate idea of when someone will be useful in the future, as well as when it's time to cut your losses. Know when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em, and when to run. You'll also never show more of your hand than necessary for a plot to succeed.

Machinist (1050CP) – You are an expert mechanic. You can rebuild and improve a helicopter in 12 hours or create a functional motorcycle from spare parts. If honed, this ability will let you make nearly anything from incredibly advanced robots to nanite swarms in only a few months time.

CEO (950CP) – You own a company and it practically runs itself. However, that doesn't mean you don't know how this company works. Business acumen is your forte and any steps you make to advance a company pay off three-fold. Expect to receive bonuses often. This applies to any business you can gain control over, or even just create, provided you aren't intentionally crashing it.

Doing Machiavelli Proud (750CP) – Sometimes people need a little push to join in on your plans. You can calculate just what you have to do or say to get people right where you want them. Friends and enemies alike will fall for your schemes and won't know what hit them until after you're long gone. And those public opinion polls? Don't worry about them, you're doing just fine.

Mad Biologist (450CP) – You know how to make DNA dance like a Las Vegas Showgirl. Whether you want to clone someone, modify a living person's biology, or some combination of the two, it's all in your grasp now. You just need to find the right samples, the right equipment, and it all works out.

Xanatos Gambit (150CP) – You are a master of plans. Dovetailing, back-up plans, and even a bit of off the cuff villainy are as natural to you as breathing. You have plans within plans within plans and no matter what happens, you always seem to come out ahead.

Loadsamoney 2x – 200,000 American dollars or the local equivalent. You could probably use this to survive for a couple years. Or you could get a job.

Jetpack (50CP) – A metal contraption you can strap to your back to fly using powerful jets. Makes getting around a breeze, but will explode if hit hard enough

Laser Gun (0CP) – A laser rifle capable of high and low energy blasts. One shot will kill most people but only severely injure main characters. Never runs out of power.


Location: Berlin
Origin: Nazi Scientist (Yeah I'm defecting pronto.)
Age: 27

Say It Right – Your job definitely requires a certain mindset to last long in. Carving up live humans and subjecting people to some of the worst treatments imaginable. Takes a real freak to enjoy that sort of stuff for years on end. You seem to fit the mold or at least that's what everyone tells you. You're creepy enough to make skin crawl just by seeing you and you give people the shivers when you actually speak. That creepiness works to your advantage though, as the fear you cause can easily substitute for charisma or respect among your subordinates.

Bloody Science (1700CP) – The great leaps this empire has made were only possible at these speeds because of the horrific lengths you and your peers went to get them. It's true too, by making those same cuts in ethics, you can gain back a whole lot of progress. The more callous and cruel your experiments and research is, the faster they'll progress and more results they'll yield. What might take decades of progress could be done in years or for those willing and able to enact wide-scale monstrosities, even just months. You'll find these effects also working to a lesser extent on those you teach or what you create, rather than just your research.

Skullface (1300CP) – You are a leading light in the Nazi's science division. Calling yourself brilliant would be a humble remark indeed. You've got a mind like one of the greats, even Totenkopf himself is only ahead of you due to experience, not innate ability. While your mental ability in all areas is great, you particularly excel in science made for war. Weapons, bombs, super soldiers and monsters. When it comes to turning knowledge to violence, your skills heightened greatly. You'll find your knowledge in these areas growing by leaps and bounds so long as your primary reason for the study is to turn it into a military gain, though like with much of the Reich's achievements, non-military uses later are of course acceptable.

Secret Thieves (1000CP) – To be entirely factual, the Nazis did not get most of their technology through their own scientists. As genius as some of their men may be, they could not win the war for Germany. In irony, or perhaps the reason for those horrible events, their science is based on the work of the Da'at Yichud, an ancient group of Jewish scientists dating back thousands of years. You were one of the men placed in charge of translating and reverse engineering their work and by god are you good at it. Even technology like this, hundreds or thousands of years ahead of what is considered modern elsewhere in the world, you can understand it with ease. Even when working with principles or laws of physics you do not understand, you are able to figure out how and why it works. You can reverse engineer almost anything with ease, allowing you to have understanding within a day, schematics within a week and, provided you have the right resources, working replicas within the month. Some technology, like things beyond even the Da'at's work, may take longer, but you'll still work faster than any peer. You'll also find it easy to combine that newly deciphered technology into your existing level of technology, though combining it with an actual existing piece of tech likely takes other types of skills.

Da'at Yichud Library (600CP) – Attached to your warehouse or a property that you own is one of the Da'at Yichud libraries, one identical to the one the Nazis discovered decades ago. Contained within is a vast wealth of information on the Yichud's technology, covering everything the Nazi's recovered and several times more that they have not yet deciphered. Even the painstaking process of reverse engineering the technology stored here would allow a country to accelerate its technological growth by decades with ease. Who knows what nigh-magical inventions the upper limits of this storage room contains.

Beloved Puppy (Robot) (400CP) – Oh Lassie, you look rather…shiny. Are those metal legs? Yes, you saw that right. The Nazi's do like their dogs but when it comes to a military man's pet, it's gotta be a cyborg. Much more effective in a fight. You've got a beloved pet dog, that loves you back totally, that has been enhanced with significant cybernetic implants, making it a much more lethal animal. You can choose whatever breed you want, though hopefully it'll be a proper German hound. If you're willing to pay another 400CP, discounted to scientists, you can instead get a fully robotic dog the size of a small truck, able to breathe fire and smash its way through stone walls. It too, loves you. But letting this one cuddle you is rather more dangerous.

Uber Concrete (300CP) – The miracle invention that allowed the Nazis to build whole cities and castles all across the world in a few years when it would have taken them, normally, an absurd amount of time and money. Uber concrete is an easily producible, ultra tough and sturdy material used in all Nazi military buildings. You've got a large, constant supply of the stuff, enough that you could fill a swimming pool every day with it if you just let it pour. Your supply doesn't have the mould problem either, where a dangerous and sickening mould would eventually grow on uber concrete not maintained.

Moon Base Two (0CP) – The Lunar Base! Perhaps the premier achievement of the Third Reich. A gigantic, fully outfitted science lab on the moon containing all the top secret projects of the Nazis. Yours does lack these projects but is every bit as big and well-defended as the original, with both robot and human guards aplenty. There's every kind of laboratory and scientific tool you could want here, along with landing pads here and on Earth, usually on a property you own if possible, so you can quickly transport yourself between each location, transport rockets that can travel this distance in an hour come free of charge.

Early Start
Imprisoned in a camp
Out for Blood
Dreams of Doom

Age: 80
Background: Thinker

Hacker – You know how to break into computers, subvert passwords, compromise digital networks. You'll always be able to find digitalized information about people no matter how difficult it should be.

Chemist (1500CP) – You've learned how to create drugs, steroids, medicines, and even deadly toxins like nerve gas. Additionally any chemical compounds you personally create can no longer kill you, however they can still cause unwanted side effects.

Engineer (1300CP) – You possess the knowledge and skill to build power armor, flying cars, complex weaponry, robotic drones, and other devices. Additionally anything you make is now slightly safer to use than the average consumer product and none of your inventions can cause fatal injuries through sabotage. Currently your technical skills are on par with Bruce Wayne but you can learn how to improve your talents by studying.

Mad Scientist – You're able to use your scientific knowledge to grant people superpowers! Pick one of the specializations below.

  • Geneticist (1000CP) – You're an expert in biology and you know how to create mutagens capable of transforming people into monstrous hybrids or giving individuals supernatural abilities. Additionally you'll always be able to figure out how to reverse mutations in both yourself and others.
  • Cyberneticist (700CP) – Through a combination of surgical and mechanical know how you can build and install cybernetic prosthetics and other mechanical augmentations that could remove physical disabilities, or turn people into living weapons. Aside from your technical skills you'll also gain the ability to make impractical augmentations, like chainsaw knees, actually useful.

Personal Computer – While it may be only slightly above average by today's standards, this small electronic tablet is a fair bit more powerful than the computers of 50 years ago. Aside from all the typical stuff you'd expect to find on any PC, this thing comes with a custom security program that'll protect your personal info, as well as some software that could be useful to hackers or scientists.

Splicer Mutagens (600CP) – Injections that will transform people into human/animal hybrids, granting them predatory traits and increasing their physical abilities. Unlike normal Splicer mutagens these won't cause any increased aggression or mental degradation, however mutated individuals will still gain some new animal instincts. Aside from the mutagens you'll also receive cures that reverse their effects. Also, injecting people with multiple mutagens (About three or four.) will temporarily transform them into large powerful inhuman chimeras. Each purchase gives you 10 mutagens with your choice of animals.

Supply Cache (400CP) – A large store of replenishing mechanical and electronic parts that can be used build or repair a wide array of weapons, gadgets, equipment, and cybernetics similar to what Batman and his enemies use.

Mysterious Serums (100CP) – This is formula will grant anyone injected with it all the abilities of the deadly shapeshifting criminal known as Inque. The mutagen transforms individuals into dark amorphous beings made of living liquid with several times their previous size and mass. This new from grants shapeshifting, enhanced strength, enhanced speed, adhesiveness to flat surfaces, and the ability to regenerate from just a few small puddles. Despite the incredible power these mutagens grant they also incur a severe weakness to water and electricity. Each purchase gives you 5 mutagens.

Money x2 (0CP) – Credits, small disposable plastic cards preloaded with various amounts of currency. One of the most important things you can have in this city, or anywhere for that matter. Each purchase gives you $10,000 worth of credits.


Age: 27
Origin: Super Scientist (900CP)
Location: The Amazon Rainforest

Cloning (800CP) – You have mastered various cloning techniques. You are capable of building the machines required to clone people, bring them to a suitable age and even copy and implant appropriate memories.

Superscience (600CP) – You are an expert in practically every mundane scientific discipline as well as engineering. Along with your considerable knowledge and intelligence you have an innovative streak that means you are definitely going to expand what is possible in various fields and invent things with real application.

Robotics (300CP) – You have a real knack with robotics of all sorts. Strength suits, giant flying battle robots and intelligent AIs with real personalities are well within your grasp. Within this field inspirations and discovery come incredibly thick and fast.

Hench 4 Life (100CP) – You tend to inspire a great deal of loyalty in those under your command. Once sworn to your service people will generally be willing to risk their lives in whatever crackpot scheme you've come up with.

Speedsuit – For the science-minded man who knows both comfort and ease and demands them. In a speed suit you say to the world, 'Look out! I know what I'm wearing for the rest of my life'. A short sleeved jumpsuit.

Learning Bed (0CP) – Can teach you while you sleep! Some information may be obsolete but you could probably reprogram it with the right know-how.

Origin: Scientist
Age: 37

Not So Ethical Science: For some reason people seem far more willing than to let your less than ethical practices go unremarked. This won't let you get away with murder, but human testing on volunteers, so long as they actually volunteered, will be let slide even when there are very sensible rules or lab protocols that would otherwise hold you back.

Incidental Inventor (1450CP): You are a skilled inventor and designer, able to craft a wide variety of tools years, if not decades ahead of the rest of the world, but that alone is not enough. You can create ancillary devices to aid in your endeavors, ranging from machine-neural interfaces to mechanized limbs precise enough to be used in scientific experiments, as well as shielding systems that could allow people to stand next to a fusion reaction without being lethally irradiated. Most, if not all, of the devices you build to aid in your scientific ventures will prove useful in other fields as well, such as the aforementoned manipulator limb turning out to be rather dangerous in a fight.

Beyond the Bleeding Edge (1150CP): Like Otto Octavius himself you possess a staggering intellect, enough to open the doors to what most would consider science fiction. With a few years study, maybe a decade or so on the outside, you could design super soldier enhancement formulas that would let an untrained fighter toss around grown men with ease, or a man sized hovercraft armed with a deadly arsenal of missiles and bombs. Even room sized fusion reactors are possible, though you may need some rare materials for something like that.

PhD: Maybe you majored in Bio, or possibly Chem, whatever the case you now have a fancy piece of paper that people will accept as proof of your level of education, regardless of your situation. If you're too young, or prove to know nothing about the subject people may suspect foul play. You can buy this a second tme at full price for a double major.

Lab (1050CP): A high tech lab, complete with full stores of chemicals, including several hard to get ones, and very advanced manufacturing facilities to create prototypes of your inventions. You are the head of R&D, and have an unusual degree of free reign. As long as what ever you study can be used, even tangentally, by the mysterious backing company fnancing your operatons, they'll contnue to fund you: highly competent research assistants will be hired and paid, new equipment and supplies will be delivered fairly regularly, and you'll be able to work on whatever you want in safety. You will also have privacy, as the employees will all be exceedingly loyal and stck to their NDA's with fervor. In subsequent jumps you'll be able to fnd a similar research positon - just go looking for it and you'll be ofered a job, often on that very same day.

Test Subjects (900CP): When you are performing genetic engineering, armor or weapons testing, or other scientific experiments it can sometimes be hard to find people willing to test them. Not anymore! This application form allows you to always find willing subjects, just fill out the form to specify a few categories for the sort of test subjects you want and generic 'people' will arrive the next day, ready for testing. They're nothing special, but you'll never run out of volunteers, and nothing will ever come of them going missing, almost as if they didn't exist before arriving at your lab. You'll never need to run tests on yourself with this never ending stack of forms.

Company (600CP): Not quite as big as Oscorp, this is still a sizeable operation in your choice of scientific field. You are the CEO, and can also take any other company positions you want without anyone batting an eye. If you want to be the Head Researcher, go for it. The Janitor? Ok. Both? Why not? Although your business isn't in fnancial strife, it also isn't doing as well as it otherwise might - it's going steady, and will contnue to do so unless you take steps to advance it. In other settings you can, with almost no effort, become CEO of a similar sized business, should you go looking for it. The business comes with a reasonable amount of manufacturing capabilites appropriate to the setng, and a few sometmes tenuous connectons to whatever passes for the local government, in whichever department best fits your scientfc feld.

Powers and Skills
Goblin Formula (300CP): You've gone through the Goblinization process, in which some rather dubious medical experiments were performed upon you in an attempt to create a super soldier. Unlike a certain other individual, this process has not driven you insane, instead the goblin has fused with your consciousness, increasing your willpower and determination greatly. The main benefit of the formula, however, is the increase to your strength and physical attributes. You can easily toss people around, and throwing a certain web-head through solid brick walls is well within your capability.

Extra Limb Harness (0CP): This belt-like apparatus comes with un-invasive neural connections, and an internal - and thus protected - control chip. It also comes with four manipulator arms several meters long, each capable of extending out several more meters. They are equipped with a number of useful features, such as lights, claw hands that also have cameras, blades, and even tweezers for more delicate manipulations. The manipulator limbs are extraordinarily strong, and could pick up rather heavy objects and move them around safely... or not so safely, as the case may be.

Emotional Powers
The Amazing Target!

Identity: CEO
Secret Identity: Villain
Age: 40

Administration: You know exactly how to run a business. From speaking to the press to managing employees to attracting shareholders, you know how to do it all. Any company under your leadership is guaranteed to become an industry lead in an amazingly short amount of time. You can talk the talk and walk the walk. Furthermore, people know it. Your administrative excellence is so obvious that you'll naturally climb the corporate ladder at a breakneck pace.

Cutthroat Competition (1700CP): You're the king of corporate espionage. You're a master at everything from stealing trade secrets to bribing security guards to sabotaging prototypes right before an expo to determine which company will get a government contract. Even better, you can always find the kind of people you can trust to carry out those deeds, because the only thing better than screwing over a rival company is screwing over a rival company without getting your hands dirty.

Perfect Publicity (1500CP): Sometimes politicians seem to get away with murder. Those amateurs have nothing on you. You have an incredible knack for getting away with just about anything and still end up being adored by the public. Illegally dumping nuclear waste in public parks? A corporate rival is murdered? Someone matching your description stole forty pies from a school bakery? They'll find that those were actually done by a maverick ex-employee trying to discredit your sterling reputation or some other equally plausible excuse. This won't work if you admit to any wrong doing or against anyone that actually sees you commit the crime, though video evidence will always turn out too blurry to actually determine who the perpetrator was. It will also fail to work against any actual law enforcement, although they won't have any evidence that would hold up in court.

Other Powers
Sane Science (900CP): Biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics are your tools. Progress is your purpose. With your intellect and enough time and resources there is nothing you can't accomplish. From cloning to robotics, nanotech to hard light, computer programming to space travel, anything is within your reach. Combined with the Mad Science power you will be a scientific genius able to equal some of the feats of the Kryptonians like intergalactic travel, Artificial Intelligence, and Phantom Zone Generators.

Villain Powers (+600CP)
Mad Science (900CP): They called you crazy! They said what you were doing was unethical! That was just kids play! Now you'll show them what it means to denounce the greatest scientific genius of our age! Maybe you'll make a teddy bear mech to destroy their cars, or a Barbie robot to assassinate them in their homes, or create a green soldier army with real assault rifle action! Those fools will rue the day the day they insulted you! Combined with the Sane Science power you will be a scientific genius able to equal some of the feats of the Kryptonians like intergalactic travel, Artificial Intelligence, and Phantom Zone Generators.

Heat Vision (500CP): A Kryptonian's deadliest weapon. Heat vision is essentially a high-intensity laser that will scorch anything it touches. This laser is extremely precise, and can be used to heat up cold drinks or lobotomize people as necessary.

Power Protection (300CP): Your supernatural abilities cannot be suppressed, stolen, weakened, or removed. Does not fuel your abilities if they have any kind of power requirements, and won't protect you from anything that weakens you directly and not your abilities. So a magical spell that would remove your superpowers would fail, but a spell that weakens you would still work.

The Corporate Throne Room: It's good to be king. This is The Office. Every single item in this room displays the immense wealth you have acquired without being ostentatious. This leather chair might just be the most comfortable in the world, and this desk is genuine ebony. Even the bookcase contains an exquisite collection that the Library of Congress would kill to have. After the jump it will become a warehouse attachment.

The Garage (100CP): A massive garage that would seem to fit better as a parking garage than a private one. This building is furnished with fully automated robotic mechanics that can fix almost anything, provided it is an automobile. While the garage starts with a massive variety of cars that you might expect a high power CEO to own, it also has a special function: expansion. Whenever you acquire a vehicle the size of a semi-truck or smaller the garage with grow an additional parking spot to accommodate it. More importantly, any vehicle that has a space in the garage and is irreparably damaged or destroyed will return, good as new, to its space after one week. After the jump it will become a warehouse attachment.

Private Yacht (0CP): Enjoy the finer things in life. Like this massive luxury yacht. It comes complete with all the amenities such as a full bar, an indoor swimming pool, an outdoor swimming pool, a casino, a personal theater, a small library, a conference center, a fully stocked kitchen, numerous bedrooms, and a virtual intelligence that controls and automates everything.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.